last modified January 10, 2023
In this section, we will introduce basic widgets in wxPython. Each widget will have a small code example. Widgets are basic building blocks of an application. wxPython has a wide range of various widgets, including buttons, check boxes, sliders, and list boxes.
is a simple widget. It contains a text string.
It is used to trigger an action.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this code example, we create a button widget. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) closeButton = wx.Button(pnl, label='Close', pos=(20, 20)) closeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) self.SetSize((350, 250)) self.SetTitle('wx.Button') self.Centre() def OnClose(self, e): self.Close(True) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
In the code example we create a Close button which terminates the application when pressed.
cbtn = wx.Button(pnl, label='Close', pos=(20, 20))
A wx.Button
widget is created. In the constructor of
the widget we provide the label for the button and the position
on the panel.
cbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose)
event is triggered when we click on the button.
We specify the event handler for the event.
def OnClose(self, e): self.Close(True)
In the OnClose()
method we terminate the application with
the Close()

is a button that has two states: pressed and not pressed.
You toggle between these two states by clicking on it. There are
situations where this functionality fits well.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this code example, we create three toggle button widgets. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) self.col = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0) rtb = wx.ToggleButton(pnl, label='red', pos=(20, 25)) gtb = wx.ToggleButton(pnl, label='green', pos=(20, 60)) btb = wx.ToggleButton(pnl, label='blue', pos=(20, 100)) self.cpnl = wx.Panel(pnl, pos=(150, 20), size=(110, 110)) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col) rtb.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.ToggleRed) gtb.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.ToggleGreen) btb.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.ToggleBlue) self.SetSize((350, 250)) self.SetTitle('Toggle buttons') self.Centre() def ToggleRed(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() isPressed = obj.GetValue() green = self.col.Green() blue = self.col.Blue() if isPressed: self.col.Set(255, green, blue) else: self.col.Set(0, green, blue) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col) self.cpnl.Refresh() def ToggleGreen(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() isPressed = obj.GetValue() red = self.col.Red() blue = self.col.Blue() if isPressed: self.col.Set(red, 255, blue) else: self.col.Set(red, 0, blue) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col) self.cpnl.Refresh() def ToggleBlue(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() isPressed = obj.GetValue() red = self.col.Red() green = self.col.Green() if isPressed: self.col.Set(red, green, 255) else: self.col.Set(red, green, 0) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col) self.cpnl.Refresh() def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
We have red, green, and blue toggle buttons and a panel. We change the colour of the panel by clicking on the toggle buttons.
rtb = wx.ToggleButton(pnl, label='red', pos=(20, 25))
A wx.ToggleButton
widget is created.
self.cpnl = wx.Panel(pnl, pos=(150, 20), size=(110, 110)) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col)
This is a panel whose colour we will modify with the toggle buttons.
rtb.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.ToggleRed)
The ToggleRed()
event handler is called, when we click on
the rtb
toggle button.
def ToggleRed(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() isPressed = obj.GetValue() green = self.col.Green() blue = self.col.Blue() if isPressed: self.col.Set(255, green, blue) else: self.col.Set(0, green, blue) self.cpnl.SetBackgroundColour(self.col)
In the ToggleRed()
method we react to the fact that the
button was pressed. We figure out the colour parts and update the
colour of the colour panel.

A wx.StaticText widget displays one or more lines of read-only text.
#!/usr/bin/python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this code example, we create a static text. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): txt1 = '''I'm giving up the ghost of love in the shadows cast on devotion She is the one that I adore creed of my silent suffocation Break this bittersweet spell on me lost in the arms of destiny''' txt2 = '''There is something in the way You're always somewhere else Feelings have deserted me To a point of no return I don't believe in God But I pray for you''' pnl = wx.Panel(self) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) font = wx.Font(13, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.DEFAULT) st1 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label=txt1, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT) st2 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label=txt2, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT) st1.SetFont(font) st2.SetFont(font) vbox.Add(st1, flag=wx.ALL, border=15) vbox.Add(st2, flag=wx.ALL, border=15) pnl.SetSizer(vbox) self.SetTitle('Bittersweet') self.Centre() def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
In the example we show two strophes of a Bittersweet song using the
font = wx.Font(13, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.DEFAULT)
We create a font object for the text.
txt1 = '''I'm giving up the ghost of love in the shadows cast on devotion She is the one that I adore creed of my silent suffocation Break this bittersweet spell on me lost in the arms of destiny'''
This is a string to be shown in the wx.StaticText
st1 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label=txt1, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
We create the wx.StaticText
widget. The text will be aligned
to the left.
st1.SetFont(font) st2.SetFont(font)
We set the font to the static text widgets with SetFont()

This widget displays a simple line on the window. It can be horizontal or vertical.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this code example, we create a static line. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) font = wx.Font(10, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD) heading = wx.StaticText(self, label='The Central Europe', pos=(25, 15), size=(200, -1)) heading.SetFont(font) wx.StaticLine(self, pos=(25, 50), size=(300,1)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Slovakia', pos=(25, 80)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Hungary', pos=(25, 100)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Poland', pos=(25, 120)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Czech Republic', pos=(25, 140)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Germany', pos=(25, 160)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Slovenia', pos=(25, 180)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Austria', pos=(25, 200)) wx.StaticText(self, label='Switzerland', pos=(25, 220)) wx.StaticText(self, label='5 445 000', pos=(250, 80)) wx.StaticText(self, label='10 014 000', pos=(250, 100)) wx.StaticText(self, label='38 186 000', pos=(250, 120)) wx.StaticText(self, label='10 562 000', pos=(250, 140)) wx.StaticText(self, label='81 799 000', pos=(250, 160)) wx.StaticText(self, label='2 050 000', pos=(250, 180)) wx.StaticText(self, label='8 414 000', pos=(250, 200)) wx.StaticText(self, label='7 866 000', pos=(250, 220)) wx.StaticLine(self, pos=(25, 260), size=(300,1)) tsum = wx.StaticText(self, label='164 336 000', pos=(240, 280)) sum_font = tsum.GetFont() sum_font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD) tsum.SetFont(sum_font) btn = wx.Button(self, label='Close', pos=(140, 310)) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) self.SetSize((360, 380)) self.SetTitle('wx.StaticLine') self.Centre() def OnClose(self, e): self.Close(True) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
The script displays central european countries and their population.
The wx.StatLine
makes it look more visually attractive.
wx.StaticLine(self, pos=(25, 50), size=(300,1))
This is the constructor of the wx.StaticLine

This is a kind of a decorator widget. It is used to logically group various widgets. Note that this widget must be created before the widgets that it contains, and that those widgets should be siblings, not children, of the static box.
#!/usr/bin/python import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) wx.StaticBox(pnl, label='Personal Info', pos=(5, 5), size=(240, 170)) wx.CheckBox(pnl, label='Male', pos=(15, 30)) wx.CheckBox(pnl, label='Married', pos=(15, 55)) wx.StaticText(pnl, label='Age', pos=(15, 95)) wx.SpinCtrl(pnl, value='1', pos=(55, 90), size=(60, -1), min=1, max=120) btn = wx.Button(pnl, label='Ok', pos=(90, 185), size=(60, -1)) btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) self.SetSize((270, 250)) self.SetTitle('Static box') self.Centre() self.Show(True) def OnClose(self, e): self.Close(True) def main(): ex = wx.App() Example(None) ex.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
We have a wx.StaticBox
which decorates other four widgets.

is a combination of a single line text field, a button with a
down arrow image and a listbox. When you press the button, a listbox
appears. A user can select only one option from the supplied string list.
#!/usr/bin/python import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) distros = ['Ubuntu', 'Arch', 'Fedora', 'Debian', 'Mint'] cb = wx.ComboBox(pnl, pos=(50, 30), choices=distros, style=wx.CB_READONLY) self.st = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='', pos=(50, 140)) cb.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelect) self.SetSize((250, 230)) self.SetTitle('wx.ComboBox') self.Centre() self.Show(True) def OnSelect(self, e): i = e.GetString() self.st.SetLabel(i) def main(): ex = wx.App() Example(None) ex.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Selected option from the combo box is shown in the label below.
distros = ['Ubuntu', 'Arch', 'Fedora', 'Debian', 'Mint']
The combo box will contain this list of strings.
cb = wx.ComboBox(pnl, pos=(50, 30), choices=distros, style=wx.CB_READONLY)
A wx.ComboBox
widget is created. The choices parameter takes
a list of strings to display by the combo box. The wx.CB_READONLY
style makes the strings of the list read-only.
cb.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelect)
When we select an option from the combo box, the wx.EVT_COMBOBOX
is triggered. We plug the OnSelect()
event handler to this event.
def OnSelect(self, e): i = e.GetString() self.st.SetLabel(i)
We get the selected item from the combo box and set it to the label.

A wx.CheckBox
is a widget that has two states: on and off. It is
a box with a label. The label can be set to the right or to the left of the box.
If a wx.CheckBox
is checked, it is represented by a tick in a box.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this example we create a checkbox widget. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) cb = wx.CheckBox(pnl, label='Show title') cb.SetValue(True) cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.ShowOrHideTitle) vbox.Add(cb, flag=wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, border=30) pnl.SetSizer(vbox) self.SetTitle('wx.CheckBox') self.Centre() def ShowOrHideTitle(self, e): sender = e.GetEventObject() isChecked = sender.GetValue() if isChecked: self.SetTitle('wx.CheckBox') else: self.SetTitle('') def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
In the above example we show or hide the window title with the
cb = wx.CheckBox(pnl, label='Show title')
This is the constructor of the wx.CheckBox
The title of the frame window is shown by default, so we check
the wx.CheckBox
widget with the SetValue()
cb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.ShowOrHideTitle)
event is triggered when we click on the
widget. The ShowOrHideTitle()
event handler
is called upon this event.
def ShowOrHideTitle(self, e): sender = e.GetEventObject() isChecked = sender.GetValue() if isChecked: self.SetTitle('wx.CheckBox') else: self.SetTitle('')
In the ShowOrHideTitle()
method we show or hide the title
based on the state of the wx.CheckBox

The wx.StatusBar
widget is used to display
application status information. It can be divided into several parts
to show different kind of information. We can insert other widgets
into the wx.StatusBar
. It can be used as an alternative to dialogs,
since dialogs are ofted abused and they are disliked by most users.
We can create a wx.StatusBar
in two ways. We can manually create our
own wx.StatusBar
and call SetStatusBar()
method or we can simply call
the CreateStatusBar() method. The latter method creates a default
for us.
#!/usr/bin/python import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) button = wx.Button(pnl, label='Button', pos=(20, 20)) text = wx.CheckBox(pnl, label='CheckBox', pos=(20, 90)) combo = wx.ComboBox(pnl, pos=(120, 22), choices=['Python', 'Ruby']) slider = wx.Slider(pnl, 5, 6, 1, 10, (120, 90), (110, -1)) pnl.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter) button.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter) text.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter) combo.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter) slider.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter) self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar() self.SetSize((250, 230)) self.SetTitle('wx.Statusbar') self.Centre() self.Show(True) def OnWidgetEnter(self, e): name = e.GetEventObject().GetClassName() self.sb.SetStatusText(name + ' widget') e.Skip() def main(): ex = wx.App() Example(None) ex.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
In our example, we have a wx.Frame
widget and five other widgets.
If we hover a mouse pointer over a widget, its name is shown in the
pnl.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnWidgetEnter)
event is generated if we enter the area of a widget.
self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar()
A statusbar is created with the CreateStatusBar()
def OnWidgetEnter(self, e): name = e.GetEventObject().GetClassName() self.sb.SetStatusText(name + ' widget') e.Skip()
Inside the OnWidgetEnter()
method we figure out the name of the widget that
we enter with the mouse pointer. We set a status text with the SetStatusText()

is a widget that allows the user to select a
single exclusive choice from a group of options. A group of
radio buttons is defined by having the first radio button in
the group contain the wx.RB_GROUP
style. All other radio buttons
defined after the first radio button with this style flag
will be added to the function group of the first radio button.
Declaring another radio button with the wx.RB_GROUP
flag will
start a new radio button group.
#!/usr/bin/python import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) self.rb1 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value A', pos=(10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.rb2 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value B', pos=(10, 30)) self.rb3 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value C', pos=(10, 50)) self.rb1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.SetVal) self.rb2.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.SetVal) self.rb3.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.SetVal) self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar(3) self.sb.SetStatusText("True", 0) self.sb.SetStatusText("False", 1) self.sb.SetStatusText("False", 2) self.SetSize((210, 210)) self.SetTitle('wx.RadioButton') self.Centre() self.Show(True) def SetVal(self, e): state1 = str(self.rb1.GetValue()) state2 = str(self.rb2.GetValue()) state3 = str(self.rb3.GetValue()) self.sb.SetStatusText(state1, 0) self.sb.SetStatusText(state2, 1) self.sb.SetStatusText(state3, 2) def main(): ex = wx.App() Example(None) ex.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
We have a group of three radio buttons. The state of each of the radio buttons is displayed in the statusbar.
self.rb1 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value A', pos=(10, 10), style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.rb2 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value B', pos=(10, 30)) self.rb3 = wx.RadioButton(pnl, label='Value C', pos=(10, 50))
We create three radio buttons. The first radio button has the wx.RB_GROUP
style set. It starts a new radio group.
self.rb1.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.SetVal)
We bind the wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON
event to the
event handler.
self.sb = self.CreateStatusBar(3) self.sb.SetStatusText("True", 0) self.sb.SetStatusText("False", 1) self.sb.SetStatusText("False", 2)
We create a statusbar with three fields. We set initial text to the statusbar corresponding with the radio button states.
def SetVal(self, e): state1 = str(self.rb1.GetValue()) state2 = str(self.rb2.GetValue()) state3 = str(self.rb3.GetValue()) self.sb.SetStatusText(state1, 0) self.sb.SetStatusText(state2, 1) self.sb.SetStatusText(state3, 2)
Inside the SetVal()
method we find out the states of the radio buttons.
We update the statusbar fields to the current radio button values.

is a widget that is used, when we process lengthy tasks.
It has an indicator to show the current state of a task.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this example we create gauge widget. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx TASK_RANGE = 50 class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): self.timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.count = 0 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer, self.timer) pnl = wx.Panel(self) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.gauge = wx.Gauge(pnl, range=TASK_RANGE, size=(250, -1)) self.btn1 = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_OK) self.btn2 = wx.Button(pnl, wx.ID_STOP) self.text = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='Task to be done') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk, self.btn1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnStop, self.btn2) hbox1.Add(self.gauge, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) hbox2.Add(self.btn1, proportion=1, flag=wx.RIGHT, border=10) hbox2.Add(self.btn2, proportion=1) hbox3.Add(self.text, proportion=1) vbox.Add((0, 30)) vbox.Add(hbox1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) vbox.Add((0, 20)) vbox.Add(hbox2, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) vbox.Add(hbox3, proportion=1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) pnl.SetSizer(vbox) self.SetTitle('wx.Gauge') self.Centre() def OnOk(self, e): if self.count >= TASK_RANGE: return self.timer.Start(100) self.text.SetLabel('Task in Progress') def OnStop(self, e): if self.count == 0 or self.count >= TASK_RANGE or not self.timer.IsRunning(): return self.timer.Stop() self.text.SetLabel('Task Interrupted') def OnTimer(self, e): self.count = self.count + 1 self.gauge.SetValue(self.count) if self.count == TASK_RANGE: self.timer.Stop() self.text.SetLabel('Task Completed') def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
We have a gauge and two buttons. One button starts the gauge, the other button stops the gauge.
self.timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.count = 0
We use the wx.Timer
to execute code at specific intervals.
We will update the gauge at those moments. The count variable is used
to determine the portion of the task already done.
self.gauge = wx.Gauge(pnl, range=TASK_RANGE, size=(250, -1))
This is the constructor of the wx.Gauge
widget. The
range parameter sets the maximum integer value of the widget.
def OnOk(self, e): if self.count >= TASK_RANGE: return self.timer.Start(100) self.text.SetLabel('Task in Progress')
When we click on the OK button, the OnOk()
method is called.
We first check if the count variable is within the range of the task.
If not, we return from the method. If the task is not yet completed, we
start the timer and update the static text.
def OnStop(self, e): if self.count == 0 or self.count >= TASK_RANGE or not self.timer.IsRunning(): return self.timer.Stop() self.text.SetLabel('Task Interrupted')
The OnStop()
method is called, when we click on the Stop button.
We check the conditions for stopping the task. If we have met them, we stop the
timer and update the static text.
def OnTimer(self, e): self.count = self.count + 1 self.gauge.SetValue(self.count) if self.count == TASK_RANGE: self.timer.Stop() self.text.SetLabel('Task Completed')
The OnTimer()
method is called periodically after starting the timer.
In the method we update the cout variable and the gauge widget.
If the count variable is equal to the TASK_RANGE
, we stop the
timer and update the static text.

is a widget that has a simple handle. This handle can be
pulled back and forth. This way we can choose a specific task.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this example we create slider control. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) sld = wx.Slider(pnl, value=200, minValue=150, maxValue=500, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL) sld.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnSliderScroll) sizer.Add(sld, pos=(0, 0), flag=wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, border=25) self.txt = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='200') sizer.Add(self.txt, pos=(0, 1), flag=wx.TOP|wx.RIGHT, border=25) sizer.AddGrowableCol(0) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetTitle('wx.Slider') self.Centre() def OnSliderScroll(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() val = obj.GetValue() self.txt.SetLabel(str(val)) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
A value selected in the slider is shown in the static text.
sld = wx.Slider(pnl, value=200, minValue=150, maxValue=500, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL)
A wx.Slider
is created. We provide the initial position of the
slider with the value parameter and the minimum and maximum slider positions
with the minValue
and maxValue
parameters. The
makes the slider to be horizontal.
sld.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnSliderScroll)
When the wx.EVT_SCROLL
event is encountered, the
method is called.
self.txt = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='200')
The currently selected slider value is displayed in the static text, which we position below the slider.
def OnSliderScroll(self, e): obj = e.GetEventObject() val = obj.GetValue() self.txt.SetLabel(str(val))
In the OnSliderScroll()
method we get the sender of the event. We get the
current value of the slider and set it to the static text.

The wx.SpinCtrl
widget lets us increment and decrement a value.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ZetCode wxPython tutorial In this example we create spin control. author: Jan Bodnar website: www.zetcode.com last modified: July 2020 """ import wx class Example(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.InitUI() def InitUI(self): pnl = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5) st1 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='Convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius') sizer.Add(st1, pos=(0, 0), span=(1, 2), flag=wx.ALL, border=15) st2 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='Fahrenheit:') sizer.Add(st2, pos=(1, 0), flag=wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, border=15) self.sc = wx.SpinCtrl(pnl, value='0') self.sc.SetRange(-459, 1000) sizer.Add(self.sc, pos=(1, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) st3 = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='Celsius:') sizer.Add(st3, pos=(2, 0), flag=wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, border=15) self.celsius = wx.StaticText(pnl, label='') sizer.Add(self.celsius, pos=(2, 1), flag=wx.ALL, border=15) computeButton = wx.Button(pnl, label='Compute') computeButton.SetFocus() sizer.Add(computeButton, pos=(3, 0), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.TOP, border=30) closeButton = wx.Button(pnl, label='Close') sizer.Add(closeButton, pos=(3, 1), flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP, border=30) computeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCompute) closeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) pnl.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetTitle('wx.SpinCtrl') self.Centre() def OnClose(self, e): self.Close(True) def OnCompute(self, e): fahr = self.sc.GetValue() cels = round((fahr - 32) * 5 / 9.0, 2) self.celsius.SetLabel(str(cels)) def main(): app = wx.App() ex = Example(None) ex.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
The script converts Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius. We use
the wx.SpinCtrl
widget to select a value for the
Fahrenheit temperature.
self.sc = wx.SpinCtrl(pnl, value='0') self.sc.SetRange(-459, 1000)
We create a wx.SpinCtrl
widget with initial value 0.
The SetRange()
sets a range of values for the widget.
def OnCompute(self, e): fahr = self.sc.GetValue() cels = round((fahr - 32) * 5 / 9.0, 2) self.celsius.SetLabel(str(cels))
When we click on the compute button the OnCompute()
method is called.
In the body of the method we get the current value from the spin control.
We compute the Celsius temperature and set the computed temperature to
the static text widget.

This part of the wxPython tutorial was dedicated to core wxPython widgets.