Kotlin maps
last modified January 29, 2024
In this article we show how to work with maps in Kotlin. A map is a collection of pairs of objects.
Kotlin distinguishes between read-only and mutable maps. Read-only maps are
created with mapOf
and mutable maps with
A map is a collection that holds pairs of objects. Each pair consists of a key and a value. Map keys are unique; the map holds only one value for each key.
Kotlin mapOf
The mapOf
method creates a read-only map with the specified
contents, given as a list of pairs where the first value is the key and the
second is the value.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val chars = mapOf(97 to "a", 98 to "b", 120 to "x") println(chars) val user = mapOf("name" to "Luke", "age" to "23") println(user) }
The example creates two maps.
{97=a, 98=b, 120=x} {name=Luke, age=23}
Kotlin HashMap
A map can be created from Java's HashMap
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = HashMap<String, Int>() items["A"] = 90 items["B"] = 80 items["C"] = 70 for ((k, v) in items) { println("$k = $v") } }
The example creates a map using Java's HashMap
and prints the values and pairs to the console.
Kotlin map size
The size of a map (the number of pairs) can be determined
with the size
property and the count
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) println("Map has ${items.size} items") println("Map has ${items.count()} items") val n = items.count { it.value > 10 } println("# of values greater that 10: $n") }
The example counts the number of map pairs.
val n = items.count { it.value > 10 }
With the count
method we count the number
of values that are greater than ten.
Map has 4 items Map has 4 items # of values greater that 10: 3
Kotlin entries, keys, values
A Kotlin map has properties to get all entries, keys, and values.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33) println("Entries: " + items.entries) println("Keys:" + items.keys) println("Values:" + items.values) }
The example uses the entries
, keys
, and
Entries: [coins=12, books=45, cups=33] Keys:[coins, books, cups] Values:[12, 45, 33]
Kotlin mutableMapOf
A mutable map is created with mutableMapOf
package com.zetcode fun main() { val user = mutableMapOf("name" to "John Doe", "occupation" to "programmer") println(user) // user.put("location", "USA") user["location"] = "USA" println(user) user.remove("occupation") println(user) user.clear() println(user) if (user.isEmpty()) { println("empty") } else { println("not empty") } }
The example creates a mutable map and presents of its methods.
// user.put("location", "USA") user["location"] = "USA" println(user)
A new pair is added to the map. IntelliJ IDEA recommends the assignment operation.
A pair is deleted with remove
All pairs are removed with clear
if (user.isEmpty()) { println("empty") } else { println("not empty") }
The isEmpty
method checks if the map is empty.
{name=John Doe, occupation=programmer} {name=John Doe, occupation=programmer, location=USA} {name=John Doe, location=USA} {} empty
Kotlin get values
There are several methods to retrieve values from a Kotlin map.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) // println(items.get("coins")) println(items["coins"]) println(items.getValue("coins")) println(items.getOrDefault("pens", 0)) println(items.getOrDefault("pencils", 0)) val nOfPencils = items.getOrElse("pencils", { 0 }) println(nOfPencils) }
The example gets values from a map.
// println(items.get("coins")) println(items["coins"])
IntelliJ IDEA recommends to use the indexing operation instead of get
println(items.getOrDefault("pens", 0))
The getOrDefault
returns the value corresponding to the key or the
specified default value if the key is not present.
val nOfPencils = items.getOrElse("pencils", { 0 })
The getOrElse
returns the value for the given key, or the result
of the specified function if there was no entry for the given key.
Kotlin contains key/value
The containsKey
checks if the map contains a key. The
checks if the map contains a value.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) if (items.containsKey("cups")) { println("contains cups") } else { println("does not contain cups") } val value = 25 if (items.containsValue(value)) { println("contains value $value") } else { println("does not contain value $value") } }
The example checks if the map contains key "cups" and value 25.
Kotlin map forEach
With forEach
, we can traverse the map.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) items.forEach { (k, v) -> println("There are $v $k") } }
The example goes through the map with forEach
There are 12 coins There are 45 books There are 33 cups There are 2 pens
Kotlin filter map
We can filter maps with filterKeys
, filterValues
and filter
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("A" to 90, "B" to 80, "C" to 70, "D" to 60, "E" to 50) val filtered = items.filterKeys { it == "A" || it == "C" } println(filtered) val filtered2 = items.filterValues { it >= 70 } println(filtered2) val filtered3 = items.filter { it.key == "A" || it.value == 50 } println(filtered3) }
The example filters a map.
val filtered = items.filterKeys { it == "A" || it == "C" }
We filter out all pairs that match the specified keys.
val filtered2 = items.filterValues { it >= 70 }
We filter out all pairs that match the specified values.
val filtered3 = items.filter { it.key == "A" || it.value == 50 }
Here we filter out all pairs that match the given key or value.
{A=90, C=70} {A=90, B=80, C=70} {A=90, E=50}
Kotlin map maxOf & minOf
The maxOf
returns the largest value among all values produced by
selector function applied to each element in the array. The minOf
returns the smallest value among all values produced by selector function
applied to each element in the array.
package com.zetcode data class User(val fname: String, val lname: String, val salary: Int) fun main() { val users = mapOf( 1 to User("John", "Doe", 1230), 2 to User("Lucy", "Novak", 670), 3 to User("Ben", "Walter", 2050), 4 to User("Robin", "Brown", 2300), 5 to User("Amy", "Doe", 1250), 6 to User("Joe", "Draker", 1190), 7 to User("Janet", "Doe", 980), 8 to User("Albert", "Novak", 1930) ) val maxSalary = users.maxOf { it.value.salary } println(maxSalary) val minSalary = users.minOf { it.value.salary } println(minSalary) }
In the example, we find out the smallest and largest salary.
Kotlin sorted map
A sorted map is created with sortedMapOf
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) println(items) val sortedItems = sortedMapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) println(sortedItems) }
The example prints an unsorted and sorted map.
{coins=12, books=45, cups=33, pens=2} {books=45, coins=12, cups=33, pens=2}
The pairs are sorted by keys.
Kotlin map any
The any
method returns true
if at least one
entry matches the given predicate.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val items = mapOf("coins" to 12, "books" to 45, "cups" to 33, "pens" to 2) val value = 12 val hasValue = items.any { it.value == value } if (hasValue) { println("The map has value $value") } else { println("The map does not have value $value") } val isEven: (Int) -> Boolean = { it % 2 == 0 } val hasEvenValue = items.any { isEven(it.value) } if (hasEvenValue) { println("The map has even value(s)") } else { println("The map does not have even value(s)") } }
In the example, we check if the map contains at least one value 12 and if there is at least one even value.
The map has value 12 The map has even value(s)
Kotlin Map - language reference
In this article we have covered Kotlin maps.
List all Kotlin tutorials.