
Perl loops

last modified August 24, 2023

In this article we show how to create loops in Perl.

A loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. For instance, we have a collection of items and we create a loop to go through all elements of the collection.

In Perl, we use for, while, and until keywords to define loops. The last, next, and redo statements are used to modify the behaviour of the loop.

Perl while loop

The while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given boolean condition.

The while keyword executes the statements inside the block enclosed by the curly brackets. The statements are executed each time the expression is evaluated to true.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $sum = 0;
my $i = 0;

while ($i <= 10) {

    $sum += $i;

say $sum;

In the example, we use a while loop to sum numbers 1..10.

my $sum = 0;
my $i = 0;

We define the $sum variable and the $i counter, which is used to control the loop.

while ($i <= 10) {


The statements inside the block delimited by the {} characters are executed every loop.

$sum += $i;

We add the current value of the $i to the $sum variable and increment the counter.

$ ./main.pl

Perl do/while loop

The do/while loop is a slight modification of the while loop. In a do/while loop, the statements are executed before the condition is tested. This means that the statements are executed at least once.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $r = 0;

do {

    $r = int rand(30);
    printf "$r ";

} while ( $r != 22 );

print "\n";

In the program, we print a random number between 0 and 30 in each loop. The loop is terminated once the random value equals to 22. The random value is generated with the rand function.

$ ./main.pl
16 1 20 16 10 26 10 8 19 0 26 6 7 13 22
$ ./main.pl
1 11 4 29 6 13 22
$ ./main.pl
23 18 19 1 2 1 28 2 17 2 24 8 29 24 23 18 20 1 10 8 9 11 28 23 8 28 13 9 8 10 28 13 5 15 24 7 8 18 26 8 7 17 24 19 0 4 1 15 7 24 18 19 25 5 7 3 21 18 16 8 6 14 2 3 10 17 18 6 8 13 19 5 21 27 16 16 4 14 3 28 28 22
$ ./main.pl
18 13 17 20 11 15 22

Perl until loop

Similar to while, the until loop is while the condition insice the square brackets evaluates to false. That is, it is terminated once the condition is true.

use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $r = 0;

until ( $r == 22 ) {

    $r = int rand(30);
    printf "$r ";

print "\n";

We use the until loop to geneare a bunch of random values. The loops are executed until the random value is not equal to 22.

$ ./main.pl
2 14 28 6 12 5 6 14 17 21 17 13 22

Perl classic for loop

Perl supports the classic for loop from the C programming language. A for loop has also three phases: initialization, condition and code block execution, and incrementation.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $sum = 0;

for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= 10 ; $i++ ) {

    $sum += $i;

say $sum;

$sum = 0;

for ( my $i = 10 ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) {

    $sum += $i;

say $sum;

In the program, we create two for loops to sum values 1..10.

for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= 10 ; $i++ ) {

    $sum += $i;

In the first phase, we initiate the counter $i to zero. This phase is done only once. Next comes the condition $i < 10. If the condition is met, the statement inside the for block is executed. In the third phase the counter is increased. Now we repeat the 2, 3 phases until the condition is not met and the for loop is left. In our case, when the counter $i is equal to 10, the for loop stops executing.

for ( my $i = 10 ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) {

    $sum += $i;

This is another for loop. It does the same job. There is one slight difference: we sum values 10..1.

$ ./main.pl

Perl foreach loop

The foreach loop is use dto traversing over collections of data. It has no explicit counter. The foreach keyword goes through the collection one by one and the current value is copied to the temporary variable defined in the construct.

In Perl, we can use for and foreach keywords. They are synonyms.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my @vals  = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 );

foreach my $val (@vals) {

    say $val if $val % 2 == 0;

say '------------------------------';

for my $val (@vals) {

    say $val if $val % 2 != 0;

In the program, we have two foreach loops.

my @vals  = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 );

We define an array of values.

foreach my $val (@vals) {

    say $val if $val % 2 == 0;

In the first loop, we go through the array and print each even value. The $val variable is a temporary variable that holds the current value from the container.

for my $val (@vals) {

    say $val if $val % 2 != 0;

In the second loop, we print each odd value. The for and foreach keywords can be used interchangeably.

$ ./main.pl

Perl has short forms of for loops.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my @vals = 1..10;

for (@vals) {

    say $_;

say '---------------------------------';

for (@vals) {


In the example, we create two short for loops which traverse a range of integers. The $_ is the default iterator variable. If omitted, it is assumed.

$ ./main.pl

Perl last statement

The last statement is used toexit the loop immediately.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $r = 0;

while (1) {

    $r = int rand(30);
    printf "$r ";

    last if ( $r == 22 );

print "\n";

In the example, we create an endless while loop. Inside the loop, we generate random integers. The loop is termited with the last statement when the random value is 22.

$ ./main.pl
9 16 23 20 0 7 20 29 20 20 29 25 20 10 6 17 2 22

Perl next statement

The next starts the next iteration of the loop. It does not terminate the loop like last. It only starts a new loop and skips code that follows next.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $n = 0;

while ( $n < 1000 ) {


    if ( ( $n % 2 ) == 0 ) {

    print("$n ");


In the program, we print all odd values from 1 to 1000.

if ( ( $n % 2 ) == 0 ) {

If the value is odd, the next statement is executed; so the value is not printed.

$ ./main.pl 
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35...

Perl redo statement

The redo restarts the loop block without evaluating the condition again.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my $i = 0;
my $sum = 0;

while ($i < 5) {

    my $r = int rand(10);
    $sum += $r;

    redo if ($sum < 20);

say "$sum $i";

In the example, we generate at least five random values between 1 and 10. With the redo statement we ensure that the sum is always bigger or equal to 20.

Listing Perl files

In the next example, we use a loop to list all Perl files.


use 5.34.0;
use warnings;

my @files = glob('*.pl');

say $_ for (@files);

With the glbo function, we find out all files with the .pl extension. The function returns an array of filenames. With the for loop we go over the array and print each filename to the terminal.

In this article we showed how to create loops in Perl.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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