
Go append function

last modified April 11, 2024

Go append function tutorial describes the append function and shows how to use it.

The append is a built-in function which appends elements to the end of a slice. If necessary, additional space is automatically allocated for the new elements.

The append function returns the updated slice. It is therefore necessary to store the result of append, often in the variable holding the slice itself.

$ go version
go version go1.22.2 linux/amd64

We use Go version 1.22.2.

Go append simple example

The append is a variadic function; it can take variable number of arguments.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    vals := []int{}
    vals = append(vals, 1)
    vals = append(vals, 2, 3)
    vals = append(vals, 4, 5, 6)
    vals = append(vals, 7, 8, 9, 10)


In the example, we create a slice of integers. We start with an empty slice. Then we continue adding new elements with append.

vals = append(vals, 1)
vals = append(vals, 2, 3)

It is possible to add one or more elements to the slice. The function creates a new updated slice which is then reassigned to the vals variable.

$ go run main.go
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

Go append slice

We can append another slice to a slice.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    vals := []int{1, 2, 3}
    res := []int{-1, 0}

    res = append(res, vals...)

In the example, we append the values of vals to res.

res = append(res, vals...)

We utilize the ellipse operator. The ... unpacks values of the vals slice.

$ go run main.go
[-1 0 1 2 3]

Go append bytes

The append function also allows to append byte values.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    bytes := append([]byte("old "), "falcon"...)


In the example, we use append to add new bytes to a byte slice.

$ go run main.go
[111 108 100 32 102 97 108 99 111 110]
old falcon

Copying elements

In the next example, we copy elements with append.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
    b := []int{}

    b = append(b, a...)


The elements of a slice are copied to b slice.

a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}

We have a slice of integers.

b := []int{}

A new empty slice is created.

b = append(b, a...)

The ellipse operator unpacks all the values of a and inserts them into the empty b with append.

$ go run main.go 
[1 2 3 4]
[1 2 3 4]

Deleting elements

The deleting is in fact creating a new slice without the specified elements.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    b := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    i := 3
    j := 0

    a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)


    b = append(b[:j], b[j+1:]...)

We delete the first and the fourth elements.

a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)

In indexing operations, the first index (before the colon) is inclusive, the second index is exclusive.

$ go run main.go 
[1 2 3 5]
[2 3 4 5]

Pop operation

The pop operation removes the last element are returns it.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

    i := len(a) - 1

    var x int

    x, a = a[i], a[:i]

In the example, we remove the last integer from the slice and return it into the x variable.

$ go run main.go 
[1 2 3 4]

Prepending element

The prepend operation inserts an element at the beginning of the slice.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    a := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    e := 0

    a = append([]int{e}, a...)

We create a new slice with the value we want to prepend and append all the elements of the existing a slice to it.

$ go run main.go 
[0 1 2 3 4 5]

Inserting elements

In the next example, we insert a new element into the slice.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    a := []int{1, 2, 4, 5}

    i := 2
    e := 3

    a = append(a[:i], append([]int{e}, a[i:]...)...)

A new value 3 is inserted into the a slice. We use the append function twice.


Go builtin package - reference

In this article we have showed how to use the append built-in function.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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