
Python implement SSL/TLS certificate

last modified January 29, 2024

In this article we show how to implement an SSL/TLS certificate in Python. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that proves a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection.


Our lives are now intricately mixed into an interconnected digital world, where online engagement has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. This heightened connectivity has brought cybersecurity to the forefront of our concerns. In these interactions, each click, tap, or transaction inadvertently leaves traces of confidential data vulnerable to malicious exploitation. This is where the SSL certificate steps into the equation.

SSL definition

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and its evolution, TLS (Transport Layer Security), function as precisely designed cryptographic protocols. Their primary purpose is to forge secure connections between web servers and users' browsers. These protocols shield us from cyber threats such as data breaches, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access.

In the subsequent section, we describe the process of integrating SSL certificates in Python. Proficiency in TLS/SSL certificates is nowadays an essential skill for developers, security enthusiasts or any individual trying to improve their security.

Acquiring an SSL certificate

The initial procedure toward bolstering our website's security is acquiring an SSL certificate. To do so, we need to issue a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to a reputable Certificate Authority (CA). Imprinted with organizational and server details, the CSR undergoes thorough scrutiny by the CA before the certificate is issued.

For developling purposes, we can create a self-signed certificate. For production, it is important to exclusively buy SSL certificates from trustworthy SSL providers.

The next step is its installation on our web server. The installation process creates a secure linkage between our users and the server, showcased by the reassuring padlock icon in the browser's address bar. The installation process may vary depending on our server's unique configuration.

SSL types

The following list describes various SSL certificate types:

We select the right certificate based on our requirements and budget.

Generating a CA-Signed SSL certificate

The following steps are needed to generate a CA-Signed SSL certificate:

Choose a Trusted Certificate Authority (CA)

The first step is selecting a reliable CA to issue our SSL/TLS certificate. CAs are responsible for validating our domain and organization details before granting a certificate.

Generate a Private Key and CSR

SSL certificates use asymmetric encryption, employing a pair of keys - a private one and a public one. To commence this procedure, it becomes necessary to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and craft a private key. OpenSSL can be harnessed for this purpose. Below is the code snippet for reference:

$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout example.com.key -out example.com.csr -subj "/CN=example.com"

The command generates a private key (example.com.key) and a CSR (example.com.csr) for our domain. Make sure to replace example.com with your domain.

Store the CSR file

We create a local directory for the certificate files. This directory should contain the CSR file. We send this CSR, along with our private key, to the CA for verification.

Python SSL Certificate installation

Once we have obtained the SSL certificate from the CA, we rename it from certificate.crt to certificate.pem. Then we create an SSL context in Python using the following code:


import ssl

context = ssl.create_default_context()


Verify the installation

To ensure the certificate is correctly installed and used, we can examine the SSL certificate chain provided by the server using Python's SSL module:


import ssl
import socket

hostname = 'example.com'  # Replace with your domain name

context = ssl.create_default_context()

with socket.create_connection((hostname, 443)) as sock:

    with context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) as ssock:

        chain = ssock.getpeercert(chain=True)

The code example establishes a connection with our domain over port 443, acquires the server's certificate chain, and then displays it. It verifies the proper utilization of our SSL certificate.


Python SSL documentation

In this article we described SSL certificates and showed how to implement a CA-Signed SSL certificate in Python language.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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