Go string functions
last modified April 11, 2024
In this article we show how to work with string functions in Golang.
The strings
package implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8
encoded strings.
$ go version go version go1.22.2 linux/amd64
We use Go version 1.22.2.
Go strings repeat
The repeat
function returns a new string consisting of the
specified number of copies of the string.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { w := "falcon" fmt.Println(strings.Repeat(w+" ", 5)) }
We repeat the given string five times.
$ go run repeat_fun.go falcon falcon falcon falcon falcon
Go strings comparison
The Compare
function compare two strings lexicographically. To
compare two strings in a case-insensitive manner, we use the
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { w1 := "falcon" w2 := "Falcon" if strings.Compare(w1, w2) == 0 { fmt.Println("The words are equal") } else { fmt.Println("The words are not equal") } if strings.EqualFold(w1, w2) { fmt.Println("The words are equal") } else { fmt.Println("The words are not equal") } }
The example compares two strings.
$ go run comparing.go The words are not equal The words are equal
Go strings Replace and ReplaceAll
The Replace
function returns a copy of the string with the first n
occurrences of the string replaced, while the ReplaceAll
a copy where all occurrences are replaced.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "I saw a fox in the forest. The fox had brown fur." output := strings.Replace(msg, "fox", "wolf", 2) fmt.Println(output) output2 := strings.ReplaceAll(msg, "fox", "wolf") fmt.Println(output2) }
The examples replaces fox with wolf.
$ go run replacing.go I saw a wolf in the forest. The wolf had brown fur. I saw a wolf in the forest. The wolf had brown fur.
Go string indexing
The Index
function returns the index of the first substring found,
while the LastIndex
finds the last index.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "I saw a fox in the forest. The fox had brown fur. I like foxes." idx1 := strings.Index(msg, "fox") fmt.Println(idx1) idx2 := strings.LastIndex(msg, "fox") fmt.Println(idx2) }
We find the first and the last index of the word 'fox'.
$ go run indexing.go 8 57
Go strings counting
The Count
function counts the number of substrings found in a
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { word := "wood" c1 := "o" c2 := "w" n1 := strings.Count(word, c1) fmt.Printf("# of %s in %s: %d\n", c1, word, n1) n2 := strings.Count(word, c2) fmt.Printf("# of %s in %s: %d\n", c2, word, n2) }
We count the number of times the 'o' and 'w' characters are found in "wood".
$ go run counting.go # of o in wood: 2 # of w in wood: 1
Go strings ToUpper, ToLower, Title
The ToLower
function returns a lowercased copy of the string, while
the ToUpper
returns an uppercased string. The Title
function returns a titlecased copy of the given string (only the first letter is
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "and old falcon" msg2 := "čerešňa" fmt.Println(strings.Title(msg)) fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper(msg)) fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper(msg2)) fmt.Println(strings.Title(msg2)) }
We change the case of two words with the given functions.
$ go run lower_upper.go And Old Falcon AND OLD FALCON ČEREŠŇA Čerešňa
Go strings HasPrefix and HasSuffix
The HasPrefix
function checks whether the string begins with the
given prefix. The HasSufffix
function checks whether the string
ends with the given suffix.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { words := []string {"sky", "lot", "car", "wood", "cloud", "cup", "war", "wind", "near", "tell", "cheer", "coin", "book"} for _, word := range words { if strings.HasPrefix(word, "c") { fmt.Println(word) } } fmt.Println("----------------------") for _, word := range words { if strings.HasSuffix(word, "r") { fmt.Println(word) } } }
We have a slice of words. We go over the elements of the slice and print all words that begin with 'c' and end with 'r'.
$ go run starts_ends.go car cloud cup cheer coin ---------------------- car war near cheer
Go string Contains and ContainsRune
The Contains
function checks if the given substring is present
in the string. The ConstainsRune
checks if the Unicode code point
is in the strings.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "a blue 🐋" r := '🐋' if strings.ContainsRune(msg, r) { fmt.Println("yes") } else { fmt.Println("no") } fmt.Println("-----------------") if strings.Contains(msg, "🐋") { fmt.Println("yes") } else { fmt.Println("no") } }
We use the two methods to determine whether the dolphin rune is in the string.
$ go run contains.go yes ----------------- yes
Go strings trim functions
The Trim
returns a slice of the string with all leading and
trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed. The TrimLeft
function returns a slice of the string with all leading Unicode code points
contained in cutset removed. The TrimRight
function returns a slice
of the string with all trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := ".an old falcon!" cutset := ".!" msg2 := strings.Trim(msg, cutset) fmt.Println(msg2) msg3 := strings.TrimLeft(msg, cutset) fmt.Println(msg3) msg4 := strings.TrimRight(msg, cutset) fmt.Println(msg4) }
We use the tree functions to remove a dot and an expclamation mark from the string.
$ go run trim_funs.go an old falcon an old falcon! .an old falcon
The TrimSpace
function removes all leading and trailing whitespace
characters. The TrimFunc
returns a slice of the string with all
leading and trailing Unicode code points satisfying the provided function
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "unicode" ) func main() { msg := "\t\tand old falcon\n" msg2 := strings.TrimSpace(msg) fmt.Println(msg2) msg3 := strings.TrimFunc(msg, trimSpace) fmt.Println(msg3) } func trimSpace(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsLetter(r) }
In the code example, we remove leading and trailing spaces using the mentioned functions.
function returns the string without the provided
leading prefix string, while TrimSuffix
returns the string without
the trailing suffix string.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "--and old falcon--" msg2 := strings.TrimPrefix(msg, "--") fmt.Println(msg2) msg3 := strings.TrimSuffix(msg, "--") fmt.Println(msg3) }
The example removes "--" characters from the start and end of the string.
$ go run trim_funs3.go and old falcon-- --and old falcon
Go strings Split
The Split
function splits a slice into all substrings separated by
the given separator and returns a slice of the substrings between those
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "strconv" "strings" ) func main() { msg := "3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11" data := strings.Split(msg, ",") fmt.Printf("%v\n", data) var sum = 0 for _, e := range data { val, err := strconv.Atoi(e) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } sum += val } fmt.Println(sum) }
We have a string of integer values, separated with comma. The string is cut
into parts by the comma. The string parts are converted to integers with
and the integers are summed.
$ go run split_fun.go [3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] 63
Go strings Join
The Join
function concatenates the elements of the slice argument
to create a single string.
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { words := []string{"an", "old", "falcon", "in", "the", "sky"} msg := strings.Join(words, " ") fmt.Println(msg) }
We join words of a slice by a space character.
Go strings Fields
The Fields
function cuts the given string into parts by one or more
space characters. It provides an easy way to cut a string into words.
The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states, led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece.
This is a small text file.
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "strings" ) func main() { fileName := "thermopylae.txt" bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } text := string(bs) fields := strings.Fields(text) for _, field := range fields { fmt.Println(strings.Trim(field, ".,")) } }
We read the given file into a string and cut it into words utilizing
. We also remove the dot and comma characters from the words.
$ go run fields_fun.go The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states ...
Go strings FieldsFun
The FieldsFunc
function splits the string at each run of Unicode
code points satisfying the provided function and returns an array of slices.
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janbodnar/data/main/the-king-james-bible.txt
We use the King James Bible.
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "sort" "strings" ) func main() { fileName := "the-king-james-bible.txt" bs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } text := string(bs) fields := strings.FieldsFunc(text, func(r rune) bool { return !('a' <= r && r <= 'z' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || r == '\'') }) wordsCount := make(map[string]int) for _, field := range fields { wordsCount[field]++ } keys := make([]string, 0, len(wordsCount)) for key := range wordsCount { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return wordsCount[keys[i]] > wordsCount[keys[j]] }) for idx, key := range keys { fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", key, wordsCount[key]) if idx == 10 { break } } }
We count the frequency of the words from the King James Bible.
fields := strings.FieldsFunc(text, func(r rune) bool { return !('a' <= r && r <= 'z' || 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' || r == '\'') })
The FieldsFunc
cuts the text by characters that are not alphabetic
and apostrophe. This will also disregard all the verse numbers.
wordsCount := make(map[string]int) for _, field := range fields { wordsCount[field]++ }
Each word and its frequency is stored in the wordsCount
keys := make([]string, 0, len(wordsCount)) for key := range wordsCount { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return wordsCount[keys[i]] > wordsCount[keys[j]] })
In order to sort the words by frequency, we create a new keys
slice. We put all the words there and sort them by their frequency values.
for idx, key := range keys { fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", key, wordsCount[key]) if idx == 10 { break } }
We print the top ten frequent words from the Bible.
$ go run word_freq.go the 62103 and 38848 of 34478 to 13400 And 12846 that 12576 in 12331 shall 9760 he 9665 unto 8942 I 8854
Go strings package - reference
In this article we have covered string functions from the Go's
List all Go tutorials.