
AWK tutorial

last modified October 18, 2023

This is AWK tutorial. It covers the basics of the AWK tool.


AWK is a pattern-directed scanning and processing language. An AWK program consists of a set of actions to be taken against streams of textual data. AWK extensively uses regular expressions. It is a standard feature of most Unix-like operating systems.

AWK was created at Bell Labs in the 1977. Its name is derived from the family names of its authors – Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan.

There are two major implementations of AWK. The traditional Unix AWK and the newer GAWK. GAWK is the GNU Project's implementation of the AWK programming language. GAWK has several extensions to the original AWK.

AWK program

An AWK program consists of a sequence of pattern-action statements and optional function definitions. It processes text files. AWK is a line oriented language. It divides a file into lines called records. Each line is broken up into a sequence of fields. The fields are accessed by special variables: $1 reads the first field, $2 the second and so on. The $0 variable refers to the whole record.

The structure of an AWK program has the following form:

pattern { action }

The pattern is a test that is performed on each of the records. If the condition is met then the action is performed. Either pattern or action can be omitted, but not both. The default pattern matches each line and the default action is to print the record.

awk -f program-file [file-list]
awk program [file-list]

An AWK program can be run in two basic ways: a) the program is read from a separate file; the name of the program follows the -f option, b) the program is specified on the command line enclosed by quote characters.

AWK one-liners

AWK one-linears are simple one-shot programs run from the command line. Let us have the following text file:


We want to print all words included in the words.txt file that are longer than five characters.

$ awk 'length($1) > 5 {print $0}' words.txt

The AWK program is placed between two single quote characters. The first is the pattern; we specify that the length of the record is greater that five. The length function returns the length of the string. The $1 variable refers to the first field of the record; in our case there is only one field per record. The action is placed between curly brackets.

$ awk 'length($1) > 5' words.txt

As we have specified earlier, the action can be omitted. In such a case a default action is performed — printing of the whole record.

$ awk 'length($1) == 3' words.txt

We print all words that have three characters.

$ awk '!(length($1) == 3)' words.txt

With the ! operator, we can negate the condition; we print all lines that do not have three characters.

$ awk '(length($1) == 3) || (length($1) == 4)' words.txt

We combined two conditions with the || operator.

$ awk 'length($1) > 0  {print $1, "has", length($1), "chars"}' words.txt
storeroom has 9 chars
tree has 4 chars
cup has 3 chars
store has 5 chars
book has 4 chars
cloud has 5 chars
existence has 9 chars
ministerial has 11 chars
falcon has 6 chars
town has 4 chars
sky has 3 chars
top has 3 chars
bookworm has 8 chars
bookcase has 8 chars
war has 3 chars

This AWK command prints the length of each of the words. If we separate print arguments with a comma, AWK adds a space character.

$ grep book words.txt
$ grep book words.txt -n

The grep command is used for locating text patterns inside files.

$ awk '/book/ {print}' words.txt
$ awk '/book/ {print NR ":" $0}' words.txt

These are AWK equivalents of the above grep commands. The NR variable gives the total number of records/lines being processed.

Next we apply conditions on numbers.

Peter 89
Lucia 95
Thomas 76
Marta 67
Joe 92
Alex 78
Sophia 90
Alfred 65
Kate 46

We have a file with scores of students.

$ awk '$2 >= 90 { print $0 }' scores.txt
Lucia 95
Joe 92
Sophia 90

We print all students with scores 90+.

$ awk '$2 >= 90 { print }' scores.txt
Lucia 95
Joe 92
Sophia 90

If we omit an argument for the print function, the $0 is assumed.

$ awk '$2 >= 90' scores.txt
Lucia 95
Joe 92
Sophia 90

A missing { action } means print the matching line.

$ awk '{ if ($2 >= 90) print }' scores.txt
Lucia 95
Joe 92
Sophia 90

Instead of a pattern, we can also use an if condition in the action.

$ awk '{sum += $2} END { printf("The average score is %.2f\n", sum/NR) }' scores.txt
The average score is 77.56

This command calculates the average score. In the action block, we calculate the sum of scores. In the END block, we print the average score. We format the output with the built-in printf function. The %.2f is a format specifier; each specifier begins with the % character. The .2 is the precision -- the number of digits after the decimal point. The f expects a floating point value. The \n is not a part of the specifier; it is a newline character. It prints a newline after the string is shown on the terminal.

AWK working with pipes

AWK can receive input and send output to other commands via the pipe.

$ echo -e "1 2 3 5\n2 2 3 8" | awk '{print $(NF)}'

In this case, AWK receives output from the echo command. It prints the values of last column.

$ awk -F: '$7 ~ /bash/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd | wc -l

Here, the AWK program sends data to the wc command via the pipe. In the AWK program, we find out those users who use bash. Their names are passed to the wc command which counts them. In our case, there are three users using bash.

AWK fields

AWK reads files line by line. Each line or record can be separated into fields. The FS variable stores the field separator, which is a space by default.

$ ls -l
total 132
drwxr-xr-x  2 jano7  jano7     512 Feb 11 16:02 data
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7  110211 Oct 12  2019 sid.jpg
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7       5 Jul 22 20:21 some.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7     226 Apr 23 16:56 thermopylae.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7     365 Aug  4 10:22 users.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7      24 Jul 21 21:03 words.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 jano7  jano7      30 Jul 22 21:20 words2.txt

We have these files in the current working directory.

$ ls -l | awk '{print $6 " " $9}'

Feb data
Oct sid.jpg
Jul some.txt
Apr thermopylae.txt
Aug users.txt
Jul words.txt
Jul words2.txt

We redirect the output of the ls command to AWK. We print the sixth and ninth columns of the output.

John Doe, gardener, London, M, 11/23/1982
Jane Doe, teacher, London, F, 10/12/1988
Peter Smith, programmer, New York, M, 9/18/2000
Joe Brown, driver, Portland, M, 1/1/1976
Jack Smith, physician, Manchester, M, 2/27/1983
Lucy Black, accountant, Birmingham, F, 5/5/1998
Martin Porto, actor, Los Angeles, M, 4/30/1967
Sofia Harris, interpreter, Budapest, F, 8/18/1993

In the users.txt file, we have a few users. The fields are now separated with a comma character.

$ awk -F, '{print $1 " is a(n)" $2}' users.txt
John Doe is a(n) gardener
Jane Doe is a(n) teacher
Peter Smith is a(n) programmer
Joe Brown is a(n) driver
Jack Smith is a(n) physician
Lucy Black is a(n) accountant
Martin Porto is a(n) actor
Sofia Harris is a(n) interpreter

We print the first and the second column of the file. We specify the field separator with the -F option.

$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}  {print $3}' users.txt
New York
Los Angeles

The field separator can be also set in the program. We set the FS variable to comma inside the BEGIN block, which is executed once at the beginning of the program execution.

$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=","}  {print $3}' users.txt | uniq
New York
Los Angeles

We pass the output to the uniq command to get distinct values.

$ awk -F, '$4 ~ "F"  {print $1}' users.txt
Jane Doe
Lucy Black
Sofia Harris

We print all females. We use the ~ operator to match against a pattern.

$ awk '{print "The", NR". record has", length($0), "characters"}' users.txt
The 1. record has 41 characters
The 2. record has 40 characters
The 3. record has 47 characters
The 4. record has 40 characters
The 5. record has 47 characters
The 6. record has 47 characters
The 7. record has 46 characters
The 8. record has 49 characters

The command prints the number of characters for each record. The $0 stands for the whole line.

$ awk -F, '{print $NF, $(NF-1)}' users.txt
11/23/1982  M
10/12/1988  F
9/18/2000  M
1/1/1976  M
2/27/1983  M
5/5/1998  F
4/30/1967  M
8/18/1993  F

The $NF is the last field, the $(NF-1) is the second last field.

$ awk -F, '{ if ($4 ~ "M") {m++} else {f++} } END {printf "users: %d\nmales: %d\nfemales: %d\n", m+f, m, f}' users.txt
users: 8
males: 5
females: 3

The command prints the number of users, males, and females. When the command is becoming too complex, it is better to put it inside a file.

    if ($4 ~ "M") {

    } else {


    printf "users: %d\nmales: %d\nfemales: %d\n", m+f, m, f

The first block delimited by {} is executed for each line of the file. We count all records that have and don't have M in the 4th field. The numbers are stored in the m and f variables. The END block is executed once in the end of the program. There we print the number of users, males, and females. The printf function allows us to create formatted strings.

$ awk -F, -f males_females.awk users.txt
users: 8
males: 5
females: 3

AWK reads the program from the file followed by the -f option.

AWK regular expressions

Regular expressions are often applied on AWK fields. The ~ is the regular expression match operator. It checks if a string matches the provided regular expression.

$ awk '$1 ~ /^[b,c]/ {print $1}' words.txt

In this command we print all the words that begin with b or c character. The regular expression is placed between two slash characters.

$ awk '$1 ~ /[e,n]$/ {print $1}' words.txt

This command prints all words that end with e or n.

$ awk '$1 ~ /\<...\>/ {print $1}' words.txt

The command prints all words that have three characters. The doc (.) stands for any character and the \< \> characters are word boundaries.

$ awk '$1 ~ /\<...\>/ || $1 ~ /\<....\>/ {print $1}' words.txt

We combine two condition with the or (||) operator. The AWK command prints all words that have either three of four characters.

$ awk '$1 ~ /store|room|book/' words.txt

With the alternation operator (|), we print fields that contain either of the specified wores.

$ awk '$1 ~ /^book(worm|case)?$/' words.txt

Applying a subpattern with , we print fields that include words book, bookwor, or bookcase. The ? tells that the subpattern may or may not be there.

The match is a built-in string manipulation function. It tests if the given string contains a regular expression pattern. The first parameter is the string, the second is the regex pattern. It is similar to the ~ operator.

$ awk 'match($0, /^[c,b]/)' words.txt

The program prints those lines that begin with c or b. The regular expression is placed between two slash characters.

The match function sets the RSTART variable; it is the index of the start of the matching pattern.

$ awk 'match($0, /i/) {print $0 " has i character at " RSTART}' words.txt
craftsmanship has i character at 12
beautiful has i character at 6
existence has i character at 3
ministerial has i character at 2

The program prints those words that contain the i character. In addition, it prints the first occurrence of the character.

AWK built-in variables

AWK provides important built-in variables.

Variable nameDescription
FSfield separator (default space)
NF# of fields in the current record
NRcurrent record/line number
$0whole line
$nn-th field
FNRcurrent record number in the current file
RSinput record separator (default newline)
OFSoutput field separator (default blank)
ORSoutput record separator (default newline)
OFMToutput format for numbers (default %.6g)
SUBSEPseparates multiple subscripts (default 034)
ARGCargument count
ARGVarray of arguments
FILENAMEthe name of the current input file
RSTARTindex of the start of the matching pattern
RLENGTHthe length of the string matched by the match function
CONVFMTconversion format used when converting numbers (default %.6g)

The table lists common AWK variables.

$ awk 'NR % 2 == 0 {print}' words.txt

The above program prints each second record of the words.txt file. Modulo dividing the NR variable we get an even line.

Say we want to print the line numbers of the file.

$ awk '{print NR, $0}' words.txt
1 storeroom
2 tree
3 cup
4 store
5 book
6 cloud
7 existence
8 ministerial
9 falcon
10 town
11 sky
12 top
13 bookworm
14 bookcase
15 war

Again, we use the NR variable. We skip the pattern, therefore, the action is peformed on each line. The $0 variable refers to the whole record.

$ echo -e "cup\nbill\ncoin" > words1.txt
$ echo -e "cloud\nbreath\nrank" > words2.txt

We create two text files with some words.

$ awk '{ print $1, "is at line", FNR, "in", FILENAME }' words1.txt words2.txt
cup is at line 1 in words1.txt
bill is at line 2 in words1.txt
coin is at line 3 in words1.txt
cloud is at line 1 in words2.txt
breath is at line 2 in words2.txt
rank is at line 3 in words2.txt

We print where each word is located; we include the line number and the filename. The difference between the NR and FNR variables is that the former counts lines in all files while the latter counts lines always in the current file.

For the following example, we have this C source file.

1  #include <stdio.h>
3  int main(void) {
5      char *countries[5] = { "Germany", "Slovakia", "Poland",
6              "China", "Hungary" };
8      size_t len = sizeof(countries) / sizeof(*countries);
10     for (size_t i=0; i < len; i++) {
12         printf("%s\n", countries[i]);
13     }
14 }

We have a source file with line numbers. Our task is to remove the numbers from the text.

$ awk '{print substr($0, 4)}' source.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

    char *countries[5] = { "Germany", "Slovakia", "Poland",
            "China", "Hungary" };

    size_t len = sizeof(countries) / sizeof(*countries);

    for (size_t i=0; i < len; i++) {

        printf("%s\n", countries[i]);

We use the substr function. It prints a substring from the given string. We apply the function on each line, skipping the first three characters. In other words, we print each record from the fourth character till its end.

$ awk '{print substr($0, 4) >> "source2.c"}' source.c

We redirect the output to a new file.

The NF is the number of fields in the current record.

2 3 1 34 21 12
43 21 11 2 11 33 12
43 72 91 90 32 14
34 87 22 12 75 2 42 13
75 23 1 42 41 94 4 32
2 1 6 2 1 3 1 4
53 13 52 84 14 14 63
3 2 5 76 31 45

We have a file of values.

$ awk 'NF == 6' values.txt
2 3 1 34 21 12
43 72 91 90 32 14
3 2 5 76 31 45

We print records that have six fields.

$ awk '{print "line", NR, "has", NF, "values"}' values.txt
line 1 has 6 values
line 2 has 7 values
line 3 has 6 values
line 4 has 8 values
line 5 has 8 values
line 6 has 8 values
line 7 has 7 values
line 8 has 6 values

This command prints the number of values for each line.

    for (i = 1; i<=NF; i++) {

        sum += $i

    print "line", NR, "sum:", sum

    sum = 0

The program calculates the sum of values for each line.

for (i = 1; i<=NF; i++) {

    sum += $i

This is a classic for loop. We go through each of the fields in the record and add the value to the sum variable. The += is a compound addition operator.

$ awk -f calc_sum.awk values.txt
line 1 sum: 73
line 2 sum: 133
line 3 sum: 342
line 4 sum: 287
line 5 sum: 312
line 6 sum: 20
line 7 sum: 293
line 8 sum: 162

The following is an alternative solution using the split function.

    split($0, vals)

    for (idx in vals) {

        sum += vals[idx]

    print "line", NR, "sum:", sum

    sum = 0

The program calculates the sum of values for each line.

split($0, vals)

The split function splits the given string into an array; the default separator for elements of the record is FS.

for (idx in vals) {

    sum += vals[idx]

We go through the array and calculate the sum. In each of the loop cycles, the idx variable is set to the current index of the array.

$ awk -f calc_sum2.awk values.txt
line 1 sum: 73
line 2 sum: 133
line 3 sum: 342
line 4 sum: 287
line 5 sum: 312
line 6 sum: 20
line 7 sum: 293
line 8 sum: 162

BEGIN and END blocks

BEGIN and END are blocks that are executed before and after all records have been read. These two keywords are followed by curly brackets where we specify statements to be executed.

$ awk 'BEGIN { print "Unix time: ", systime()}'
Unix time: 1628156179

The BEGIN block is executed before the first input line is processed. We print the Unix time, utilizing the systime function. The function is a gawk extension function.

$ awk 'BEGIN { print "Today is", strftime("%Y-%m-%d") }'
Today is 2021-08-05

The program prints the current date. The strftime is a GAWK extension.

$ echo "1,2,3,4,5" | awk '{ split($0,a,",");for (idx in a) {sum+=a[idx]} } END {print sum}'

The program splits the line into an array of numbers with the split function. We go over the array elements and calculate their sum. In the END block, we print the sum.

The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states,
led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the
course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece.

We want to count the number of lines, words, and characters in the file.

$ wc thermopylae.txt
4      38     226 thermopylae.txt

To count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file, we have the wc command.

    words += NF
    chars += length + 1 # include newline character
END { print NR, words, chars }

The first part of the program is executed for each line of the file. The END block is run at the end of the program.

$ awk -f count_words.awk thermopylae.txt
4 38 226
$ cat words.txt
$ cat words2.txt

We want to know the number of lines in those two lines.

$ awk 'END {print NR}' words.txt words2.txt

We pass two files to the AWK program. AWK sequentially processes the file names received on the command line. The block following the END keyword is executed at the end of the program; we print the NR variable which holds the line number of the last processed line.

$ awk 'BEGIN {srand()} {lines[NR] = $0} END { r=int(rand()*NR + 1); print lines[r]}' words.txt

The above program prints a random line from the words.txt file. The srand function seeds the random number generator. The function has to be executed only once. In the main part of the program, we store the current record into the lines array. In the end, we compute a random number between 1 and NR and print the randomly chosen line from the array structure.

AWK playing with words dictionary

In the following examples, we create a couple of AWK programs that work with an English dictionary. On Unix systems, a dictionary is located in /usr/share/dict/words file.

$ awk 'length($1) == 10 { n++ } END {print n}' /usr/share/dict/words

This command prints the number of words in the given dictionary that have ten characters. In the action block, we increase the n variable for each match. In the END block, we print the final number.

$ awk '$1 ~ /^w/ && length($1) == 4 { n++; if (n<15) {print} else {exit} }' /usr/share/dict/words

This command prints the first fifteen words that begin with 'w' and have four letters. The exit statement terminates the AWK program.

$ awk '$1 ~ /^w.*r$/ { n++; if (n<15) {print} } END {print n}' /usr/share/dict/words

The command prints the first fifteen words that begin with 'w' and end in 'r'. In the end, it prints the total number of such words in the file.

Palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar.

    for (i=length($0); i!=0; i--) {

        r = r substr($0, i, 1)

    if (length($0) > 1 && $0 == r) {


    r = ""


    printf "There are %d palindromes\n", n

The program finds all palindromes. The algorithm is that the original word must equal to a reversed word.

for (i=length($0); i!=0; i--) {

    r = r substr($0, i, 1)

Using a for loop, we reverse the given string. The substr function returns a subtring; the first parameter is the string, the second is the beginning position, and the last is the length of the substring. To concatenate strings in AWK, we simply separate them by a space character.

if (length($0) > 1 && $0 == r) {


The length of the word must be greater than 1; we don't count single letters as palindromes. If the reversed word is equal to the original word, we print it and increase the n variable.

r = ""

We reset the r variable.


    printf "There are %d palindromes\n", n

In the end, we print the number of palindromes in the file.

    if (length($0) == 1) {next}

    rev = reverse($0)

    if ($0 == rev) {


    printf "There are %d palindromes\n", n

function reverse(word) {
    r = ""

    for (i=length(word); i!=0; i--) {
        r = r substr(word, i, 1)

    return r

To improve the readability of the program, we create a custom reverse function.

AWK ARGC and ARGV variables

Next, we work with ARGC and ARGV variables.

$ awk 'BEGIN { print ARGC, ARGV[0], ARGV[1]}' words.txt
2 awk words.txt

The program prints the number of arguments of the AWK program and the first two arguments. ARGC is the number of command line arguments; in our case there are two arguments including the AWK itself. ARGV is an array of command line arguments. The array is indexed from 0 to ARGC - 1.

FS is an input field separator, a space by default. NF is the number of fields in the current input record.

For the following program, we use this file:

$ cat values
2, 53, 4, 16, 4, 23, 2, 7, 88
4, 5, 16, 42, 3, 7, 8, 39, 21
23, 43, 67, 12, 11, 33, 3, 6

We have three lines of comma-separated values.


    max = 0
    min = 10**10
    sum = 0
    avg = 0

    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

        sum += $i

        if (max < $i) {
            max = $i

        if (min > $i) {
            min = $i

        printf("%d ",  $i)


    avg = sum / NF
    printf("Min: %d, Max: %d, Sum: %d, Average: %d\n", min, max, sum, avg)

The program counts the basic statistics from the provided values.


The values in the file are separated by the comma character; therefore, we set the FS variable to comma character.

max = 0
min = 10**10
sum = 0
avg = 0

We define default values for the maximum, minimum, sum, and average. AWK variables are dynamic; their values are either floating-point numbers or strings, or both, depending upon how they are used.

    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

        sum += $i

        if (max < $i) {
            max = $i

        if (min > $i) {
            min = $i

        printf("%d ",  $i)

In the main part of the script, we go through each line and calculate the maximum, minumum, and the sum of the values. The NF is used to determine the number of values per line.


    avg = sum / NF
    printf("Min: %d, Max: %d, Sum: %d, Average: %d\n", min, max, sum, avg)

In the end part of the script, we calculate the average and print the calculations to the console.

$ awk -f stats.awk values
2 53 4 16 4 23 2 7 88 4 5 16 42 3 7 8 39 21 23 43 67 12 11 33 3 6
Min: 2, Max: 88, Sum: 542, Average: 67

The FS variable can be specified as a command line option with the -F flag.

$ awk -F: '{print $1, $7}' /etc/passwd | head -7
root /bin/bash
daemon /usr/sbin/nologin
bin /usr/sbin/nologin
sys /usr/sbin/nologin
sync /bin/sync
games /usr/sbin/nologin
man /usr/sbin/nologin

The example prints the first (the user name) and the seventh field (user's shell) from the system /etc/passwd file. The head command is used to print only the first seven lines. The data in the /etc/passwd file is separated by a colon. So the colon is given to the -F option.

The RS is the input record separator, by default a newline.

$ echo "Jane 17#Tom 23#Mark 34" | awk 'BEGIN {RS="#"} {print $1, "is", $2, "years old"}'
Jane is 17 years old
Tom is 23 years old
Mark is 34 years old

In the example, we have relevant data separated by the # character. The RS is used to strip them. AWK can receive input from other commands like echo.

AWK GET request

AWK can make HTTP requests. We use the getline function and the /inet/tcp/0/ file.


    site = "webcode.me"

    server = "/inet/tcp/0/" site "/80"
    print "GET / HTTP/1.0" |& server
    print "Host: " site |& server
    print "\r\n\r\n" |& server

    while ((server |& getline line) > 0 ) {

        content = content line "\n"

    print content

The program makes a GET request to the webcode.me page and reads its response.

print "GET / HTTP/1.0" |& server

The |& operator starts a coprocess, which allows a two-way communication.

while ((server |& getline line) > 0 ) {

    content = content line "\n"

With the getline function, we read the response from the server.

Passing variables to AWK

AWK has the -v option which is used to assign values to variables.

$ awk -v today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) 'BEGIN { print "Today is", today }'
Today is 2021-08-05

We pass the output of the date command to the today variable, which can be then accessed in the AWK program.

The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states,
led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the
course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece.
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

        field = $i

        if (field ~ word) {

            c = index($0, field)
            print NR "," c, $0

The example simulates the grep utility. It finds the provided word and prints its line and the its starting index. (The program finds only the first occurrence of the word.) The word variable is passed to the program using the -v option.

$ awk -v word=the -f mygrep.awk thermopylae.txt 
2,37 led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the
3,30 course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece.

We have looked for the "the" word in the thermopylae.txt file.

Word frequency

Next, we calculate the word frequency of the Bible.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janbodnar/data/main/the-king-james-bible.txt

We download the King James Bible.

$ file the-king-james-bible.txt 
the-king-james-bible.txt: UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text

When we examine the text, we can see that is is UTF-8 Unicode text with Byte order mark. The BOM must be taken into account in the AWK proram.

    if (NR == 1) { 

    gsub(/[,;!()*:?.]*/, "")
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {

        if ($i ~ /^[0-9]/) { 

        w = $i


    for (idx in words) {

        print idx, words[idx]

We calculate how many times a word is present in the book.

if (NR == 1) { 

From the first line, we remove the BOM character. If we did not remove the BOM, the very first word (The in our case) would contain it and would be thus recognized as a unique word.

gsub(/[,;!()*:?.]*/, "")

From the current record, we remove punctuation characters such as comma and colon. Otherwise, text such as the and the, would be considered as two distinct words.

The gsub function globally replaces the given regular expression with the specified string; since the string is empty, it means that they are deleted. If the string where the substitutions should take place is not specified, the $0 is assumed.

for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {

    if ($i ~ /^[0-9]/) { 

    w = $i

In the for loop, we go over the fields of the current line. Bible text is preceded with verses; these we do not want to include. So if the first field begins with a digit, we skip the current cycle with the continue keyword. The words is an array of words. Each index is a word from the text. The values correspoinding to the indexes are frequencies. Each time a word is encountered, its value is incremented.


    for (idx in words) {

        print idx, words[idx]

In the end, we go through the words and print their indexes (words) and values (frequencies).

$ awk -f word_freq.awk the-king-james-bible.txt > bible_words.txt

We run the program and redirect the output to the file.

$ sort -nr -k 2 bible_words.txt | head
the 62103
and 38848
of 34478
to 13400
And 12846
that 12576
in 12331
shall 9760
he 9665
unto 8942

We sort the data and print the first ten most frequent words.

PROCINFO is a special, built-in array which can influence the AWK program. For instance, it can determine the way the array is traversed. It is a GAWK extension.

    if (NR == 1) { 

    gsub(/[,;!()*:?.]*/, "")

    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {

        if ($i ~ /[0-9]/) {
        w = $i


    PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_num_desc"
    for (idx in words) {

        print idx, words[idx]

With PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_num_desc", we traverse the array by comparing the values in descending order.

$ awk -f freq_top.awk the-king-james-bible.txt | head
the 62103
and 38848
of 34478
to 13400
And 12846
that 12576
in 12331
shall 9760
he 9665
unto 8942

Spell checking

We create an AWK program for spell checking.

    count = 0

    i = 0
    while (getline myword <"/usr/share/dict/words") {
        dict[i] = myword

    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

        field = $i

        if (match(field, /[[:punct:]]$/)) {
            field = substr(field, 0, RSTART-1)

        mywords[count] = field


    for (w_i in mywords) {
        for (w_j in dict) {
            if (mywords[w_i] == dict[w_j] ||
                        tolower(mywords[w_i]) == dict[w_j]) {
                delete mywords[w_i]

    for (w_i in mywords) {
        if (mywords[w_i] != "") {
            print mywords[w_i]

The script compares the words of the provided text file against a dictionary. Under the standard /usr/share/dict/words path we can find an English dictionary; each word is on a separate line.

    count = 0

    i = 0
    while (getline myword <"/usr/share/dict/words") {
        dict[i] = myword

Inside the BEGIN block, we read the words from the dictionary into the dict array. The getline command reads a record from the given file name; the record is stored in the $0 variable.

    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

        field = $i

        if (match(field, /[[:punct:]]$/)) {
            field = substr(field, 0, RSTART-1)

        mywords[count] = field

In the main part of the program, we place the words of the file that we are spell checking into the mywords array. We remove any punctuation marks (like commas or dots) from the endings of the words.


    for (w_i in mywords) {
        for (w_j in dict) {
            if (mywords[w_i] == dict[w_j] ||
                        tolower(mywords[w_i]) == dict[w_j]) {
                delete mywords[w_i]

We compare the words from the mywords array against the dictionary array. If the word is in the dictionary, it is removed with the delete command. Words that begin a sentence start with an uppercase letter; therefore, we also check for a lowercase alternative utilizing the tolower function.

for (w_i in mywords) {
    if (mywords[w_i] != "") {
        print mywords[w_i]

Remaining words have not been found in the dictionary; they are printed to the console.

$ awk -f spellcheck.awk text

We have run the program on a text file; we have found two misspelled words. Note that the program takes some time to finish.


Rock-paper-scissors is a popular hand game in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. We create this game in AWK.

# This program creates a rock-paper-scissors game.



    opts[1] = "rock"
    opts[2] = "paper"
    opts[3] = "scissors"

    do {

        print "1 - rock"
        print "2 - paper"
        print "3 - scissors"
        print "9 - end game"

        ret = getline < "-"

        if (ret == 0 || ret == -1) {

        val = $0

        if (val == 9) {
        } else if (val != 1 && val != 2 && val != 3) {
            print "Invalid option"
        } else {

    } while (1)

function play_game(val) {

    r = int(rand()*3) + 1

    print "I have " opts[r] " you have "  opts[val]

    if (val == r) {
        print "Tie, next throw"

    if (val == 1 && r == 2) {

        print "Paper covers rock, you loose"
    } else if (val == 2 && r == 1) {

        print "Paper covers rock, you win"
    } else if (val == 2 && r == 3) {

        print "Scissors cut paper, you loose"
    } else if (val == 3 && r == 2) {

        print "Scissors cut paper, you win"
    } else if (val == 3 && r == 1) {

        print "Rock blunts scissors, you loose"
    } else if (val == 1 && r == 3) {

        print "Rock blunts scissors, you win"

We play the game against the computer, which chooses its options randomly.


We seed the random number generator with the srand function.

opts[1] = "rock"
opts[2] = "paper"
opts[3] = "scissors"

The three options are stored in the opts array.

do {

    print "1 - rock"
    print "2 - paper"
    print "3 - scissors"
    print "9 - end game"

The cycle of the game is controlled by the do-while loop. First, the options are printed to the terminal.

ret = getline < "-"

if (ret == 0 || ret == -1) {

val = $0

A value, our choice, is read from the command line using the getline command; the value is stored in the val variable.

if (val == 9) {
} else if (val != 1 && val != 2 && val != 3) {
    print "Invalid option"
} else {

We exit the program if we choose option 9. If the value is outside the printed menu options, we print an error message and start a new loop with the continue command. If we have choosen one of the three options correctly, we call the play_game function.

r = int(rand()*3) + 1

A random value from 1..3 is chosen with the rand function. This is the choice of the computer.

if (val == r) {
    print "Tie, next throw"

In case both players choose the same option there is a tie. We return from the function and a new loop is started.

if (val == 1 && r == 2) {

    print "Paper covers rock, you loose"
} else if (val == 2 && r == 1) {

We compare the chosen values of the players and print the result to the console.

$ awk -f rock_scissors_paper.awk
1 - rock
2 - paper
3 - scissors
9 - end game
I have scissors you have rock
Rock blunts scissors, you win
1 - rock
2 - paper
3 - scissors
9 - end game
I have paper you have scissors
Scissors cut paper, you win
1 - rock
2 - paper
3 - scissors
9 - end game

A sample run of the game.

Marking keywords

In the following example, we mark Java keywords in a source file.

# the program adds tags around Java keywords
# it works on keywords that are separate words


    # load java keywords
    i = 0
    while (getline kwd <"javakeywords2") {
        keywords[i] = kwd

    mtch = 0
    ln = ""
    space = ""

    # calculate the beginning space
    if (match($0, /[^[:space:]]/)) {
        if (RSTART > 1) {
            space = sprintf("%*s", RSTART, "")

    # add the space to the line
    ln = ln space

    for (i=1; i <= NF; i++) {

        field = $i

        # go through keywords
        for (w_i in keywords) {

            kwd = keywords[w_i]

            # check if a field is a keyword
            if (field == kwd) {
                mtch = 1

        # add tags to the line
        if (mtch == 1) {
            ln = ln  "<kwd>" field  "</kwd> "
        } else {
            ln = ln field " "

        mtch = 0

    print ln

The program adds <kwd> and </kwd> tags around each of the keywords that it recognizes. This is a basic example; it works on keywords that are separate words. It does not address the more complicated structures.

# load java keywords
i = 0
while (getline kwd <"javakeywords2") {
    keywords[i] = kwd

We load Java keywords from a file; each keyword is on a separate line. The keywords are stored in the keywords array.

# calculate the beginning space
if (match($0, /[^[:space:]]/)) {
    if (RSTART > 1) {
        space = sprintf("%*s", RSTART, "")

Using regular expression, we calculate the space at the beginning of the line if any. The space is a string variable equaling to the width of the space at the current line. The space is calculated in order to keep the indentation of the program.

# add the space to the line
ln = ln space

The space is added to the ln variable. In AWK, we use a space to add strings.

for (i=1; i <= NF; i++) {

field = $i

We go through the fields of the current line; the field in question is stored in the field variable.

# go through keywords
for (w_i in keywords) {

    kwd = keywords[w_i]

    # check if a field is a keyword
    if (field == kwd) {
        mtch = 1

In a for loop, we go through the Java keywords and check if a field is a Java keyword.

# add tags to the line
if (mtch == 1) {
    ln = ln  "<kwd>" field  "</kwd> "
} else {
    ln = ln field " "

If there is a keyword, we attach the tags around the keyword; otherwise we just append the field to the line.

print ln

The constructed line is printed to the console.

$ awk -f markkeywords2.awk program.java
<kwd>package</kwd> com.zetcode;

<kwd>class</kwd> Test {

     <kwd>int</kwd> x = 1;

     <kwd>public</kwd> <kwd>void</kwd> exec1() {


     <kwd>public</kwd> <kwd>void</kwd> exec2() {

         <kwd>int</kwd> z = 5;


<kwd>public</kwd> <kwd>class</kwd> MethodScope {

     <kwd>public</kwd> <kwd>static</kwd> <kwd>void</kwd> main(String[] args) {

         Test ts = <kwd>new</kwd> Test();

A sample run on a small Java program.

This was AWK tutorial.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.