
Tcl lists

last modified October 18, 2023

In this part of the Tcl tutorial, we talk about lists.

Computer programs work with data. Working with groups of data is a basic programming operation. In Tcl, a list is a basic data structure. It is an ordered collection of value items. Items in lists are separated by white space.

Every item of the list is identified by its index. Lists do not have a fixed length. List elements can be strings, numbers, variables, files or other lists. We can nest lists into other lists to any depth.

Creating lists

There are several ways how we can create lists in Tcl.


set l1 { 1 2 3 }
set l2 [list one two three]
set l3 [split "" .]

puts $l1
puts $l2
puts $l3

Three lists are created and their elements are printed to the console.

set l1 { 1 2 3 }

The basic way to create a list is to put elements of the list inside the curly brackets. List elements are separated by space.

set l2 [list one two three]

Another way to create a list is to use the list command.

set l3 [split "" .]

Some Tcl commands return a list as a result. In the above code line, the split command returns a list of numbers generated from a string.

$ ./createlists.tcl
 1 2 3 
one two three
1 2 3 4

The llength command

The llength command counts the number of elements in a list.


puts [llength { 1 2 3 4 }]
puts [llength {}]
puts [llength { 1 2 {3 4} }]
puts [llength { 1 2 {} 3 4 }]

The script counts the length of four lists.

puts [llength { 1 2 3 4 }]

This list has four elements, therefore, 4 is printed to the console.

puts [llength {}]

This list is empty; the llength command returns 0.

puts [llength { 1 2 {3 4} }]

This list cointains one inner list—{3 4}. An inner list counts for one element.

puts [llength { 1 2 {} 3 4 }]

An empty list counts for one element too.

$ ./list_length.tcl 

Retrieving elements

There are three basic commands for list element retrieval: lindex, lrange, and lassign.


set vals { 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 }

puts [lindex $vals 0]
puts [lindex $vals 3]
puts [lindex $vals end]
puts [lindex $vals end-2]

The code example uses the lindex command to retrieve an element from a list at the specified index.

puts [lindex $vals 0]
puts [lindex $vals 3]

A Tcl list indexing starts with 0. The above commands print the elements of the list at positions 1 and 4.

puts [lindex $vals end]
puts [lindex $vals end-2]

The end string represents the last element's index. It is also possible to substract an integer from it.

$ ./retrieving.tcl 

The next code example explains the lrange and the lassign commands.


puts [lrange { a b c d e } 2 4]
puts [lrange { a b c d e } 1 end]

lassign { a b c } x y z
puts "$x $y $z"

The lrange command returns a portion of a list specified by two indexes. The lassign command assigns values from a list to specified variables.

puts [lrange { a b c d e } 2 4]
puts [lrange { a b c d e } 1 end]

Here we print two sublists of a list.

lassign { a b c } x y z
puts "$x $y $z"

With the lassign command, we assign list elements to three variables.

$ ./retrieving2.tcl 
c d e
b c d e
a b c

Traversing lists

Now that we have defined lists and basic list operations, we want to go traverse the list elements. We show several ways how to go through the list items.


foreach item {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} {

    puts $item

We go through list elements with the foreach command. Each loop cycle the item variable has the next value from the list of numbers.

$ ./traverse1.tcl

Ouput of the example.

In the second example we go through names of days using the while loop.


set days [list Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday \
    Friday Saturday Sunday]
set n [llength $days]

set i 0

while {$i < $n} {

    puts [lindex $days $i]
    incr i

We traverse the list using a while loop. When working with a while loop, we also need a counter and the number of items in the list.

set days [list Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday \
    Friday Saturday Sunday]

The list command is used to create a list of days.

set n [llength $days]

The length of the list is determined with the llength command.

set i 0

This is a counter.

while {$i < $n} {

    puts [lindex $days $i]
    incr i

The while loop executes the commands in the body until the counter is equal to the number of elements in the list.

puts [lindex $days $i]

The lindex returns a value from the list pointed to by the counter.

incr i

The counter is increased.

$ ./traverse2.tcl

The lmap command

It is possible to go through the list's elements with the lmap command. It is a functional command. The lmap command iterates over all elements in one or more lists and collects results.


set vals { 1 2 3 4 5 6 }

puts [lmap a $vals {expr {$a ** 2}}]

The example applies the lmap on a list of integers.

puts [lmap a $vals {expr {$a ** 2}}]

The functional lmap command applies the expression in its body on each of the elements of the vals list. The result, containing a new list of squared integers, is returned.

$ ./lmap_cmd.tcl 
1 4 9 16 25 36

Inserting elements

The next example will insert elements into a Tcl list. The lappend command appends an element at the end of a list; it modifies the original list. The linsert command inserts an element at the specified index; it does not modify the original list but returns a new one.


set nums {4 5 6}
puts $nums

lappend nums 7 8 9
puts $nums

puts [linsert $nums 0 1 2 3]
puts $nums

We have a list of three numbers.

lappend nums 7 8 9

The lappend appends data to the list. The original list is changed.

puts [linsert $nums 0 1 2 3]

The linsert inserts elements at a given index. The first number is the index. The remaining values are numbers to be inserted into the list. The command creates a new list and returns it; It does not modify the original list.

$ ./inserting.tcl 
4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 5 6 7 8 9

In the following example, we concatenate lists, search for items and replace items in lists.


set animals1 { lion eagle elephant dog cat }
set animals2 { giraffe tiger horse dolphin }

set animals [concat $animals1 $animals2]

puts $animals

puts [lsearch -exact $animals eagle]
puts [lreplace $animals 3 4 buffalo crocodile]

We define two animal lists. We introduce three new commands.

set animals [concat $animals1 $animals2]

The concat command is used to concatenate (add) two lists. The above line joins two lists and the new list is set to the animals variable.

puts [lsearch -exact $animals eagle]

With the lsearch command we look for an eagle in the list. With the -exact option we look for an exact match. The command returns the index of the first matching element, or -1 if there is no match.

puts [lreplace $animals 3 4 buffalo crocodile]

The lreplace command replaces dog and cat with buffalo and crocodile.

$ ./operations2.tcl
lion eagle elephant dog cat giraffe tiger horse dolphin
lion eagle elephant buffalo crocodile giraffe tiger horse dolphin

Sorting items

In this section, we show how we can sort items in Tcl lists.


set names { John Mary Lenka Veronika Julia Robert }
set nums { 1 5 4 3 6 7 9 2 11 0 8 2 3 }

puts [lsort $names]
puts [lsort -ascii $names]
puts [lsort -ascii -decreasing $names]
puts [lsort -integer -increasing $nums]
puts [lsort -integer -decreasing $nums]
puts [lsort -integer -unique $nums]

To sort list elements, we can use the sort command. The command does not modify the original list. It returns a new sorted list of elements.

set names { John Mary Lenka Veronika Julia Robert }
set nums { 1 5 4 3 6 7 9 2 11 0 8 2 3 }

We have two lists. In the first we have strings, in the second numbers.

puts [lsort $names]
puts [lsort -ascii $names]

The default sorting is the ASCII sorting. The elements are sorted by their positions in the ASCII table.

puts [lsort -integer -increasing $nums]
puts [lsort -integer -decreasing $nums]

We treat the values as integers and sort them in increasing and decreasing orders.

puts [lsort -integer -unique $nums]

We sort the elements of the list in a numerical context in increasing order. Duplicates will be removed.

$ ./sorting.tcl
John Julia Lenka Mary Robert Veronika
John Julia Lenka Mary Robert Veronika
Veronika Robert Mary Lenka Julia John
0 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

Nested lists

In Tcl there can be nested lists—list in other lists.


set nums {1 2 {1 2 3 4} {{1 2} {3 4}} 3 4}

puts [llength $nums]
puts [llength [lindex $nums 2]]

puts [lindex $nums 0]
puts [lindex [lindex $nums 2] 1]
puts [lindex [lindex [lindex $nums 3] 1] 1]

This is a simple example with nested lists in Tcl.

set nums {1 2 {1 2 3 4} {{1 2} {3 4}} 3 4}

The nums is a list with two nested lists. The second nested list has two additional inner nested lists.

puts [llength $nums]

We determine the size of the list. A nested list is counted as one element.

puts [llength [lindex $nums 2]]

In this line, we determine the size of the first nested list, which is the third element of the main list.

puts [lindex $nums 0]

Here we print the first element of the main list.

puts [lindex [lindex $nums 2] 1]

In the above line, we get the second element of the first nested list.

puts [lindex [lindex [lindex $nums 3] 1] 1]

Here we get the second element of the second inner list of the inner list located at the 4th position of the main list. In other words: the inner most command is executed first. The [lindex $nums 3] returns {{1 2} {3 4}}. Now the second command operates on this returned list. The [lindex {{1 2} {3 4}} 1] expression returns {3 4}. Finally, the last command [lindex {3 4} 1] returns 4, which is printed to the terminal.

$ ./nestedlists.tcl

It is possible to use a simpler syntax to retrieve elements of nested lists.


set nums { 1 2 {1 2 3 {4 5}} 3 4 }

puts [lindex $nums 0]
puts [lindex $nums 2 1]
puts [lindex $nums 2 3 1]

The indexes follow the first argument of the lindex command, starting with the index to the outermost list.

$ ./nestedlists2.tcl 

In this part of the Tcl tutorial, we covered Tcl lists.