
Creating UIs in Go with giu

last modified April 30, 2024

In this article we show how to create UIs in Go using the cross-platform giu library.

The giu is a rapid cross-platform GUI framework for Go based on Dear ImGui. Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++.

Dear ImGui uses the immediate mode GUI paradigm to define interfaces. Unlike in traditional toolkits (such as Qt, Gtk or Swing) where we create separate UI objects and manage their state, we directly tell the GUI library what to draw in each frame.

Immediate mode GUIs are often used in game development.

The giu is a Go wrapper over the Dear ImGui C interface. It uses a convenient builder pattern to construct widgets.

Label widget

Label is a widget that displays text.

package main

import (
    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

func loop() {

        g.Label("An old falcon in the sky"),

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Application", 400, 200,

In the example, we create a window that displays some text.

import (
    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

We import the library and give it the g alias.

func loop() {

        g.Label("An old falcon in the sky"),

In each frame, the loop function is called. In this function, we create the UI of the application. In our case, we create a single window and a label inside the window.

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Application", 400, 200,

In the main function, we create the master window. The g.NewMasterWindow function takes the applicaion title, window width and height, and window flags as parameters. The Run function runs the main loop. In each frame, the loop function is used to construct the ui. The Run should be called at the end of main function, after setting up the master window.


Keyboard shortcut is a combination of keys pressed on the keyboard to perform an action. They are created with RegisterKeyboardShortcuts.

package main

import (

    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

func loop() {

        g.Label("Ctrl + Q to exit"),

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Window", 400, 200, g.MasterWindowFlagsFloating).RegisterKeyboardShortcuts(
            Key:      g.KeyQ,
            Modifier: g.ModControl,
            Callback: func() { os.Exit(0) }},

In the example, we define the Ctrl+Q shortcut. It terminates the application.

wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Window", 400, 200, g.MasterWindowFlagsFloating).RegisterKeyboardShortcuts(
        Key:      g.KeyQ,
        Modifier: g.ModControl,
        Callback: func() { os.Exit(0) }},

The RegisterKeyboardShortcuts is called on the master window. In the g.WindowShortcut structure, we define the key, modifier key, and the callback. For our shortcut we call the os.Exit function to terminate the application.

Button widget

Button is a basic widget that executes an action when pressed.

package main

import (

    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

func loop() {
        g.Button("Click").Size(80, 30).OnClick(func() {
            fmt.Println("button clicked")

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Button", 400, 200, 0)

In the example, a message is written in the console after a button press.

    g.Button("Click").Size(80, 30).OnClick(func() {
        fmt.Println("button clicked")

A button is created with g.Button. The Size resizes the widget. The OnClick function defines a callback for the click event of the button.

Checkbox widget

A checkbox widget is a graphical element used in user interfaces for making binary choices. It is a small square box that can be either checked or unchecked.

package main

import (
    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

var cbSelected bool = true

func loop() {

        g.Checkbox("Show Title", &cbSelected).OnChange(
            func() {
                if cbSelected {
                } else {

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Checkbox", 400, 200,

In the example, the checkbox widget displays a window title when selected.

var cbSelected bool = true

This is the boolean variable that stores the state of the widget.

g.Checkbox("Show Title", &cbSelected).OnChange(
    func() {
        if cbSelected {
        } else {

A checkbox is created with the g.Checkbox function. It takes the label and the associated state variable as parameters. The OnChange function is called when the checkbox is selected or deselected. We change the window title via g.Context.GetPlatform().SetTitle() function.

Canvas widget

The canvas widged is used for drawing our custom shapes.

package main

import (

    g "github.com/AllenDang/giu"

func loop() {
        g.Custom(func() {

            canvas := g.GetCanvas()
            col := color.RGBA{0, 140, 140, 255}

            canvas.AddLine(image.Pt(25, 25), image.Pt(100, 100), col, 1)
            canvas.AddRect(image.Pt(160, 25), image.Pt(260, 115),
                col, 5, g.DrawFlagsRoundCornersAll, 1)
            canvas.AddRectFilled(image.Pt(330, 25),
                image.Pt(430, 115), col, 5, 0)

            canvas.AddCircleFilled(image.Pt(150, 250), 60, col)
            canvas.AddTriangleFilled(image.Pt(330, 300),
                image.Pt(450, 200), image.Pt(500, 300), col)

func main() {
    wnd := g.NewMasterWindow("Canvas", 450, 300,

In the example, we create a canvas widget and draw a line, two rectangles, a circle, and a triangle.

g.Custom(func() {

A canvas is placed in a custom widget.

canvas := g.GetCanvas()

We retrieve the canvas for the current window with g.GetCanvas.

col := color.RGBA{0, 140, 140, 255}

We define a colour value.

canvas.AddLine(image.Pt(25, 25), image.Pt(100, 100), col, 1)

The AddLine function draws a line on the canvas. The first two parameters are the starting and ending points of the line. The third parameter is the line colour. The final parameter is the line thickness.


The giu Github page

In this article we have worked with the giu UI library in Go.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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