Kotlin lists
last modified January 29, 2024
This article shows how to work with lists in Kotlin. A list is a generic ordered collection of elements.
Kotlin distinguishes between read-only and mutable lists. Read-only lists are
created with listOf
and mutable lists with
Kotlin listOf
The listOf
method creates a new read-only list in Kotlin.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val words = listOf("pen", "cup", "dog", "spectacles") println("The list contains ${words.size} elements.") }
The example creates a new list of words with listOf
The size of the list is determined with the size
Kotlin List basics
In the next example, we have a simple Kotlin List example.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(11, 5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2) val len = nums.count() val max = nums.max() val min = nums.min() val sum = nums.sum() val avg = nums.average() val msg = """ max: $max, min: $min, count: $len, sum: $sum, average: $avg """ println(msg.trimIndent()) }
The example creates a list of numbers and computes some statistics.
val nums = listOf(11, 5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2)
A Kotlin read-only list is created with listOf
val len = nums.count() val max = nums.max() val min = nums.min() val sum = nums.sum() val avg = nums.average()
We compute the number of values, maximum, minimum, sum, and the average of the values.
max: 11, min: 1, count: 8, sum: 45, average: 5.625
Kotlin List indexing
Each element of a list has an index. Kotlin list indexes start from
zero. The last element has len-1
package com.zetcode fun main() { val words = listOf("pen", "cup", "dog", "person", "cement", "coal", "spectacles", "cup", "bread") val w1 = words.get(0) println(w1) val w2 = words[0] println(w2) val i1 = words.indexOf("cup") println("The first index of cup is $i1") val i2 = words.lastIndexOf("cup") println("The last index of cup is $i2") val i3 = words.lastIndex println("The last index of the list is $i3") }
The example presents Kotlin List indexing operations.
val w1 = words.get(0)
An element is retrieved with the get
method. The method
takes an index of the element to be retrieved as a parameter.
val w2 = words[0]
We can also use the classic C indexing operation.
val i1 = words.indexOf("cup")
The indexOf
returns the index of the first occurrence of
the word in the list.
val i2 = words.lastIndexOf("cup")
The lastIndexOf
returns the index of the last occurrence of the
word in the list.
val i3 = words.lastIndex
The lastIndex
property returns the index of the last item in the
list or -1 if the list is empty
pen pen The first index of cup is 1 The last index of cup is 7 The last index of the list is 8
Kotlin init with random integers
In the next example, we initialize a list with random integer values.
package com.zetcode import kotlin.random.Random fun main() { val nums = List(10) { Random.nextInt(0, 100) } println(nums) }
We use Random.nextInt
to initialize a list with ten integers
between 0 and 100.
Kotlin List count
The count
method returns the number of elements
in the list.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12) val len = nums.count() println("There are $len elements") val size = nums.size println("The size of the list is $size") val n1 = nums.count { e -> e < 0 } println("There are $n1 negative values") val n2 = nums.count { e -> e % 2 == 0 } println("There are $n2 even values") }
The example returns the number of values in the list, the number of negative values and the number of even values.
val len = nums.count() println("There are $len elements") val size = nums.size println("The size of the list is $size")
We can use the count
method or the size
property to determine the number of elements in the list.
val n1 = nums.count { e -> e < 0 }
The count
can take a predicate function as a parameter.
In our case it returns true for values lower than 0.
val n2 = nums.count { e -> e % 2 == 0 }
We get the number of even values in the list.
There are 11 elements The size of the list is 11 There are 3 negative values There are 5 even values
Kotlin List first and last elements
We have methods to get the first and the last elements of the list.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val words = listOf("pen", "cup", "dog", "person", "cement", "coal", "spectacles") val w1 = words.first() println(w1) val w2 = words.last() println(w2) val w3 = words.findLast { w -> w.startsWith('c') } println(w3) val w4 = words.first { w -> w.startsWith('c') } println(w4) }
The example creates a list of words. We get the first and the last elements of the list.
val w1 = words.first()
We get the first element with first
val w2 = words.last()
We get the last element with last
val w3 = words.findLast { w -> w.startsWith('c') }
We retrieve the last element of the list that starts with 'c' with
val w4 = words.first { w -> w.startsWith('c') }
We retrieve the first element of the list that starts with 'c' with
pen spectacles coal cup
Kotlin List iterate
List iteration or list looping is the process of going through the list elements one by one.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val words = listOf("pen", "cup", "dog", "person", "cement", "coal", "spectacles") words.forEach { e -> print("$e ") } println() for (word in words) { print("$word ") } println() for (i in 0 until words.size) { print("${words[i]} ") } println() words.forEachIndexed({i, e -> println("words[$i] = $e")}) val it: ListIterator<String> = words.listIterator() while (it.hasNext()) { val e = it.next() print("$e ") } println() }
The example shows five ways of looping over a list in Kotlin.
words.forEach { e -> print("$e ") }
The forEach
performs the given action on each list element.
We pass it an anonymous function that prints the current element.
for (word in words) { print("$word ") }
We loop the list with for
. The for
traverses the list element by element; in each cycle, the word
variable points to the next element in the list.
for (i in 0 until words.size) { print("${words[i]} ") }
An alternative for
cycle utilizes the size of the list.
The until
keyword creates a range of the list indexes.
words.forEachIndexed({i, e -> println("words[$i] = $e")})
With the forEachIndexed
method, we loop over the list
having index and value available in each iteration.
val it: ListIterator<String> = words.listIterator() while (it.hasNext()) { val e = it.next() print("$e ") }
The final way is using a ListIterator
and a while
pen cup dog person cement coal spectacles pen cup dog person cement coal spectacles pen cup dog person cement coal spectacles words[0] = pen words[1] = cup words[2] = dog words[3] = person words[4] = cement words[5] = coal words[6] = spectacles pen cup dog person cement coal spectacles
Kotlin List sorting
The following example shows how to sort List values in Kotlin. Since
the lists created with listOf
are read-only, the methods
do not alter the list but return a new modified list.
package com.zetcode data class Car(val name: String, val price: Int) fun main() { val nums = listOf(11, 5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2) val sortAsc = nums.sorted() println(sortAsc) val sortDesc = nums.sortedDescending() println(sortDesc) val revNums = nums.reversed() println(revNums) val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600)) val res = cars.sortedBy { car -> car.name } res.forEach { e -> println(e) } println("*************") val res2 = cars.sortedByDescending { car -> car.name } res2.forEach { e -> println(e) } }
The example sorts list values in ascending and descending order, reverses list elements, and sorts car objects by their name.
val sortAsc = nums.sorted()
The sorted
method returns a list of all elements sorted
according to their natural sort order.
val sortDesc = nums.sortedDescending()
The sortedDescending
method returns a list of all elements
sorted descending according to their natural sort order.
val revNums = nums.reversed()
The reversed
method returns a list with elements
in reversed order.
val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600))
We create a list of car objects. These objects can be sorted by their name or by their price.
val res = cars.sortedBy { car -> car.name }
With sortedBy
, we sort the cars by their names in ascending
val res2 = cars.sortedByDescending { car -> car.name }
With sortedByDescending
, we sort the cars by their names in descending
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11] [11, 9, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1] [2, 6, 9, 1, 8, 3, 5, 11] Car(name=Mazda, price=6300) Car(name=Mercedes, price=18600) Car(name=Skoda, price=5670) Car(name=Toyota, price=12400) ************* Car(name=Toyota, price=12400) Car(name=Skoda, price=5670) Car(name=Mercedes, price=18600) Car(name=Mazda, price=6300)
Kotlin List contains
With the contains
method we can check if a list contains
the specified elements.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12) val r = nums.contains(4) if (r) println("The list contains 4") else println("The list does not contain 4") val r2 = nums.containsAll(listOf(1, -1)) if (r2) println("The list contains -1 and 1") else println("The list does not contain -1 and 1") }
It is possible to check if a list contains one or more elements.
val r = nums.contains(4)
Here we check if the nums
list contains 4. The method
returns a boolean value.
val r2 = nums.containsAll(listOf(1, -1))
This line checks if the list contains two values: 1 and -1.
The list contains 4 The list contains -1 and 1
Kotlin mutable List
With mutableListOf
, we can create mutable lists in Kotlin.
We can add new elements, delete elements, and modify elements in mutable
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = mutableListOf(3, 4, 5) nums.add(6) nums.add(7) nums.addAll(listOf(8, 9, 10)) nums.add(0, 0) nums.add(1, 1) nums.add(2, 2) println(nums) nums.shuffle() println(nums) nums.sort() println(nums) nums.removeAt(0) nums.remove(10) println(nums) nums.replaceAll { e -> e * 2 } println(nums) nums.retainAll(listOf(12, 14, 16, 18)) println(nums) nums.fill(0) println(nums) nums.set(0, 22) println(nums[0]) nums.clear() if (nums.isEmpty()) println("The list is empty") else println("The list is not epty") }
The example creates a mutable list and presents several its methods.
val nums = mutableListOf(3, 4, 5)
We create a mutable list of three integer elements.
nums.add(6) nums.add(7) nums.addAll(listOf(8, 9, 10))
The add
adds a new element at the end of the list.
The addAll
adds multiple elements at the end of the list.
The shuffle
method randomly rearranges the list elements.
The shuffling happens in-place; i.e. the original list is modified.
The elements are sorted in their natural ascending order.
nums.removeAt(0) nums.remove(10)
The removeAt
method removes an element at the specified
index. The remove
method removes the first occurrence
of the specified element from the list.
nums.replaceAll { e -> e * 2 }
The replaceAll
method modifies all elements of the list
with the given function. In our case, we create an anonymous function
that multiplies each element by 2.
nums.retainAll(listOf(12, 14, 16, 18))
The retainAll
method retains only elements specified
in the parameter; others are removed.
The fill
method replaces all elements with the given
nums.set(0, 22)
The set
method replaces the element at the specified
position in the list with the given element.
The clear
method removes all elements from the list.
if (nums.isEmpty()) println("The list is empty") else println("The list is not epty")
With the isEmpty
method we check if the list is empty.
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] [2, 3, 6, 1, 8, 0, 7, 5, 10, 9, 4] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] [12, 14, 16, 18] [0, 0, 0, 0] 22 The list is empty
Kotlin List slices
A slice is a portion of a list. Slices can be created with the slice
method. The method takes indexes of the elements to be picked up.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) val nums2 = nums.slice(1..3) println(nums2) val nums3 = nums.slice(listOf(3, 4, 5)) println(nums3) }
In the example, we create a list of integers. From the list we produce two slices.
val nums2 = nums.slice(1..3)
We use a range operator to create a list slice with elements having indexes 1, 2, and 3. All indexes are inclusive.
val nums3 = nums.slice(listOf(3, 4, 5))
In the second example, we explicitly provide a list of indexes.
[2, 3, 4] [4, 5, 6]
Kotlin List maximum
The following example deals with finding the maximum value of a list.
package com.zetcode data class Car(val name: String, val price: Int) fun main() { val nums = listOf(11, 5, 23, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2) println(nums.max()) val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600)) val car = cars.maxBy { car -> car.price } println("The max price is ${car.price} of ${car.name}") }
The example finds a maximum of a list of integers and a list of car objects.
val nums = listOf(11, 5, 23, 8, 1, 9, 6, 2) println(nums.max())
The maximum of a list of integers is easily found with max
val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600)) val car = cars.maxBy { car -> car.price } println("The max price is ${car.price} of ${car.name}")
When we deal with objects, we need to specify the attribute by which we find the
maximum. The maxBy
method is given a selector function that chooses
the price
attribute of the car.
23 The max price is 18600 of Mercedes
Kotlin List filter
Filtering is an opertion where only elements that meet certain criteria pass through.
package com.zetcode data class Car(val name: String, val price: Int) fun main() { val words = listOf("pen", "cup", "dog", "person", "cement", "coal", "spectacles") val words2 = words.filter { e -> e.length == 3 } words2.forEach { e -> print("$e ") } println() val words3 = words.filterNot { e -> e.length == 3 } words3.forEach { e -> print("$e ") } println() val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600)) val res = cars.filter { car -> car.price > 10000 } res.forEach { e -> println(e) } }
The example presents the filtering operation on Kotlin lists.
val words2 = words.filter { e -> e.length == 3 }
The filter
method takes a predicate function as a parameter.
The predicate gives a condition that the elements must meet.
We filter out words whose length equals to 3.
val words3 = words.filterNot { e -> e.length == 3 }
The filterNot
does the opposite: it allows to pass through
elements that do not meet the given criteria.
val cars = listOf(Car("Mazda", 6300), Car("Toyota", 12400), Car("Skoda", 5670), Car("Mercedes", 18600)) val res = cars.filter { car -> car.price > 10000 }
These lines filter out the car objects whose price is bigger than 10000.
pen cup dog person cement coal spectacles Car(name=Toyota, price=12400) Car(name=Mercedes, price=18600)
Kotlin List map
The mapping operation returns a modified list by applying a transform function on each element of the list.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) val nums2 = nums.map { e -> e * 2 } println(nums2) }
We have a list of integers. With the map
we multiply each list element by 2.
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
Kotlin List reduction
Reduction is a terminal operation that aggregates list values
into a single value. The reduce
method applies a function
against an accumulator and each element (from left to right) to
reduce it to a single value.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 8, 9) val sum = nums.reduce { total, next -> total + next } println(sum) val colours = listOf("red", "green", "white", "blue", "black") val res = colours.reduceRight { next, total -> "$total-$next" } println(res) }
In the example, we use the reduce operation on a list of integers and strings.
val sum = nums.reduce { total, next -> total + next }
We calculate the sum of values. The total
is the accumulator,
the next
is the next value in the list.
val res = colours.reduceRight { next, total -> "$total-$next" }
The reduceRight
accumulates value starting with last
element and applying the operation from right to left to each element
and current accumulator value.
45 black-blue-white-green-red
Kotlin List fold
The folding operation is similar to the reduction. Folding is a terminal operation that aggregates list values into a single value. The difference is that folding starts with an initial value.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val expenses = listOf(20, 40, 80, 15, 25) val cash = 550 val res = expenses.fold(cash) {total, next -> total - next} println(res) }
We have a list of expenses. These expenses are applied on the initial amount of cash available.
val res = expenses.fold(cash) {total, next -> total - next}
With the fold
we deduce all the expenses from the
and return the remaining value.
This is the amount that we have after subtracting all the expenses on the available amount of money.
Kotlin List chunks
Sometimes we need to work with more elements of a list when doing
reductions. We can use the chunked
method to split
the list into a list of lists.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) val res = nums.chunked(2).fold(0) { total, next -> total + next[0] * next[1] } println(res) }
In the example, we have a list of six values. We want to achieve the
following operation: 1*2 + 3*4 + 5*6
. For this, we need to
split the list into chunks of two values.
val res = nums.chunked(2).fold(0) { total, next -> total + next[0] * next[1] }
We split the list into a list of two-element lists and apply a fold
on it. The next
is a list on which we can use the indexing
Kotlin List partition
The partition operation splits the original collection into pair of lists. The first list contains elements for which the specified predicate yields true, while the second list contains elements for which the predicate yields false.
package com.zetcode fun main(args: Array<String>) { val nums = listOf(4, -5, 3, 2, -1, 7, -6, 8, 9) val (nums2, nums3) = nums.partition { e -> e < 0 } println(nums2) println(nums3) }
We have a list of integers. With the partition
we split the list into two sublists; one contains negative, the other
one positive values.
val (nums2, nums3) = nums.partition { e -> e < 0 }
Using destructuring declaration, we split the list into two parts in one go.
[-5, -1, -6] [4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9]
Kotlin List group by
The groupBy
method groups elements of the original
list by the key returned by the given selector function, applied to each
element. It returns a map where each group key is associated with a
list of corresponding elements.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) val res = nums.groupBy { if (it % 2 == 0) "even" else "odd" } println(res) val words = listOf("as", "pen", "cup", "doll", "my", "dog", "spectacles") val res2 = words.groupBy { it.length } println(res2) }
The example shows how to use the groupBy
val nums = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) val res = nums.groupBy { if (it % 2 == 0) "even" else "odd" } println(res)
These lines create a map, which has two keys: "even" and "odd". The "even" points to a list of even values and the "odd" to a list of odd values.
val words = listOf("as", "pen", "cup", "doll", "my", "dog", "spectacles") val res2 = words.groupBy { it.length }
Here we create a map with integer keys. Each key groups words that have a certain length.
{odd=[1, 3, 5, 7], even=[2, 4, 6, 8]} {2=[as, my], 3=[pen, cup, dog], 4=[doll], 10=[spectacles]}
Kotlin List any
The any
method returns true if at least one element
matches the given predicate function.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, -1, 7, 6, 8, 9) val r = nums.any { e -> e > 10 } if (r) println("There is a value greater than ten") else println("There is no value greater than ten") val r2 = nums.any { e -> e < 0 } if (r2) println("There is a negative value") else println("There is no negative value") }
The example shows the usage of any
val r2 = nums.any { e -> e < 0 }
Here we check if the list contains at least one negative value. The method returns a Boolean value.
Kotlin List all
The all
returns true if all elements satisfy the given
predicate function.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, -1, 7, 6, 8, 9) val nums2 = listOf(-3, -4, -2, -5, -7, -8) // testing for positive only values val r = nums.all { e -> e > 0 } if (r) println("nums list contains only positive values") else println("nums list does not contain only positive values") // testing for negative only values val r2 = nums2.all { e -> e < 0 } if (r2) println("nums2 list contains only negative values") else println("nums2 list does not contain only negative values") }
The example shows the usage of all
// testing for positive only values val r = nums.all { e -> e > 0 }
Here we test if the nums
list contains only positive
Kotlin List drop
With the drop operations, we exclude some elements from the list.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12) val nums2 = nums.drop(3) println(nums2) val nums3 = nums.dropLast(3) println(nums3) val nums4 = nums.sorted().dropWhile { e -> e < 0 } println(nums4) val nums5 = nums.sorted().dropLastWhile { e -> e > 0 } println(nums5) }
The example shows the usage of different drop operations.
val nums2 = nums.drop(3)
With the drop
method, we exclude the first three elements.
val nums3 = nums.dropLast(3)
With the dropLast
method, we exclude the last three elements.
val nums4 = nums.sorted().dropWhile { e -> e < 0 }
With the dropWhile
method, we exclude the first n
elements that satisfy the given predicate function.
val nums5 = nums.sorted().dropLastWhile { e -> e > 0 }
With the dropLastWhile
method, we exclude the last n
elements that satisfy the given predicate function.
[2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12] [4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] [-12, -8, -1]
Kotlin List take
The take operations are complementary to the drop operations. The take methods form a new list by picking some of the elements.
package com.zetcode fun main() { val nums = listOf(4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12) val nums2 = nums.take(3) println(nums2) val nums3 = nums.takeLast(3) println(nums3) val nums4 = nums.sorted().take(3) println(nums4) val nums5 = nums.takeWhile { e -> e > 0 } println(nums5) val nums6 = nums.sortedDescending().takeWhile { e -> e > 0 } println(nums6) val nums7 = nums.takeIf { e -> e.contains(6) } println(nums7) }
The example shows the usage of various take methods.
val nums2 = nums.take(3)
The take
method creates a new list having the first
three elements of the original list.
val nums3 = nums.takeLast(3)
The takeLast
method takes the last elements into the
new list.
val nums5 = nums.takeWhile { e -> e > 0 }
The takeWhile
takes the first n elements that satisfy
the predicate function.
val nums7 = nums.takeIf { e -> e.contains(6) }
The takeIf
methods takes all elements of the list if
the condition in the predicate function is met.
[4, 5, 3] [-8, 9, -12] [-12, -8, -1] [4, 5, 3, 2, 1] [9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] [4, 5, 3, 2, 1, -1, 7, 6, -8, 9, -12]
Kotlin List - language reference
In this article we have covered Kotlin lists.
List all Kotlin tutorials.