
Go interface

last modified April 11, 2024

In this article we show how to work with interfaces in Golang.

An interface is a set of function signatures and it is a specific type. Another type implements an interface by implementing its functions. While languages like Java or C# explicitly implement interfaces, there is no explicit declaration of intent in Go.

The primary task of an interface is to provide only function signatures consisting of the name, input arguments and return types. It is up to a type (e.g. struct type) to implement functions.

Interfaces are also reffered to as exposed APIs or contracts. If a type implements the functions (the APIs) of a sortable interface, we know that it can be sorted; it adheres to the contract of being sortable.

Interfaces specify behaviour. An interface contains only the signatures of the functions, but not their implementation.

Using interfaces can make code clearer, shorter, and more readable.

$ go version
go version go1.22.2 linux/amd64

We use Go version 1.22.2.

Go interface example

The following example uses a simple Shape interface.

package main

import (

type Shape interface {
    Area() float64

type Rectangle struct {
    Width, Height float64

type Circle struct {
    Radius float64

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
    return r.Width * r.Height

func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

func getArea(shape Shape) {


func main() {

    r := Rectangle{Width: 7, Height: 8}
    c := Circle{Radius: 5}


The Shape is a generic geometric form. It cannot be drawn. The Rectangle and Circle are specific geometric forms, which can be drawn and for which we can calculate the area.

type Shape interface {
    Area() float64

We define the Shape interface. It has one function signature: Area.

type Rectangle struct {
    Width, Height float64

type Circle struct {
    Radius float64

We define two types: the Rectangle and the Circle.

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
    return r.Width * r.Height

func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

We define the Area function for the Rectangle and Circle; we say that these two types implement the Shape interface.

func getArea(shape Shape) {


The getArea function takes the Shape interface as a parameter. We can pass both the Rectangle and the Circle, because they are both shapes.

$ go run geo_shapes.go 

Go interface slice

In the following example, we create a slice of Animal interface.

package main

import (

type Animal interface {
    Sound() string

type Dog struct {

func (d Dog) Sound() string {
    return "Woof!"

type Cat struct {

func (c Cat) Sound() string {
    return "Meow!"

type Cow struct {

func (l Cow) Sound() string {
    return "Moo!"

func main() {

    animals := []Animal{Dog{}, Cat{}, Cow{}}

    for _, animal := range animals {


The example defines an Animal interface and Dog, Cat, and Cow types.

type Animal interface {
    Sound() string

type Dog struct {

func (d Dog) Sound() string {
    return "Woof!"

The Dog type implements the Sound contract function of the Animal interface.

animals := []Animal{Dog{}, Cat{}, Cow{}}

for _, animal := range animals {


Because all three types implement one common interface, we can place them into a slice.

$ go run interface_slice.go 

Go Stringer interface

The Stringer interface is defined in the fmt package. Its String function is invoked when a type is passed to any of the print functions. We can customize the output message of our own types.

type Stringer interface {
    String() string

This is the Stringer interface.

package main

import (

type User struct {
    Name       string
    Occupation string

func (u User) String() string {

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s is a(n) %s", u.Name, u.Occupation)

func main() {

    u1 := User{"John Doe", "gardener"}
    u2 := User{"Roger Roe", "driver"}


In the code example, we define the String function of the Stringer interface for the User type.

func (u User) String() string {

    return fmt.Sprintf("%s is a(n) %s", u.Name, u.Occupation)

The implementation returns a string that tells the user's name and occupation.

$ go run stringer.go 
John Doe is a(n) gardener
Roger Roe is a(n) driver

Go interface{}

Go interface{} is an empty interface; all types in Go satisfy the empty interface. Any type can be assigned to a variable declared with empty interface.

package main

import (

type Body struct {
    Msg interface{}

func main() {

    b := Body{"Hello there"}
    fmt.Printf("%#v %T\n", b.Msg, b.Msg)

    b.Msg = 5
    fmt.Printf("%#v %T\n", b.Msg, b.Msg)

We have the Msg variable of interface{}. In the example, we assign a string and an integer to the variable.

$ go run empty_interface.go 
"Hello there" string 
5 int

Go type assertion

The type assertion x.(T) asserts that the concrete value stored in x is of type T, and that x is not nil.

package main

import (

func main() {

    var val interface{} = "falcon"

    r, ok := val.(string)
    fmt.Println(r, ok)

    r2, ok2 := val.(int)
    fmt.Println(r2, ok2)

    r3 := val.(string)

    //r4 := val.(int)

In the code example, we check the type of the val variable.

r, ok := val.(string)
fmt.Println(r, ok)

In the r variable, we have the value. The ok is a boolean that tells if the value is the string type.

//r4 := val.(int)

The commented lines would lead to a panic: interface conversion: interface {} is string, not int.

$ go run type_assertion.go 
falcon true
0 false

In the following example, we have a map with string type keys and interface{} for values. It allows us to use various types for the values.

package main

import (

func main() {

    user := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)

    user["name"] = "John Doe"
    user["age"] = 21
    user["weight"] = 70.3

    age, ok := user["age"].(int)

    if !ok {
        log.Fatal("assert failed")

    user["age"] = age + 1

    fmt.Printf("%+v", user)

Since the values are defined as empty interface, the underlying type of the age is lost. We need to cast the value to int in order to increment it.

Go type switch

A type switch is used to compare the concrete type of an interface with the multiple types provide in the case statements.

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
    Name string

func checkType(a interface{}) {

    switch a.(type) {

    case int:
        fmt.Println("Type: int, Value:", a.(int))
    case string:
        fmt.Println("Type: string, Value:", a.(string))
    case float64:
        fmt.Println("Type: float64, Value:", a.(float64))
    case User:
        fmt.Println("Type: User, Value:", a.(User))
        fmt.Println("unknown type")

func main() {

    checkType(User{"John Doe"})

The checkType function determines the type of its parameter in a switch statement.

$ go run type_switch.go 
Type: int, Value: 4
Type: string, Value: falcon
Type: User, Value: {John Doe}
Type: float64, Value: 7.9
unknown type


The Go Programming Language Specification

In this article we have covered the interface type in Golang.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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