Ruby strings
last modified October 18, 2023
In this part of the Ruby tutorial, we work with string data in more detail.
Strings are one of the most important data types in computer languages. That is why we dedicate a whole chapter to working with strings in Ruby.
A string is a sequence of Unicode characters. It is a data type that stores a sequence of data values in which elements usually stand for characters according to a character encoding. When a string appears literally in source code, it is known as a string literal.
Ruby string first example
In Ruby string literals are enclosed by single or double quotes.
#!/usr/bin/ruby # first.rb puts 'Python language' puts "Ruby language"
The example has two string literals. The first one is enclosed in single quotes. The other one is enclosed in double quotes.
$ ./first.rb Python language Ruby language
Ruby using quotes
What if we wanted to display quotes, for example in a direct speech? There are basically two ways to do this.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "There are many stars" puts "He said, \"Which one is your favourite?\"" puts 'There are many stars' puts 'He said, "Which one is your favourite?"'
We use the (\) character to escape additional quotes. Normally the double quote character is used to delimit a string literal. However, when escaped, the original meaning is suppressed. It appears as a normal character and can be used within a string literal. The second way to use quotes within quotes is to mix single and double quotes.
$ ./quotes.rb There are many stars He said, "Which one is your favourite?" There are many stars He said, "Which one is your favourite?"
Ruby escape sequences
Escape sequences are special characters that have a specific meaning when used within a string literal.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "one two three four" puts "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour"
One of the most common escape sequences is the newline character \n
It is available in many programming languages. The next character after
the newline will appear on the new line.
$ ./newline.rb one two three four one two three four
Words after newline characters appear on new lines in the output of the about script.
The r, b and t characters are normal alphabetical characters. When preceded
with a \
character, they have a special meaning.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts " bbb\raaa" puts "Joan\b\b\bane" puts "Towering\tinferno"
In the above example, we use three different escape characters.
puts " bbb\raaa"
The carriage return \r
is a control character for end of line
return to beginning of line. Before the string is printed to the console,
it is first processed. The escape sequence causes the aaa characters to be
placed before the bbb characters. The output is aaabbb.
puts "Joan\b\b\bane"
The \b
control character is a backspace. It deletes a preceding character.
The string printed to the console is 'Jane' not 'Joan'.
puts "Towering\tinferno"
Finally, the \t
escape sequence places a tab space between the two
$ ./escapes.rb aaabbb Jane Towering inferno
The backslash character \
is a special character used to create
escape sequences. When there is a need to print a backslash itself, it is
preceded with another backslash. Its default meaning is escaped and it is
printed. The single and double quotes are used to delimit strings in Ruby. In
order to print them, they are preceded by \
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "The special character \\" puts "The special character \'" puts "The special character \""
In this simple script, we print all three characters to the terminal.
$ ./specials.rb The special character \ The special character ' The special character "
Ruby accessing string elements
It is possible to access string elements in Ruby. For this we use the
square brackets []
. Inside the brackets, we can put strings,
indexes, or ranges.
#!/usr/bin/ruby msg = "Ruby language" puts msg["Ruby"] puts msg["Python"] puts msg[0] puts msg[-1] puts msg[0, 3] puts msg[0..9] puts msg[0, msg.length]
This code example shows, how we can access parts of a string.
msg = "Ruby language"
Here is the string that we be accessing.
puts msg["Ruby"]
In this code line we test, whether string 'Ruby' is a substring
of the msg
string. If it is true, then the string that we
are looking for is returned.
puts msg[0]
The characters of the string can be accessed by their index. The numbers
start from 0. In other words, the 0 is the index of the first character.
The msg[0]
returns the first character of the string, namely R.
puts msg[-1]
Here we access the last character of the string. The -1 stands for the last index of the string.
puts msg[0, 3]
Two indexes separated by a comma return characters starting from the first index and ending with the second index, excluded.
puts msg[0..9]
A range operator can be used as well. Here we print
the first ten characters of the msg
puts msg[0, msg.length]
This line returns the whole string. The msg.length
returns the
size of the string.
$ ./accessing.rb Ruby R e Rub Ruby langu Ruby language
Ruby multiline strings
In many programming languages creating multiline strings requires additional effort. This is especially true in Visual Basic. In Ruby, multiline strings are created easily.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "I hear Mariachi static on my radio And the tubes they glow in the dark And I'm there with her in Ensenada And I'm here in Echo Park " puts %/ Carmelita hold me tighter I think I'm sinking down And I'm all strung out on heroin On the outskirts of town/ puts <<STRING Well, I'm sittin' here playing solitaire With my pearl-handled deck The county won't give me no more methadone And they cut off your welfare check STRING
In the example, we have lyrics of a Carmelita song. We show three ways to print multiline strings. They can be used within double quotes. We can use a % character to build a multiline string. The character following the % also encloses the string. Finally, we can use the heredoc syntax. In this syntax, we use << followed by some string. The string encloses the multiline strings. It must also be left aligned.
Ruby variable interpolation
Variable interpolation is replacing variables with their values inside
string literals. To substitute a variable with a value, the variable
name is put between #{
and }
characters inside
the string literal.
#!/usr/bin/ruby name = "Jane" age = 17 puts "#{name} is #{age} years old"
In this example, we substitute for two variables in the string:
and age
$ ./interpolation.rb Jane is 17 years old
In the substitution it is possible to use expressions.
#!/usr/bin/ruby x = 5 y = 6 puts "The product of #{x} and #{y} is #{x*y}"
This is an example of the expression in the substitution.
$ ./interpolation2.rb The product of 5 and 6 is 30
Running the example.
There is another way to substitute variables in a string.
#!/usr/bin/ruby name = "Jane" age = 17 message = "%s is %d years old" % [name, age] puts message
message = "%s is %d years old" % [name, age]
We build a string before we use it. The %s
and %d
are formatting characters that expect a string and a number, respectively.
The values are provided in square brackets after the %
Ruby concatenating strings
Concatenating strings is creating one string from multiple strings.
#!/usr/bin/ruby lang = "Ruby" + " programming" + " languge" puts lang lang = "Python" " programming" " language" puts lang lang = "Perl" << " programming" << " language" puts lang lang = "Java".concat(" programming").concat(" language") puts lang
Ruby provides multiple ways of concatenating strings.
lang = "Ruby" + " programming" + " languge"
The plus operator is the most common operator used to add strings in
computer languages. Perl and PHP use the dot .
operator to
concatenate strings.
lang = "Python" " programming" " language"
Ruby automatically concatenates subsequent strings.
lang = "Perl" << " programming" << " language"
Another operator which can be used to concatenate strings is <<
lang = "Java".concat(" programming").concat(" language")
Each string literal is in fact an object. We can call various methods
on each Ruby object. On string objects, we can call the concat
method, which adds two string objects. It also returns the final object, on
which we can call another method. So we can place these methods in a chain.
$ ./concatenate.rb Ruby programming languge Python programming language Perl programming language Java programming language
Ruby freezing strings
In Java or C#, the strings are immutable. This means that we cannot modify an existing string. We can only create a new string out of an existing one. In Ruby, the strings are not immutable by default.
String objects in Ruby have a freeze
method, which makes
them immutable.
#!/usr/bin/ruby msg = "Jane" msg << " is " msg << "17 years old" puts msg msg.freeze #msg << "and she is pretty"
In this example, we demonstrate that strings can be modified. However, after calling the freeze method on a string object, we cannot modify the string anymore. If we uncomment the code line, we get 'can't modify frozen String' error message.
Ruby comparing strings
Comparing strings is a common job in programming. We can compare two
strings with a ==
operator or with a
method. They return true if the strings are equal and false if
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "12" == "12" puts "17" == "9" puts "aa" == "ab" puts "Jane".eql? "Jan" puts "Jane".eql? "Jane"
In this code example, we compare some strings.
puts "12" == "12"
These two strings are equal, the line returns true.
puts "aa" == "ab"
The first two characters of both strings are equal. Next the following characters are compared. They are different so the line returns false.
puts "Jane".eql? "Jan"
The eql?
method is used to compare two strings. Strings are
objects and all have a built-in eql?
method. The method takes
one parameter, the string to which we are comparing our first string.
$ ./comparing.rb true false false false true
Ruby has a spaceship operator <==>
. The operator
comes from the Perl language. Unlike the above two ways of comparing strings,
which return either true or false, this operator will return 1, 0, or −1.
Depending on the value of the left argument relative to the right argument. If
the left argument is greater than the right argument, the operator returns 1. If
the left argument is less than the right argument, the operator returns −1. If
the two arguments are equal, the operator returns 0.
What does it mean that a character is greater than another character? Characters
are ordered in tables. Each character has a position in a table. When comparing
characters, we compare their positions in such a table. For example in a ASCII
table, the character a comes before the character b. So comparing a
<==> b
returns -1, because the left argument has a lower
position than b.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "a" <==> "b" puts "b" <==> "a" puts "a" <==> "a"
Comparing characters with a spaceship operator.
$ ./spaceship.rb -1 1 0
In is possible to compare strings regardless of the case. For this Ruby has a
method. The method works the same way as the spaceship
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "Jane".casecmp "Jane" puts "Jane".casecmp "jane" puts "Jane".casecmp "Jan"
puts "Jane".casecmp "Jane" puts "Jane".casecmp "jane"
These two lines return the same result, 0. In this case we do not take into account whether the characters are in upper or lower case.
$ ./case_comp.rb 0 0 1
Strings are objects in Ruby
Ruby is an object-oriented language. Objects are basic building blocks of an OOP program. Strings are objects too. An object is a combination of data and methods. In a OOP program, objects are created and they communicate among themselves.
#!/usr/bin/ruby website = "" puts website website = "" puts website
In the example above, we show two basic ways of creating a string in Ruby.
website = ""
Here a string literal is assigned to a website variable. Under the hood, the Ruby interpreter creates a string object.
website = ""
This is the standard way of creating string objects. However, the first is used in most cases because it is less verbose and it is the common way of creating strings in most computer languages.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "zetcode".upcase puts "zetcode".size puts "zetcode".reverse
In this code example, we call three methods on a string literal. For people who are familiar with Java, C and similar languages, this may be cofusing. In Ruby, a string literal is transfromed into a string object upon which it is possible to call methods.
$ ./string_object.rb ZETCODE 7 edoctez
Ruby string methods
Ruby string objects have useful methods that can be used for working with
strings. We have already seen several string methods like concat
or eql?
#!/usr/bin/ruby word = "Determination" puts "The word #{word} has #{word.size} characters" puts word.include? "tion" puts word.include? "tic" puts puts word.empty? word.clear puts word.empty?
We have a string variable. Four string methods are presented.
puts "The word #{word} has #{word.size} characters"
The size
method returns the number of characters in the
puts word.include? "tion"
The include?
method determines whether a substring
is present in the tested string. In this case, the code line
returns true.
puts word.empty? word.clear
The empty?
method checks whether the string is empty. It returns a
boolean true or false. The clear
method makes string empty.
$ ./basic_methods.rb The word Determination has 13 characters true false false true
In the next example, we have methods that work with the case of the characters.
#!/usr/bin/ruby ruby = "Ruby programming language" puts ruby.upcase puts ruby.downcase puts ruby.capitalize puts ruby.swapcase
Ruby has four methods for character case. The upcase
method returns
a copy of the string in which all characters are in uppercase. The
method returns a copy of the string in which all
characters are in downcase. The capitalize
method returns a copy of
string with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to
lowercase. Finally, the swapcase
method returns a copy of the
string where the uppercase letters are converted to downcase and vice versa.
$ ./ruby_lang.rb RUBY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ruby programming language Ruby programming language rUBY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
Next we present two Ruby string methods: start_with?
. Both methods return a boolean true or false. They
determine whether a string starts or ends with a specific string, respectively.
#!/usr/bin/ruby ws1 = "" ws2 = "" puts ws1.start_with? "www." puts ws2.start_with? "www." puts puts ws1.end_with? ".com" puts ws2.end_with? ".com"
This is an example for the aforementioned methods.
puts ws1.start_with? "www."
Here we check if a string starts with a "www." prefix. It does not, so the output to the console is a boolean false.
puts ws1.end_with? ".com"
We check whether the ws1 string variable ends with a ".com" suffix. It does, so we see a true in the console.
$ ./start_end.rb false true true false
In the following example, we deal with the inspect
The method returns a raw string, surrounded by quote marks,
with special characters not interpreted. It is useful when we want
to examine what characters form the string.
#!/usr/bin/ruby msg = "Jane\t17\nThomas\t23" puts msg puts msg.inspect
An example of the inspect
string method.
msg = "Jane\t17\nThomas\t23"
This is a string with some special characters.
puts msg puts msg.inspect
In the first case, the special characters are interpreted. There is a tab and a newline between string parts. In the second case, we get the string in a raw format.
$ ./inspect_method.rb Jane 17 Thomas 23 "Jane\t17\nThomas\t23"
The chomp
method returns a new string with the record separator
removed from the end of the string. The default separator is the
newline (\n).
#!/usr/bin/ruby print "Are you sure to download? (Yes/No) " response = gets if (response.downcase == "yes") puts "Downloaded" else puts "Download cancelled" end puts response.inspect
In the above script, we get an input from the user. We react to the user response.
$ ./user_input.rb Are you sure to download? (Yes/No) Yes Download cancelled "Yes\n"
The script does not work correctly. The reason becomes clear when
we consider what inspect
The input from the user is ended with an enter key. The newline character is included
in the response variable too. And "yes" does not equal to "yes\n".
To correct the script, we use the chomp
method. It removes
the newline from the variable.
#!/usr/bin/ruby print "Are you sure to download? (Yes/No) " response = gets if (response.downcase.chomp == "yes") puts "Downloaded" else puts "Download cancelled" end puts response.inspect
if (response.downcase.chomp == "yes")
Here we process the input before it is compared
with the "yes" string. The chomp
removes the newline character.
$ ./chomping.rb Are you sure to download? (Yes/No) yes Downloaded "yes\n"
Now the example works correctly.
Ruby formatting strings
Ruby has format specifiers. A format specifier determines how
the string is going to look like. It begins with a %
Format specifiers are put inside single or double quotes.
The format specifier has the following fields:
%[flags][field width][precision]conversion specifier
Fields in square brackets are optional.
A conversion specifier specifies how the data is going to be converted into displayable form.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "There are %d oranges in the basket." % 12 puts "There are %d oranges and %d apples in the basket." % [12, 10]
Here is an example of some format specifiers.
puts "There are %d oranges in the basket" % 12
When we use the %d notation inside a string, we expect a number at that point. The d is a conversion specifier for decimal numbers. The number is given after the % character.
puts "There are %d oranges and %d apples in the basket" % [12, 10]
We can use multiple format specifiers inside a string. Each begins with
a % character. Multiple values are placed between []
and separated by comma character.
$ ./format_specifiers.rb There are 12 oranges in the basket. There are 12 oranges and 10 apples in the basket.
In the following example, we cover some basic conversion specifiers.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "There are %d apples." % 5 puts "I can see %i oranges." % 3 puts "The width of iPhone 3G is %f mm." % 62.1 puts "This animal is called a %s" % "rhinoceros."
We have conversion specifiers for integers, floating point numbers and strings.
puts "There are %d apples." % 5 puts "I can see %i oranges." % 3
Both d an i can be used for integers.
puts "The width of iPhone 3G is %f mm." % 62.1
The f
is a conversion specifier for floating point values.
By default, floats have six decimal places.
puts "This animal is called a %s" % "rhinoceros."
The s
character is used for strings.
$ ./format_specifiers2.rb There are 5 apples. I can see 3 oranges. The width of iPhone 3G is 62.100000 mm. This animal is called a rhinoceros.
Next we have a practical example of using a format specifier.
#!/usr/bin/ruby website = "" website.each_char do |c| print "#{c} has ASCII code %d\n" % c.ord end
In this example, we go through all characters of a string and print their ASCII values to the terminal.
website.each_char do |c| print "#{c} has ASCII code %d\n" % c.ord end
The each_char
method passes each character
of a website string to the block, one character per cycle, with
current character stored in c variable. We get the ASCII code
of the character using the ord
method, which returns
the ordinal of a one character string.
$ ./characters.rb z has ASCII code 122 e has ASCII code 101 t has ASCII code 116 c has ASCII code 99 o has ASCII code 111 d has ASCII code 100 e has ASCII code 101 . has ASCII code 46 c has ASCII code 99 o has ASCII code 111 m has ASCII code 109
Numbers can be displayed in various forms. The conversion specifier can be used to format numbers.
#!/usr/bin/ruby # decimal puts "%d" % 300 # hexadecimal puts "%x" % 300 # octal puts "%o" % 300 # binary puts "%b" % 300 # scientific puts "%e" % (5/3.0)
In the above example, we print numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, and scientific formats.
# hexadecimal puts "%x" % 300
The x
conversion specifier is used to transform a number into a
hexadecimal format.
# binary puts "%b" % 300
The x
conversion specifier is used to transform a
number into a binary format.
$ ./format_numbers.rb 300 12c 454 100101100 1.666667e+00
Precision is a field in the format specifier. It is specified as a number following a decimal point. It has a different meaning for an integer, a floating point number and for a string. When used with integers, it indicates the minimum number of digits to be printed. If the number has fewer digits than the precision, zeros are prefixed. The default precision for integers is 1, meaning that no zeros are filled. When used with a float number, the precision is the number of digits displayed after the decimal point. Finally, with strings, the precision is the maximum number of characters printed.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts 'Height: %f %s' % [172.3, 'cm'] puts 'Height: %.1f %s' % [172.3, 'cm'] puts "%d" % 16 puts "%.5d" % 16 puts "%s" % "zetcode" puts "%.5s" % "zetcode"
In this example, we work with the precision field.
puts 'Height: %f %s' % [172.3, 'cm'] puts 'Height: %.1f %s' % [172.3, 'cm']
172.3 is a floating point number. If no precision is specified,
there will be 6 decimal places after a decimal point. In our case,
there will be 5 zeros. The .1
in the second code line is
the precision. For a floating point value, it reduces the number of
decimal places to 1.
puts "%d" % 16 puts "%.5d" % 16
The default precision for integers is 1. In the second line, we have specified precision .5, which adds (prepends) 3 zeros to the 16 number.
puts "%s" % "zetcode" puts "%.5s" % "zetcode"
The first line prints all characters of the string. The second line prints only five of them. Two characters are dropped.
$ ./precision.rb Height: 172.300000 cm Height: 172.3 cm 16 00016 zetcode zetco
Field width specifies the minimum width of the data to display. It is a number, which comes before the decimal point if it is present. If the output is shorter, then it is padded with spaces and it is right aligned. If we put a minus sign before the field width, it is left aligned. If the output is longer than the field width, it is displayed in full.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "%d" % 1 puts "%d" % 16 puts "%d" % 165 puts "%d" % 1656 puts "%d" % 16567 puts "%10d" % 1 puts "%10d" % 16 puts "%10d" % 165 puts "%10d" % 1656 puts "%10d" % 16567
In the first case, we print five numbers without specifying the field width. The width of the output is equal to the number of the characters being displayed. In the second case we have a field width of 10. Each of the 5 outputs has a minimum length of 10 characters. The numbers are right aligned.
puts "%d" % 1 puts "%d" % 16
We print two numbers. The width of the output has 1, 2 characters, respectively.
puts "%10d" % 1 puts "%10d" % 16
Here the length in both cases is 10 characters. The two numbers are padded with 9 and 8 spaces in the given order.
$ ./field_width.rb 1 16 165 1656 16567 1 16 165 1656 16567
We can see that in the second case the numbers are right aligned.
The flag qualifier modifies the format's behaviour.
The #
flag adds a 0b
, 0
, and 0x
prefix to binary, octal, and hexadecimal formats respectively. It adds a decimal point
to the floating point values, even if the number of decimal places have been
restricted by the precision.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "%#b" % 231 puts "%#x" % 231 puts "%#o" % 231 puts "%.0e" % 231 puts "%#.0e" % 231 puts "%.0f" % 231 puts "%#.0f" % 231
In the code example, we use the x
puts "%#b" % 231 puts "%#x" % 231 puts "%#o" % 231
The decimal 231 is printed in binary, octal, and hexadecimal formats.
The #
flags adds a prefix for them.
puts "%.0e" % 231 puts "%#.0e" % 231
Here, the .0
precision supresses the decimal places of a number.
However, when used with a #
flag, the decimal point is displayed,
even though there are no decimal digits.
$ ./flags.rb 0xe7 0b11100111 0347 2e+02 2.e+02 231 231.
The +
flag adds a plus sign for positive decimal numbers.
For binary, octal and hexadecimal negative numbers it adds a minus sign
and uses an absolute value.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "%d" % 231 puts "%+d" % 231 puts "%d" % -231 puts "%+d" % -231 puts "%b" % -231 puts "%o" % -231 puts "%x" % -231 puts "%+b" % -231 puts "%+o" % -231 puts "%+x" % -231
An example demonstrating the +
flag of the format
puts "%d" % 231 puts "%+d" % 231
Usually, positive numbers have their sign omitted. If we want to show
a plus sign for positive numbers, we specify the +
puts "%d" % -231 puts "%+d" % -231
The +
flag has no effect on negative numbers. The output is the same.
puts "%b" % -231 puts "%o" % -231 puts "%x" % -231
Binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers have their own way to create negative numbers.
puts "%+b" % -231 puts "%+o" % -231 puts "%+x" % -231
If we specify the +
flag for these negative numbers, we
transform a number to a different format and add a minus sign. There
is no special way of representing negative numbers.
$ ./flags2.rb 231 +231 -231 -231 ..100011001 ..7431 ..f19 -11100111 -347 -e7
Here we introduce the 0
flag and the -
The 0
flag causes the number to be padded with zeros instead of
spaces. The -
flag makes the output left aligned.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "%010d" % 1 puts "%010d" % 16 puts "%010d" % 165 puts "%010d" % 1656 puts "%010d" % 16567 puts "%-10d" % 1 puts "%-10d" % 16 puts "%-10d" % 165 puts "%-10d" % 1656 puts "%-10d" % 16567
puts "%010d" % 1 puts "%010d" % 16
Numbers will be padded with zeros.
puts "%-10d" % 1 puts "%-10d" % 16
The number, being shorter than the field width, is aligned.
And the -
flag makes it left aligned.
$ ./field_width2.rb 0000000001 0000000016 0000000165 0000001656 0000016567 1 16 165 1656 16567
The *
flag can be used for the precision and for the width.
Whenever we use the *
flag, we have to specify the precision or the
width as an argument.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts "%.*f" % [3, 1.1111111] puts "%0*d" % [10, 2] puts "%0*.*f" % [10, 3, 1.1111]
Example for the * flag.
puts "%.*f" % [3, 1.1111111]
Here we use the *
flag for the precision. The first number, 3, is
the argument for the precision. It says only three decimal digits will be
displayed for the 1.1111111 float number.
puts "%0*d" % [10, 2]
In this code line, we use the *
flag for the width. We have to
add the width between the []
brackets. The first number is the
width and the second number is the value for the conversion specifier.
puts "%0*.*f" % [10, 3, 1.1111]
The *
flag can be used for both the width and the precision.
We have to specify them both in the []
$ ./flags3.rb 1.111 0000000002 000001.111
This part of the Ruby tutorial covered strings.