C# string
last modified January 19, 2024
In this article we show how to work with strings in C#.
C# string definition
A string is a sequence of characters. In C#, a string is a sequence of UTF-16 code units. It is a data type which stores a sequence of data values, usually bytes, in which elements usually stand for characters according to a character encoding. When a string appears literally in the source code, it is known as a string literal.
Strings are objects. There are two basic classes for working with strings:
- System.String
- System.Text.StringBuilder
The String
is an immutable sequence of characters. The
is a mutable sequence of characters.
In C#, string
is an alias for System.String
. The
is a language keyword and the System.String
a .NET type.
C# string initialization
There are multiple ways of creating strings, both immutable and mutable. We show a few of them.
using System.Text; char[] cdb = ['M', 'y', 'S', 'q', 'l']; string lang = "C#"; string ide = "NetBeans"; string db = new(cdb); Console.WriteLine(lang); Console.WriteLine(ide); Console.WriteLine(db); var sb1 = new StringBuilder(lang); var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.Append("Fields"); sb2.Append(" of "); sb2.Append("glory"); Console.WriteLine(sb1); Console.WriteLine(sb2);
The example shows a few ways of creating System.String
using System.Text;
This statement enables to use the System.Text.StringBuilder
without qualification.
string lang = "C#"; string ide = "NetBeans";
The most common way is to create a string object from a string literal.
string db = new(cdb);
Here we create a string object from an array of characters.
The string
is an alias for the System.String
var sb1 = new StringBuilder(lang);
A StringBuilder
object is created from a String
var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); sb2.Append("Fields"); sb2.Append(" of "); sb2.Append("glory");
We create an empty StringBuilder
object. We append three strings
into the object.
$ dotnet run C# NetBeans MySql C# Fields of glory
C# string interpolation
The $ special character prefix identifies a string literal as an interpolated string. An interpolated string is a string literal that might contain interpolated expressions.
String formatting is a similar feature to string interpolation; it is covered later in the chapter.
int age = 23; string name = "Peter"; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} years old"); Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! Today is {now.DayOfWeek}, it's {now:HH:mm} now");
The example presents C# string interpolation.
Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} years old");
The interpolated variables are placed between {} brackets.
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}! Today is {now.DayOfWeek}, it's {now:HH:mm} now");
The interpolation syntax can receive expressions or formatting specifiers.
$ dotnet run Peter is 23 years old Hello, Peter! Today is Friday, it's 12:23 now
C# regular string
Regular strings can contain escape sequences, such as new line or tab character, which are interpreted. Regular strings are placed between a pair of double quotes.
string s1 = "deep \t forest"; string s2 = "deep \n forest"; Console.WriteLine(s1); Console.WriteLine(s2); Console.WriteLine("C:\\Users\\Admin\\Documents");
The example prints two strings which contain \t
escape sequences.
When working with e.g. paths, the slashes must be escaped.
$ dotnet run deep forest deep forest C:\Users\Admin\Documents
C# verbatim string
Verbatim strings do not interprete escape sequences. Verbatim strings are
preceded with the @
character. Verbatim strings can be used to work
with multiline strings.
Console.WriteLine(@"deep \t forest"); Console.WriteLine(@"C:\Users\Admin\Documents"); var text = @" Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time."; Console.WriteLine(text);
In this code example we work with verbatim strings.
Console.WriteLine(@"deep \t forest");
The \t
special character is not interpreted; it is
only printed to the console.
Verbatim strings are convenient when we work with paths; the shashes do not have to be escaped.
var text = @" Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time.";
Verbatim strings allow us to create multiline strings.
$ dotnet run deep \t forest C:\Users\Admin\Documents Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time.
C# strings are objects
Strings are objects. They are reference types. Strings are instances of
the System.String
or System.Text.StringBuilder
Since they are objects, they have multiple methods available for doing various work.
string lang = "Java"; string bclass = lang.GetType().Name; Console.WriteLine(bclass); string parclass = lang.GetType().BaseType!.Name; Console.WriteLine(parclass); if (lang.Equals(string.Empty)) { Console.WriteLine("The string is empty"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The string is not empty"); } int len = lang.Length; Console.WriteLine($"The string has {len} characters");
In this program, we demonstrate that strings are objects. Objects must have a class name, a parent class and they must also have some methods that we can call or properties to access.
string lang = "Java";
An object of System.String
type is created.
string bclass = lang.GetType().Name; Console.WriteLine(bclass);
We determine the class name of the object to which the lang
variable refers.
string parclass = lang.GetType().BaseType!.Name; Console.WriteLine(parclass);
A parent class of our object is received. All objects have at least one parent —
the Object
if (lang.Equals(string.Empty)) { Console.WriteLine("The string is empty"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The string is not empty"); }
Objects have various methods. With the Equals
method we check if
the string is empty.
int len = lang.Length; Console.WriteLine($"The string has {len} characters");
The Length
property returns the size of the string.
$ dotnet run String Object The string is not empty The string has 4 characters
C# mutable & immutable strings
The String
is a sequence of immutable characters, while the
is a sequence of mutable characters. The next
example shows the difference.
using System.Text; string name = "Jane"; string name2 = name.Replace('J', 'K'); string name3 = name2.Replace('n', 't'); Console.WriteLine(name); Console.WriteLine(name3); var sb = new StringBuilder("Jane"); Console.WriteLine(sb); sb.Replace('J', 'K', 0, 1); sb.Replace('n', 't', 2, 1); Console.WriteLine(sb);
Both objects have methods for replacing characters in a string.
string name = "Jane"; string name2 = name.Replace('J', 'K'); string name3 = name2.Replace('n', 't');
Calling Replace
method on a string results in returning a new
modified string. The original string is not changed.
sb.Replace('J', 'K', 0, 1); sb.Replace('n', 't', 2, 1);
The Replace
method of a StringBuilder
replaces a
character at the given index with a new character. The original string is
$ dotnet run Jane Kate Jane Kate
C# string concatenation
Immutable strings can be added using the + operator or the Concat
method. They form a new string which is a chain of all concatenated strings.
Mutable strings have the Append
method which builds a string from
any number of other strings.
It is also possible to concatenate strings using string formatting and interpolation.
using System.Text; Console.WriteLine("Return" + " of " + "the king."); Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(string.Concat("Return", " of "), "the king.")); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Return"); sb.Append(" of "); sb.Append("the king."); Console.WriteLine(sb); string s1 = "Return"; string s2 = "of"; string s3 = "the king."; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", s1, s2, s3); Console.WriteLine($"{s1} {s2} {s3}");
The example creates five sentences by concatenating strings.
Console.WriteLine("Return" + " of " + "the king.");
A new string is formed by using the + operator.
Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(string.Concat("Return", " of "), "the king."));
The Concat
method concatenates two strings. The method is a static
method of the System.String
var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Return"); sb.Append(" of "); sb.Append("the king.");
A mutable object of the StringBuilder
type is created by calling
the Append
method three times.
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", s1, s2, s3);
A string is formed with string formatting.
Console.WriteLine($"{s1} {s2} {s3}");
Finally, the strings are added with the interpolation syntax.
$ dotnet run Return of the king. Return of the king. Return of the king. Return of the king. Return of the king.
C# using quotes
When we want to display quotes, for instance in direct speech, the inner quotes must be escaped.
Console.WriteLine("There are many stars."); Console.WriteLine("He said, \"Which one is your favourite?\""); Console.WriteLine(@" Lao Tzu has said: ""If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."" ");
This example prints direct speech.
Console.WriteLine("He said, \"Which one is your favourite?\"");
Inside a regular string, the character is escaped with \
Console.WriteLine(@" Lao Tzu has said: ""If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."" ");
Inside a verbatim string, the quote is preceded with another quote.
$ dotnet run There are many stars. He said, "Which one is your favourite?" Lao Tzu has said: "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
C# comparing strings
We can compare two strings with the ==
Console.WriteLine("12" == "12"); Console.WriteLine("17" == "9"); Console.WriteLine("aa" == "ab");
In the example program, we compare strings.
$ dotnet run True False False
The string.Compare
method compares two specified strings and
returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. If
the returned value is less than zero, the first string is less than the second.
If it returns zero, both strings are equal. Finally, if the returned value is
greater than zero, the first string is greater than the second.
string str1 = "ZetCode"; string str2 = "zetcode"; Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(str1, str2, true)); Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(str1, str2, false));
There is an optional third ignoreCase
argument. It determines if
the case should be honored or not.
Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(str1, str2, true));
Compare two strings and ignore the case. This line prints 0 to the console.
C# string elements
A string is a sequence of characters. A character is a basic element of a string.
char[] crs = ['Z', 'e', 't', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e']; string s = new(crs); char c1 = s[0]; char c2 = s[^1]; Console.WriteLine(c1); Console.WriteLine(c2); int i1 = s.IndexOf('e'); int i2 = s.LastIndexOf('e'); Console.WriteLine("The first index of character e is " + i1); Console.WriteLine("The last index of character e is " + i2); Console.WriteLine(s.Contains('t')); Console.WriteLine(s.Contains('f')); char[] elements = s.ToCharArray(); foreach (char e in elements) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
In the first example, we work with an immutable string.
char[] crs = ['Z', 'e', 't', 'C', 'o', 'd', 'e']; string s = new(crs);
A new immutable string is formed from an array of characters.
char c1 = s[0]; char c2 = s[^1];
Using the array access notation, we get the first and the last char value of the string.
int i1 = s.IndexOf('e'); int i2 = s.LastIndexOf('e');
With the above methods, we get the first and the last occurrence of the character 'e'.
Console.WriteLine(s.Contains('t')); Console.WriteLine(s.Contains('f'));
With the Contains
method we check if the string contains the 't'
character. The method returns a boolean value.
char[] elements = s.ToCharArray(); foreach (char e in elements) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
The ToCharArray
method creates a character array from the string.
We go through the array and print each of the characters.
$ dotnet run Z e The first index of character e is 1 The last index of character e is 6 True False Z e t C o d e
In the second example, we work with the elements of a mutable string.
using System.Text; var sb = new StringBuilder("Misty mountains"); Console.WriteLine(sb); sb.Remove(sb.Length-1, 1); Console.WriteLine(sb); sb.Append('s'); Console.WriteLine(sb); sb.Insert(0, 'T'); sb.Insert(1, 'h'); sb.Insert(2, 'e'); sb.Insert(3, ' '); Console.WriteLine(sb); sb.Replace('M', 'm', 4, 1); Console.WriteLine(sb);
A mutable string is formed. We modify the contents of the string by deleting, appending, inserting, and replacing characters.
sb.Remove(sb.Length-1, 1);
This line deletes the last character.
The deleted character is appended back to the string.
sb.Insert(0, 'T'); sb.Insert(1, 'h'); sb.Insert(2, 'e'); sb.Insert(3, ' ');
We insert four characters at the beginning of the string.
sb.Replace('M', 'm', 4, 1);
Finally, we replace a character at index 4.
$ dotnet run Misty mountains Misty mountain Misty mountains The Misty mountains The misty mountains
C# string Join and Split
The Join
joins strings and the Split
splits the
string[] items = ["C#", "Visual Basic", "Java", "Perl"]; var langs = string.Join(",", items); Console.WriteLine(langs); string[] langs2 = langs.Split(','); foreach (string lang in langs2) { Console.WriteLine(lang); }
In the program we join and split strings.
string[] items = ["C#", "Visual Basic", "Java", "Perl"];
This is an array of strings. These strings are going to be joined.
string langs = string.Join(",", items);
All words from the array are joined. We build one string from them. There will be a comma character between each two words.
string[] langs2 = langs.Split(',');
As a reverse operation, we split the langs string. The Split
returns an array of words, delimited by a character. In our case it is a comma
foreach (string lang in langs2) { Console.WriteLine(lang); }
We go through the array and print its elements.
$ dotnet run C#,Visual Basic,Java,Perl C# Visual Basic Java Perl
C# string StartsWith
The StartsWith
method determines whether this string instance
starts with the specified character.
var words = "club\nsky\nblue\ncup\ncoin\nnew\ncent\nowl\nfalcon\nwar\nice"; using var sr = new StringReader(words); string? line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith('c')) { Console.WriteLine(line); } }
We have a couple of words in a string. We print all words that start with letter c.
$ dotnet run club cup coin cent
C# string EndsWith
The EndsWith
determines whether the end of this string instance
matches a specified string.
var words = "club\nsky\nblue\ncup\ncoin\nnew\ncent\nowl\nfalcon\nwar\nice"; using var sr = new StringReader(words); string? line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.EndsWith('y') || line.EndsWith('n')) { Console.WriteLine(line); } }
In the example, we print all words that end either with n or y.
$ dotnet run sky coin falcon
C# string ToUpper/ToLower
The ToUpper
method converts all of the characters of the string to
upper case. The ToLower
method converts all of the characters of
the string to lower case.
var word1 = "Cherry"; var u_word1 = word1.ToUpper(); var l_word1 = u_word1.ToLower(); Console.WriteLine(u_word1); Console.WriteLine(l_word1); var word2 = "Čerešňa"; var u_word2 = word2.ToUpper(); var l_word2 = u_word2.ToLower(); Console.WriteLine(u_word2); Console.WriteLine(l_word2);
We modify the case of two words.
$ dotnet run CHERRY cherry ČEREŠŇA čerešňa
C# enumerate runes
The EnumerateRunes
method enumerates runes in a string. The Rune
type corresponds exactly to a Unicode scalar value.
var text = "🐄🦙🐘🐫🐑🦝🦍🐯"; var runes = text.EnumerateRunes(); foreach (var rune in runes) { Console.WriteLine(rune); }
We use the EnumerateRunes
method to go over emojis.
$ dotnet run 🐄 🦙 🐘 🐫 🐑 🦝 🦍 🐯
C# string Remove
The Remove
method returns a new string in which a specified number
of characters from the current string are deleted.
var text = "Did you go there? We did, but we had a \"great\" service there."; string[] parts = text.Split(" "); foreach (var part in parts) { var word = removeChars(part); Console.WriteLine(word); } string removeChars(string part) { var word = part; if (part.EndsWith('.') || part.EndsWith('?') || part.EndsWith(',') || part.EndsWith('\"')) { word = part.Remove(part.Length - 1, 1); } if (word.StartsWith('\"')) { word = word.Remove(0, 1); } return word; }
The example splits a string into words and removes potential commas, dots, question marks, or double quotation marks.
if (part.EndsWith('.') || part.EndsWith('?') || part.EndsWith(',') || part.EndsWith('\"')) { word = part.Remove(part.Length - 1, 1); }
If the current word ends with any of the characters, we remove it with
if (word.StartsWith('\"')) { word = word.Remove(0, 1); }
Also, we remove the double quote character if it precedes the string.
$ dotnet run Did you go there We did but we had a great service there
C# Substring
The Substring
method retrieves a substring from a string.
var word = "bookcase"; Console.WriteLine(word.Substring(0, 4)); Console.WriteLine(word.Substring(4, 4)); Console.WriteLine(word.Substring(4));
The example uses the substring method to create two substrings.
Console.WriteLine(word.Substring(0, 4));
We get the first word from the string. The first paramenter is the starting index and the second is the length of the substring.
Console.WriteLine(word.Substring(4, 4));
We get the second word.
This overloaded method starts from the specified index and continues to the end of the string.
$ dotnet run book case case
C# string Palindrome
A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar. There are many ways to check if a string is a palindrome. The following example is one of the possible solutions.
Console.WriteLine(isPalindrome("radar")); Console.WriteLine(isPalindrome("kayak")); Console.WriteLine(isPalindrome("forest")); bool isPalindrome(string original) { char[] data = original.ToCharArray(); int i = 0; int j = data.Length - 1; while (j > i) { if (data[i] != data[j]) { return false; } i++; j--; } return true; }
We have an implementation of the isPalindrome method.
char[] data = original.ToCharArray();
We turn the string into a array of characters.
int i = 0; int j = data.Length - 1; while (j > i) { if (data[i] != data[j]) { return false; } i++; j--; } return true;
We iterate through the array and compare the left side characters with the right side corresponding characters. If all match, we return true, otherwise we return false.
$ dotnet run True True False
C# string Copy vs Clone
We describe a difference between two methods: Copy
and Clone
. The Copy
method creates a new instance of
string with the same value as a specified string. The Clone
returns a reference to the string which is being cloned. It is not an
independent copy of the string on the Heap. It is another reference on the same
string str = "ZetCode"; string cloned = (string) str.Clone(); string copied = string.Copy(str); Console.WriteLine(str.Equals(cloned)); // prints True Console.WriteLine(str.Equals(copied)); // prints True Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquals(str, cloned)); // prints True Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquals(str, copied)); // prints False
Our example demonstrates the difference between the two methods.
string cloned = (string) str.Clone(); string copied = string.Copy(str);
The string value is cloned and copied.
Console.WriteLine(str.Equals(cloned)); // prints True Console.WriteLine(str.Equals(copied)); // prints True
The Equals
method determines whether two string objects have the
same value. The contents of all three strings are the same.
Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquals(str, cloned)); // prints True Console.WriteLine(ReferenceEquals(str, copied)); // prints False
The ReferenceEquals
method compares the two reference objects.
Therefore comparing a copied string to the original string returns false.
Because they are two distinct objects.
C# string format
In the next examples, we format strings. More in-depth coverage is presented in C# String Format article.
The .NET platform has a feature called composite formatting. It is
supported by Format
and WriteLine
methods. A method
takes a list of objects and a composite format string as input. The format
string consists of fixed string and some format items. These format items are
indexed placeholders which correspond to the objects in the list.
The format item has the following syntax:
The index component is mandatory. It is a number starting from 0 that refers to an item from the list of objects. Multiple items can refer to the same element of the list of objects. An object is ignored if it is not referenced by a format item. If we refer outside the bounds of the list of objects, a runtime exception is thrown.
The length component is optional. It is the minimum number of characters in the string representation of the parameter. If positive, the parameter is right-aligned; if negative, it is left-aligned. If it is specified, there must by a colon separating the index and the length.
The formatString is optional. It is a string that formats a value is a specific way. It can be used to format dates, times, numbers or enumerations.
int oranges = 2; int apples = 4; int bananas = 3; string str1 = "There are {0} oranges, {1} apples and {2} bananas"; string str2 = "There are {1} oranges, {2} bananas and {0} apples"; Console.WriteLine(str1, oranges, apples, bananas); Console.WriteLine(str2, apples, oranges, bananas);
We print a simple message to the console. We use only index component of the format item.
string str1 = "There are {0} oranges, {1} apples and {2} bananas";
The {0}
, {1}
, and {2}
are format
items. We specify the index component. Other components are optional.
Console.WriteLine(str1, oranges, apples, bananas);
Now we put together the composite formatting. We have the string and
the list of objects (oranges, apples, bananas). The {0}
format item
refers to the oranges. The WriteLine
replaces the {0}
format item with the contents of the oranges
string str2 = "There are {1} oranges, {2} bananas and {0} apples";
The order of the format items referring to the objects is notation important.
$ dotnet run There are 2 oranges, 4 apples and 3 bananas There are 2 oranges, 3 bananas and 4 apples
The next example formats numeric data.
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1, 12}", "Decimal", "Hexadecimal"); Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 502, 546); Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 345, 765); Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 320, 654); Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 120, 834); Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 620, 454);
We print numbers in a decimal and hexadecimal format. We also align the numbers using the length component.
Console.WriteLine("{0:D} {1,8:X}", 502, 546);;
The {0:D}
format item specifies, the first item from the
list of supplied objects will be taken and formatted in
the decimal format. The {1,8:X}
format item takes the
second item. Formats it in the hexadecimal format :X
And the string length will be 8 characters 8
. Because the
number has only three characters, it is right aligned and
padded with empty strings.
$ dotnet run Decimal Hexadecimal 502 222 345 2FD 320 28E 120 342 620 1C6
The last two examples format numeric and date data.
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number: {0:N}", 126)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Scientific: {0:E}", 126)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Currency: {0:C}", 126)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Percent: {0:P}", 126)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Hexadecimal: {0:X}", 126));
The example demonstrates the standard formatting specifiers for numbers. Number 126 is printed in five different formats: normal, scientific, currency, percent and hexadecimal.
$ dotnet run Number: 126.00 Scientific: 1.260000E+002 Currency: $126.00 Percent: 12,600.00% Hexadecimal: 7E
Finally, we format date and time data.
DateTime today = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Short date: {0:d}", today)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Long date: {0:D}", today)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Short time: {0:t}", today)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Long time: {0:T}", today)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Month: {0:M}", today)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Year: {0:Y}", today));
The code example shows six various formats for current date and time.
$ dotnet run Short date: 1/19/2024 Long date: Friday, January 19, 2024 Short time: 12:41 PM Long time: 12:41:53 PM Month: January 19 Year: January 2024
In this article we have worked with C# strings.
List all C# tutorials.