Python replace string
last modified January 29, 2024
Python replace string tutorial shows how to replace strings in Python.
There are several ways of replacing strings in Python:
- replace method
- re.sub method
- translate method
- string slicing and formatting
Python replace string with replace method
The replace
method return a copys of the string with all
occurrences of substring old replaced by new.
replace(old, new[, count])
The parameters are:
- old − old substring to be replaced
- new − new substring to replace old substring.
- count − the optional count argument determines how many occurrences are replaced
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." msg2 = msg.replace('fox', 'wolf') print(msg2)
In the example, both occurrences of word 'fox' are replaced with 'wolf'.
$ ./ There is a wolf in the forest. The wolf has red fur.
Alternatively, we can use the str.replace
method. It takes
the string on which we do replacement as the first parameter.
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." msg2 = str.replace(msg, 'fox', 'wolf') print(msg2)
The example is equivalent to the previous one.
In the next example, we have a CSV string.
#!/usr/bin/python data = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" data2 = data.replace(',', '\n') print(data2)
The replace each comma with a newline character.
$ ./ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $ ./ | awk '{ sum+=$1} END {print sum}' 55
Python replace first occurrence of string
The count
parameter can be used to replace only the first
occurrence of the given word.
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." msg2 = msg.replace('fox', 'wolf', 1) print(msg2)
The example replaces the first occurrence of the word 'fox'.
$ ./ There is a wolf in the forest. The fox has red fur.
Python replace last occurrence of string
In the next example, we replace the last occurrence of word 'fox'.
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." oword = 'fox' nword = 'wolf' n = len(nword) idx = msg.rfind(oword) idx2 = idx + n - 1 print(f'{msg[:idx]}{nword}{msg[idx2:]}')
We find the index of the last 'fox' word present in the message utilizing
method. We build a new string by omitting the old word an
placing a new word there instead. We use string slicing and formatting
$ ./ There is a fox in the forest. The wolf has red fur.
Python chaining of replace methods
It is possible to chain the replace
methods to do multiple
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." msg2 = msg.replace('fox', 'wolf').replace('red', 'brown').replace('fur', 'legs') print(msg2)
In the example, we perform three replacements.
$ ./ There is a wolf in the forest. The wolf has brown legs.
Python replace characters with translate
The translate
method allows to replace multiple characters
specified in the dictionary.
#!/usr/bin/python msg = "There is a fox in the forest. The fox has red fur." print(msg.translate(str.maketrans({'.': '!'})))
We replace the dot characters with the exclamation marks in the example.
$ ./ There is a fox in the forest! The fox has red fur!
Python replace string with re.sub
We can use regular expressions to replace strings.
re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
The re.sub
method returns the string obtained by replacing the
leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement
The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states, led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece.
We have a small text file.
#!/usr/bin/python import re filename = 'thermopylae.txt' with open(filename) as f: text = cleaned = re.sub('[\.,]', '', text) words = set(cleaned.split()) for word in words: print(word)
We read the text file and use the re.sub
method to remove the
punctunation characters. We split the text into words and use the
function to get unique words.
cleaned = re.sub('[\.,]', '', text)
In our case, we only have a dot and comma punctunation characters in the file. We replace them with empty string thus removing them.
$ ./ city-states days was Empire and second of led Battle alliance Greece King Persian Leonidas during between course Thermopylae Sparta I over three by Xerxes invasion an Greek The fought the
In this article we have replaced strings in Python.
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