PHP filesystem functions
last modified January 10, 2023
In this article we cover file system functions in PHP. We work with files and directories, determine file permissions and available disk space, and read and write to files. For our examples, we use PHP CLI. PHP tutorial is a concise tutorial of PHP language on ZetCode.
$ php -v php -v PHP 8.1.2 (cli) (built: Aug 8 2022 07:28:23) (NTS) ...
We use PHP version 8.1.2.
PHP has a rich set of functions for working with files and directories.
PHP contains both low-level and high-level filesystem functions.
The fopen
function is an example of a low-level function; it
is a thin wrapper of a similar C function. The file
is an example of a high-level PHP filesystem function.
PHP file size and type
The filesize
function returns the size of the
given file. The size is specified in bytes.
<?php $filename = "fruits.txt"; $fsize = filesize($filename); echo "The file size is: $fsize bytes\n";
In the example, we determine the size of the fruits.txt
file. The file is located in the current working directory, that is,
in the same directory as the PHP script.
$ php get_filesize.php The file size is: 40 bytes
The size of the fruits.txt
file is 40 bytes.
The filetype
function gets the type of a file.
The possible return values are: fifo
, char
, block
, link
, file
and unknown
<?php echo filetype("myfile") . PHP_EOL; echo filetype(".") . PHP_EOL; echo filetype("/dev/tty1") . PHP_EOL; echo filetype("/var/run/cups/cups.sock") . PHP_EOL;
The script determines the types of four files.
$ php file_types.php file dir char socket
The four files are a regular file, directory, character device, and socket.
PHP check file existence
It may happen that we want to work with a file that does
not exist. The file_exists
function can be
used to prevent this.
<?php if ($argc != 2) { exit("Usage: file_existence.php filename\n"); } $filename = $argv[1]; $r = file_exists($filename); if (!$r) { exit("Cannot determine the size of the file; the file does not exist\n"); } $fsize = filesize($filename); echo "The file size is: $fsize bytes\n";
This script checks for the existence of a given file before it computes its size.
if ($argc != 2) { exit("Usage: file_existence.php filename\n"); }
The $argc
is a special variable which contains the number of
arguments passed to script. We expect two arguments: a script name and
another filename passed as a parameter.
$filename = $argv[1];
The $argv
is an array of arguments passed to the script.
We get the second element.
$r = file_exists($filename); if (!$r) { exit("Cannot determine the size of the file; the file does not exist\n"); }
We check if the file exists with the file_exists
If it does not exist, we terminate the script with a message.
$ php file_existence.php fruits.txt The file size is: 40 bytes
This is a sample output of the file_existence.php
In the following example we create a new file, delete it, and
check for its existence. The touch
function sets access and
modification time of a file. If the file does not exist, it is created.
The unlink
function deletes a file.
<?php $filename = "newfile.txt"; if (file_exists($filename)) { echo "The file $filename exists\n"; } else { echo "The file $filename does not exist\n"; $r = touch($filename); if (!$r) { exit("Failed to touch $filename file\n"); } else { echo "The file $filename has been created\n"; } } $r = unlink($filename); if ($r) { echo "The file $filename was deleted\n"; } else { exit("Failed to delete $filename file\n"); } if (file_exists($filename)) { echo "The file $filename exists\n"; } else { echo "The file $filename does not exist\n"; }
In the code example, we utilize all the three functions: file_exists
, and unlink
$r = touch($filename);
The touch
function is used to create a new file
called newfile.txt
if (!$r) { exit("Failed to touch $filename file\n"); } else { echo "The file $filename has been created\n"; }
An error message is printed if the touch
fails. Many PHP functions return a false
value when
they fail.
$r = unlink($filename);
The unlink
function deletes the file.
$ php file_existence2.php The file newfile.txt does not exist The file newfile.txt has been created The file newfile.txt was deleted The file newfile.txt does not exist
This is the output of the file_existence2.php
PHP copy and rename files
The copy
function copies a file, and the rename
renames a file. If the destination file already exists, it will be overwritten.
<?php $r = copy("myfile.txt", "myfile2.txt"); if ($r) { echo "Successfully copied file\n"; } else { exit("Failed to copy file\n"); }
The script copies a file.
<?php $r = rename("myfile2.txt", "myfile_back.txt"); if ($r) { echo "Successfully renamed file\n"; } else { exit("Failed to rename file\n"); }
In this script, we rename the myfile2.txt
file to
with the rename
Some of the filesystem functions issue an E_WARNING
on failure.
It is a run-time warning (non-fatal error). The execution of the script
is not halted.
PHP is not consistent in this area; not all filesystem functions issue this warning—most functions only return an error value when they fail.
<?php set_error_handler("mywarning_handler", E_WARNING); $r = unlink('image1.png'); if ($r) { echo "File successfully deleted\n"; } function mywarning_handler($errno, $errstr) { echo "Failed to delete file\n"; echo "$errstr: $errno\n"; }
In the script, we delete a file and provide a custom error handler.
set_error_handler("mywarning_handler", E_WARNING);
A custom error handler is set with the set_error_handler
function mywarning_handler($errno, $errstr) { echo "Failed to delete file\n"; echo "$errstr: $errno\n"; }
The handler receives an error number and an error string as parameters.
$ php custom_error_handler.php Failed to delete file unlink(image1.png): No such file or directory: 2
The custom_error_handler.php
gives this output when there
is no image1.png
to delete.
PHP directories
The dirname
function returns the parent directory's path.
Since PHP 7, we can provide an optional levels parameter which tells
the number of parent directories to go up.
<?php $home_dir = getenv("HOME"); echo dirname($home_dir). PHP_EOL; echo dirname("/etc/") . PHP_EOL; echo dirname(".") . PHP_EOL; echo dirname("/usr/local/lib", 2) . PHP_EOL;
In the script, we print the parent directory of four directories.
$home_dir = getenv("HOME");
We use the getenv
function to get the current user's
home directory.
echo dirname($home_dir). PHP_EOL;
This line prints the parent directory of the user's home directory.
echo dirname(".") . PHP_EOL;
Here, we print the parent directory of the current working directory.
echo dirname("/usr/local/lib", 2) . PHP_EOL;
In this line we print the second parent directory of the
$ php parent_directories.php /home / . /usr
This is the output of the parent_directories.php
The getcwd
function returns the current working
directory, and the chdir
function changes the
current working directory to a new directory.
<?php $cd = getcwd(); echo "Current directory:" . $cd . PHP_EOL; chdir(".."); $cd2 = getcwd(); echo "Current directory:" . $cd2 . PHP_EOL;
The script works with getcmd
and chdir
$ php current_directory.php Current directory:/home/janbodnar/prog/phpfiles Current directory:/home/janbodnar/prog
This is a sample output of the script.
PHP listing directories
In the following five examples, we list the contents of directories. There are several approaches to do this task.
<?php $folder = '/home/janbodnar/prog'; $fh = opendir($folder); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot open directory\n"); } while (false !== ($entry = readdir($fh))) { echo "$entry\n"; } closedir($fh);
The opendir
function opens a directory handle. The
function reads an entry from the directory handle.
The handle of the directory is closed with the closedir
function at the end of the script.
The is_dir
function tells whether the filename is a directory,
and the is_file
function tells whether the filename is a file.
<?php $folder = '/home/janbodnar/prog/'; $fh = opendir($folder); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot open directory\n"); } $dirs = []; $files = []; while (false !== ($entry = readdir($fh))) { if (is_dir($folder . '/' . $entry)) { array_push($dirs, $entry); } if (is_file($folder . '/' . $entry)) { array_push($files, $entry); } } echo "Directories:\n"; foreach ($dirs as $dr) { echo "$dr\n"; } echo "Files:\n"; foreach ($files as $myfile) { echo "$myfile\n"; } closedir($fh);
In the second example we divide the entries into subdirectories and files. The script first prints the subdirectories and then the files of the examined directory.
if (is_dir($folder . '/' . $entry)) { array_push($dirs, $entry); }
It is necessary to provide the full path of the directory
to the is_dir
The glob
function finds pathnames matching a pattern.
<?php foreach (glob('/home/janbodnar/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir) { echo "$dir\n"; }
flag, the glob
function returns
only directory entries which match the pattern.
The scandir
is a high-level function to list files and directories
inside the specified path. The function returns an array of files and directories
from the directory.
<?php $files = scandir('.', SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING); print_r($files);
The script prints the array of files and subdirectories of
the current working directory. The SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING
flag sorts the entries in descending alphabetical order.
In the previous examples, we have listed only the contents of one directory;
we did not include the elements of the subdirectories.
With the RecursiveDirectoryIterator
and RecursiveIteratorIterator
classes we can easily iterate over filesystem directories using recursion. In other words,
we iterate over all subdirectories until all items in the directory
tree are listed.
<?php $folder = '/home/janbodnar/prog/'; $rdi = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder); $rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi); foreach ($rii as $filename) { echo "$filename\n"; }
The script prints all items of the given directory for all levels of depth.
PHP paths
A path is the fully specified name of a computer file, including the position
of the file in the file system's directory structure. The realpath
function returns a canonical absolute pathname, and the basename
function returns the trailing name component of the path.
<?php echo realpath("myfile.txt") . PHP_EOL; echo basename("/home/janbodnar/prog/phpfiles/myfile.txt") . PHP_EOL; echo basename("/home/janbodnar/prog/phpfiles/myfile.txt", ".txt") . PHP_EOL;
This script uses the realpath
and the basename
echo basename("/home/janbodnar/prog/phpfiles/myfile.txt", ".txt") . PHP_EOL;
If we specify the second parameter, the suffix name, it will be also removed from the path name.
$ php paths.php /home/janbodnar/prog/phpfiles/myfile.txt myfile.txt myfile
This is the output of the paths.php
The pathinfo
function returns information about a file path.
<?php $path_parts = pathinfo('myfile.txt'); echo $path_parts['dirname'] . PHP_EOL; echo $path_parts['basename'] . PHP_EOL; echo $path_parts['extension'] . PHP_EOL; echo $path_parts['filename'] . PHP_EOL;
The function returns an associative array containing the following elements: dirname, basename, extension (if any), and filename.
$ php path_info.php . myfile.txt txt myfile
This is the output.
PHP create file
The fopen
function opens a file or an URL.
The first parameter of the function is the file name and
the second is the mode in which we open the window. For instance,
the 'r'
mode opens for reading only and
for writing only. If we open a file in a 'w'
mode and it does not exist, it is created. The list of modes can be found at
PHP manual for fopen().
The fopen
returns a handle to the file. This is an object
that is used to manipulate the file; for instance, we pass it to the
function to write to the file.
<?php $filename = "names.txt"; if (file_exists($filename)) { exit("The file already exists\n"); } $fh = fopen($filename, 'w'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot create file\n"); } echo "Successfully created file\n"; fclose($fh);
The example creates a new file called names.txt
if (file_exists($filename)) { exit("The file already exists\n"); }
First, we check if the file exists.
$fh = fopen('names.txt', 'w');
The names.txt
file is created and a handle to this file is
We close the file handle with the fclose
PHP read file
In the next examples, we will read file contents.
The fread
reads up to length
bytes from the
file pointer referenced by handle. Reading stops as soon as the length
bytes have been read or the EOF (end of file) is reached.
<?php $fh = fopen('balzac.txt', 'r'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot open file for reading\n"); } while (!feof($fh)) { $chunk = fread($fh, 1024); if ($chunk === false) { exit("Cannot read from file\n"); } echo $chunk; } fclose($fh);
The example reads the entire file with the fread
and outputs it into the console.
while (!feof($fh)) { $chunk = fread($fh, 1024); if ($chunk === false) { exit("Cannot read from file\n"); } echo $chunk; }
The feof
tests for end-of-file on a file pointer.
The fread
reads the file per 1 KB chunk until the
EOF is reached.
$ php read_file.php balzac.txt Honoré de Balzac, (born Honoré Balzac, 20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled La Comédie Humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.
This is the output of the read_file.php
In the second example, we utilize the fgets
which reads one line from the file handle.
<?php $fh = fopen('balzac.txt', 'r'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot open file for reading\n"); } while (!feof($fh)) { $line = fgets($fh); if ($line === false) { exit("Cannot read from file\n"); } echo $line; } fclose($fh);
The example reads the contents of the balzac.txt
one by line.
The file
is a high-level function which reads
an entire file into an array.
<?php $lines = file('balzac.txt'); if ($lines === false) { exit("Cannot read file\n"); } foreach ($lines as $line) { echo $line; }
In this example, we read the whole file in one shot
with the file
function. We traverse
the returned array with a foreach
The file_get_contents
is another high-level
function which reads the entire file into a string.
<?php $content = file_get_contents('balzac.txt'); if ($content === false) { exit("Cannot read file\n"); } echo "$content";
The example reads the entire file in one shot with the
function. It returns
the data in a string.
PHP reading formatted data
The fscanf
function parses input from a file according
to a format. Each call to fscanf
reads one line from the file.
$ cat items.txt coins 5 pens 6 chairs 12 books 20
We are going to parse the items.txt
<?php $fh = fopen("items.txt", "r"); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot read file\n"); } while ($data = fscanf($fh, "%s %d")) { list($item, $quantity) = $data; echo "$item: $quantity\n"; } fclose($fh);
The fscanf
function takes format specifiers
to read a string and a number.
PHP reading web page
The PHP filesystem functions can be also used to read web pages.
<?php $ph = fopen("", "r"); if ($ph === false) { exit("Failed to open stream to URL\n"); } while (!feof($ph)) { $buf = fread($ph, 1024); if ($buf === false) { exit("Cannot read page\n"); } echo $buf; } fclose($ph);
We read a page from a small website
$ph = fopen("", "r");
With the fopen
function, we open a handle to a web page.
while (!feof($ph)) { $buf = fread($ph, 1024); if ($buf === false) { exit("Cannot read page\n"); } echo $buf; }
We read the web page until its end; the feof
is used to
test the end of the web page. The page is read in 1 KB chunks with
the fread
$ php read_page.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>My html page</title> </head> <body> <p> Today is a beautiful day. We go swimming and fishing. </p> <p> Hello there. How are you? </p> </body> </html>
This is the output of the read_page.php
The following example uses a high-level function to read the same web page.
<?php $page = file_get_contents(''); if ($page === false) { exit("Cannot read page\n"); } echo $page;
The file_get_contents
reads the whole web page
in one shot.
The fgetss
function reads a line from a file handle
and strips HTML tags.
<?php $ph = fopen("", "r"); if ($ph === false) { exit("Failed to open stream to URL\n"); } while (!feof($ph)) { $buf = fgetss($ph, 1024); if ($buf === false) { exit("Cannot read from page\n"); } echo trim($buf); } fclose($ph);
We read the contents of the
web page and strip
its HTML tags.
echo trim($buf);
The trim
function removes the leading and trailing spaces.
$ php read_page3.php My html pageToday is a beautiful day. We go swimming and fishing.Hello there. How are you?
This is the output of the example; the output contains the title and the text in the body of the page.
PHP write to file
The fwrite
function writes a string to a file
referenced by a file handle.
<?php $fh = fopen('names.txt', 'w'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Cannot open file\n"); } $r = fwrite($fh, 'Jane' . PHP_EOL); check_retval($r); $r = fwrite($fh, 'Lucy' . PHP_EOL); check_retval($r); $r = fwrite($fh, 'Mark' . PHP_EOL); check_retval($r); $r = fwrite($fh, 'Lubos' . PHP_EOL); check_retval($r); fclose($fh); function check_retval($val) { if ($val === false) { exit("Cannot write to file\n"); } }
We open a names.txt
in the write mode and
write four lines into it.
$fh = fopen('names.txt', 'w');
The fopen
function opens the file in the
write mode. If the file does not exist, it is automatically
$r = fwrite($fh, 'Jane' . PHP_EOL);
With the fwrite
function we write a line to the file.
The function takes the file handle as its first parameter.
$ php write_file.php $ cat names.txt Jane Lucy Mark Lubos
We write to the names.txt
file and check its contents.
We can write a string to a file in one shot with the high-level
<?php $filename = "names.txt"; $buf = file_get_contents($filename); if ($buf === false) { exit("Cannot get file contents\n"); } $buf .= "John\nPaul\nRobert\n"; $r = file_put_contents($filename, $buf); if ($r === false) { exit("Cannot write to file\n"); }
In the example, we read the contents of the names.txt
with the file_get_contents
function and append new
string with the file_put_contents
PHP readable, writable, executable file
The is_readable
, is_writable
, and is_executable
functions check if the file is readable, writable, and executable.
<?php $filename = "myfile.txt"; echo get_current_user() . PHP_EOL; if (is_readable($filename)) { echo "The file can be read\n"; } else { echo "Cannot read file\n"; } if (is_writable($filename)) { echo "The file can be written to\n"; } else { echo "Cannot write to file\n"; } if (is_executable($filename)) { echo "The file can be executed\n"; } else { echo "Cannot execute file\n"; }
We run the three functions on the myfile.txt
The script check these attributes for the current user.
$ php rwe.php janbodnar The file can be read The file can be written to Cannot execute file
The file can be read and written to but not executed for
the janbodnar
PHP file times
There are three kinds of file times on Linux: last access time,
last change time, and last modification time. The following PHP
functions determine these times: fileatime
, filectime
, and
<?php $filename = "myfile.txt"; $atime = fileatime($filename); $ctime = filectime($filename); $mtime = filemtime($filename); echo date("F d, Y H:i:s\n", $atime); echo date("F d, Y H:i:s\n", $ctime); echo date("F d, Y H:i:s\n", $mtime);
The script prints the file times for the myfile.txt
$ php file_times.php April 20, 2016 17:52:54 April 20, 2016 17:53:33 April 20, 2016 17:52:29
This is a sample output of the file_times.php
PHP file permissions
Filesystems enforce permissions on files for different users and groups
of users. The fileperms
function gets file permissions;
it returns the file's permissions as a numeric mode.
<?php $perms = fileperms("myfile.txt"); echo decoct($perms & 0777) . PHP_EOL; $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); echo "$info\n";
The script determines the file permissions for myfile.txt
The permissions are printed to the console in the Unix style.
echo decoct($perms & 0777) . PHP_EOL;
The permissions on Unix are traditionally written in octal representation.
The decoct
function translates decimal representation to octal.
$info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
In this line, we check if the file permissions allow the owner of the file to read it.
$ php file_permissions.php 660 rw-rw----
This is a sample output of the file_permissions.php
File permissions can be changed with the chmod
<?php $perms1 = fileperms("myfile.txt"); echo decoct($perms1 & 0777) . PHP_EOL; $r = chmod("myfile", 0660); if ($r) { echo "File mode successfully changed\n"; } else { exit("Failed to change file mode\n"); } $perms2 = fileperms("myfile"); echo decoct($perms2 & 0777) . PHP_EOL;
The script changes the permissions for the myfile.txt
$r = chmod("myfile", 0660);
The chmod
function accepts permissions as an octal value
in its second parameter. Octal values are preceded with 0.
$ php file_permissions2.php 664 File mode successfully changed 660
The permissions of the file were changed from 664 to 660.
PHP CSV file format
The fgetcsv
function reads one line from a CSV (comma-separated value)
file; it returns an indexed array containing the fields read.
The fputcsv
function formats one line as CSV and writes it to a file.
<?php $nums = [1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 8, 7, 3, 8, 5, 4, 3]; $fh = fopen('numbers.csv', 'w'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Failed to open file\n"); } $r = fputcsv($fh, $nums); if ($r === false) { exit("Failed to write values\n"); } echo "The values have been successfully written\n"; fclose($fh);
This script writes numbers from an array into a CSV file.
$ php csv_output.php The values have been successfully written $ cat numbers.csv 1,2,5,3,2,6,4,2,4,8,7,3,8,5,4,3
We run the script and check the file contents.
In the following example, we read data from a CSV file.
<?php $fh = fopen('numbers.csv', 'r'); if ($fh === false) { exit("Failed to open file\n"); } while (($data = fgetcsv($fh)) !== false) { $num = count($data); for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++) { echo "$data[$i] "; } } echo "\n"; fclose($fh);
The script reads values from the numbers.csv
using the fgetcsv
and prints them into the console.
$ php csv_input.php 1 2 5 3 2 6 4 2 4 8 7 3 8 5 4 3
This is the output of the csv_input.php
PHP disk space
The disk_total_space
function returns the total size of a filesystem
or disk partition in bytes, and the disk_total_space
function returns
available space on filesystem or disk partition in bytes.
<?php const BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE = 1073741824; $total_space_bytes = disk_total_space("/"); if ($total_space_bytes === false) { exit("The disk_total_space() failed\n"); } $free_space_bytes = disk_free_space("/"); if ($free_space_bytes === false) { exit("The disk_free_space() failed\n"); } $total_space_gb = floor($total_space_bytes / BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE); $free_space_gb = floor($free_space_bytes / BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE); echo "Total space: $total_space_gb GB\n"; echo "Free space: $free_space_gb GB\n";
The script computes the total and free space on a root partition. The space is translated into gigabytes.
$ php disk_space.php Total space: 289 GB Free space: 50 GB
This is a sample output of the script.
In this article we have presented PHP filesystem functions.
List all PHP tutorials.