C# sort List
last modified January 31, 2024
C# sort list tutorial shows how to sort list elements in C# language.
In computer science, sorting is arranging elements in an ordered sequence. Over the years, several algorithms were developed to perform sorting on data, including merge sort, quick sort, selection sort, or bubble sort. (The other meaning of sorting is categorizing; it is grouping elements with similar properties.)
The opposite of sorting, rearranging a sequence of elements in a random or meaningless order, is called shuffling.
Data can be sorted alphabetically or numerically. The sort key specifies the criteria used to perform the sort. It is possible to sort objects by multiple keys. For instance, when sorting users, the names of the users could be used as primary sort key, and their occupation as the secondary sort key.
method or use LINQ's OrderBy
Sorting order
A standard order is called the ascending order: a to z, 0 to 9. The reverse order is called the descending order: z to a, 9 to 0. For dates and times, ascending means that earlier values precede later ones e.g. 1/1/2020 will sort ahead of 1/1/2021.
Stable sort
A stable sort is one where the initial order of equal elements is preserved. Some sorting algorithms are naturally stable, some are unstable. For instance, the merge sort and the bubble sort are stable sorting algorithms. On the other hand, heap sort and quick sort are examples of unstable sorting algorithms.
Consider the following values: 3715593
. A stable
sorting produces the following: 1335579
. The ordering
of the values 3 and 5 is kept. An unstable sorting may produce the following:
C# internally uses a stable sort algorithm.
Sorting in C#
In C#, we can do sorting using the built-in
methods with the Comparison
delegate, the IComparer
, and IComparable
C# List Sort method
The Sort
method sorts the elements or a portion of the elements in
the list.
The method has four overloads:
- Sort(Comparison<T>) - Sorts the elements in the entire List<T> using the specified Comparison<T>.
- Sort(Int32, Int32, IComparer<T>) - Sorts the elements in a range of elements in List<T> using the specified comparer.
- Sort() - Sorts the elements in the entire List<T> using the default comparer.
- Sort(IComparer<T>) - Sorts the elements in the entire List<T> using the specified comparer.
method sorts the list in-place,
while the LINQ's OrderBy
method returns a sorted enumeration of
list elements.
The comparison method
The sorting algorithms are already built into the standard library of the language. If the data is not sorted naturally, we need to provide a comparison method (either a class method or a lambda expression) which tells the underlying sorting algorithm how to sort the data. What attributes to sort and in what way.
public int CompareTo(Card other) { var index = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (index == 0) index = Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); return index; }
For instance, this comparison class method tells to sort the objects by
the Rank
and if the rank is the same, then by Suit
We always compare two elements; in our case, two card objects. The comparison
method returns 0 in case the elements are equal, -1 when the first element is
less than the second, and 1 when the first element is greater than the second.
Oftentimes, our comparison function calls other comparison functions; in our
case, the Rank
and the Suit
are enumerations and we
compare them by the built-in CompareTo
C# List sort integers
The following example sorts integers.
List<int> nums = [2, 1, 8, 0, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9]; nums.Sort(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", nums)); nums.Reverse(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", nums));
C# is using a default comparer method to sort integers numerically. The
method orders the integers in ascending order, while the
method in descending order.
$ dotnet run 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 9,8,7,5,4,3,2,1,0
The following example sorts integers with LINQ. In LINQ, we can choose between the query syntax or the method syntax.
List<int> nums = [2, 1, 8, 0, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9]; var enum1 = from num in nums orderby num select num; foreach (var e in enum1) { Console.Write($"{e} "); } Console.WriteLine(); var enum2 = from num in nums orderby num descending select num; foreach (var e in enum2) { Console.Write($"{e} "); } Console.WriteLine();
The example sorts integers in ascending and descending order using LINQ's query syntax.
$ dotnet run 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 0
C# List sort strings
Like integers, strings are sorted by Sort
alphabetically by default
without any additional effort.
List<string> words = ["falcon", "order", "war", "sky", "ocean", "blue", "cloud", "boy"]; words.Sort(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", words)); words.Reverse(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", words));
The example sorts strings in ascending and descending order.
$ dotnet run blue,boy,cloud,falcon,ocean,order,sky,war war,sky,order,ocean,falcon,cloud,boy,blue
C# List sort accented strings
In order to sort accented strings, we need to provide the appropriate
using System.Globalization; Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("sk-SK"); List<string> words = [ "čaj", "auto", "drevo", "cibuľa", "čučoriedka", "banán", "čerešňa", "červený", "čierny", "cesnak" ]; words.Sort(); foreach (var word in words) { Console.WriteLine(word); }
The example sorts Slovak words. Slovak language has many accented characters such as č or ň.
$ dotnet run auto banán cesnak cibuľa čaj čerešňa červený čierny čučoriedka drevo
The words are sorted correctly according to the Slovak norm.
C# List sort by string length
The following example sorts the list of words by the words' length.
List<string> words = ["falcon", "order", "war", "sky", "ocean", "blue", "cloud", "boy", "by", "raven", "station", "batallion"]; words.Sort((a, b) => a.Length.CompareTo(b.Length)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", words)); words.Sort((a, b) => b.Length.CompareTo(a.Length)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", words));
We need to provide our own comparison method to do the job.
words.Sort((a, b) => a.Length.CompareTo(b.Length)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", words));
We provide an anonymous method to the Sort
method. This method
uses the CompareTo
method of the integer type to compare the
two values. The length of the words is returned with the Length
$ dotnet run by,war,sky,boy,blue,order,ocean,cloud,raven,falcon,station,batallion batallion,station,falcon,order,ocean,cloud,raven,blue,war,sky,boy,by
The following example does the same thing with LINQ.
List<string> words = ["falcon", "order", "war", "sky", "ocean", "blue", "cloud", "boy", "by", "raven", "station", "batallion"]; var res = from word in words orderby word.Length ascending select word; foreach (var word in res) { Console.WriteLine(word); } var res2 = from word in words orderby word.Length descending select word; foreach (var word in res2) { Console.WriteLine(word); }
In the example, we sort the words by their length in asceding and descending order using LINQ query expressions.
C# List sort names by surname
When we want to sort names by their surname, assuming that the whole name is a single string, we need to provide a custom comparison method.
List<string> names = ["John Doe", "Lucy Smith", "Benjamin Young", "Robert Brown", "Thomas Moore", "Linda Black", "Adam Smith", "Jane Smith"]; names.Sort((n1, n2) => n1.Split(" ")[1].CompareTo(n2.Split(" ")[1])); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", names));
To solve this, we split the string into two parts and compare the second part of the string in a lambda expression.
$ dotnet run Linda Black Robert Brown John Doe Thomas Moore Lucy Smith Adam Smith Jane Smith Benjamin Young
Note that the order of the Smiths is kept; this is an example of a stable sorting algorithm.
The following example provides a LINQ solution.
List<string> names = ["John Doe", "Lucy Smith", "Benjamin Young", "Robert Brown", "Thomas Moore", "Linda Black", "Adam Smith", "Jane Smith"]; var res = from name in names orderby name.Split(" ")[1] ascending select name; foreach (var name in res) { Console.WriteLine(name); }
The example sorts the names by their surname using LINQ query expression syntax.
C# List sort case insensitive
To compare strings in a case insensitive manner, we can use the built-in
List<string> words = [ "world", "War", "abbot", "Caesar", "castle", "sky", "den", "forest", "ocean", "water", "falcon", "owl", "rain", "Earth" ]; words.Sort(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); words.ForEach(Console.WriteLine);
The example sorts a list of words in case insensitive order.
$ dotnet run abbot Caesar castle den Earth falcon forest ocean owl rain sky War water world
C# List sort with Comparison
The Comparison
delegate represents the method that compares two
objects of the same type.
List<(string, int)> employees = [ ("John Doe", 1230), ("Adam Novak", 670), ("Robin Brown", 2300), ("Rowan Cruise", 990), ("Joe Draker", 1190), ("Janet Doe", 980), ("Lucy Smith", 980), ("Thomas Moore", 1400) ]; employees.Sort(delegate ((string, int) emp1, (string, int) emp2) { return emp1.Item2.CompareTo(emp2.Item2); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, employees));
In the example, we sort a list of users using an anonymous delegate. Users are sorted by salaries in asceding order.
$ dotnet run (Adam Novak, 670) (Janet Doe, 980) (Lucy Smith, 980) (Rowan Cruise, 990) (Joe Draker, 1190) (John Doe, 1230) (Thomas Moore, 1400) (Robin Brown, 2300)
In the next example, we change the delegate to to lambda expression.
List<(string, int)> employees = [ ("John Doe", 1230), ("Adam Novak", 670), ("Robin Brown", 2300), ("Rowan Cruise", 990), ("Joe Draker", 1190), ("Janet Doe", 980), ("Lucy Smith", 980), ("Thomas Moore", 1400) ]; employees.Sort((e1, e2) => { return e2.Item2.CompareTo(e1.Item2); }); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, employees));
In the example, the users are sorted by salaries in descending order.
$ dotnet run (Robin Brown, 2300) (Thomas Moore, 1400) (John Doe, 1230) (Joe Draker, 1190) (Rowan Cruise, 990) (Janet Doe, 980) (Lucy Smith, 980) (Adam Novak, 670)
C# List sort with IComparable
The IComparable
interface defines a generalized type-specific
comparison method that a value type or class implements to order or sort its
The IComparable
interface is best suited for smaller, compact types
for which the sorting is obvious.
List<Employee> employees = [ new ("John Doe", 1230), new ("Adam Novak", 670), new ("Robin Brown", 2300), new ("Rowan Cruise", 990), new ("Joe Draker", 1190), new ("Janet Doe", 980), new ("Lucy Smith", 980), new ("Thomas Moore", 1400) ]; employees.Sort(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, employees)); record Employee(string Name, int Salary) : IComparable<Employee> { public int CompareTo(Employee? other) { if (other == null) return 1; return other.Salary.CompareTo(Salary); } };
We have an Employee
record with a built-in comparison method which
sorts the employees by their salary in ascending order.
$ dotnet run Employee { Name = Robin Brown, Salary = 2300 } Employee { Name = Thomas Moore, Salary = 1400 } Employee { Name = John Doe, Salary = 1230 } Employee { Name = Joe Draker, Salary = 1190 } Employee { Name = Rowan Cruise, Salary = 990 } Employee { Name = Janet Doe, Salary = 980 } Employee { Name = Lucy Smith, Salary = 980 } Employee { Name = Adam Novak, Salary = 670 }
C# List sort with IComparer
The IComparer
interface defines a comparison method that a value
type or class implements to order or sort its instances.
With IComparer
we have more flexibility; we can define multiple
comparers or update existing ones without touching the type itself. Also, it has
a more clean design, since we separate the sorting implementation from the type.
List<(string, int)> employees = [ ("John Doe", 1230), ("Adam Novak", 670), ("Robin Brown", 2300), ("Rowan Cruise", 990), ("Joe Draker", 1190), ("Janet Doe", 980), ("Lucy Smith", 980), ("Thomas Moore", 1400) ]; employees.Sort(new SurnameComparer()); employees.ForEach(employee => Console.WriteLine(employee)); class SurnameComparer : IComparer<(string, int)> { public int Compare((string, int) e1, (string, int) e2) { return e1.Item1.Split()[1].CompareTo(e2.Item1.Split()[1]); } }
In the example, we sort the employees by their surnames.
$ dotnet run (Robin Brown, 2300) (Rowan Cruise, 990) (John Doe, 1230) (Janet Doe, 980) (Joe Draker, 1190) (Thomas Moore, 1400) (Adam Novak, 670) (Lucy Smith, 980)
C# List sort tuples
The following example sorts a list of tuples.
List>(string Name, int Grade)> data = [ ("Patrick", 89), ("Lucia", 92), ("Veronika", 72), ("Robert", 78), ("Maria", 65), ("Andrea", 51), ("Ondrej", 45) ]; data.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.Grade.CompareTo(s2.Grade)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", data)); data.Sort((s1, s2) => s2.Grade.CompareTo(s1.Grade)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", data));
In the example, we have a list of tuples representing students and their grades. We sort the tuples by grade in ascending and descending order.
$ dotnet run (Ondrej, 45), (Andrea, 51), (Maria, 65), (Veronika, 72), (Robert, 78), ... (Lucia, 92), (Patrick, 89), (Robert, 78), (Veronika, 72), (Maria, 65), ...
C# List sort objects
In the following example, we sort a list of User
List<User> users = [ new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("Lucy", "Novak", 670), new ("Ben", "Walter", 2050), new ("Robin", "Brown", 2300), new ("Joe", "Draker", 1190), new ("Janet", "Doe", 980), ]; users.Sort((u1, u2) => u1.LastName.CompareTo(u2.LastName)); users.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); record User(string FirstName, string LastName, int Salary);
We have a list of user objects. The user has three attributes: first name, last name, and salary. We sort the list by users' last names.
users.Sort((u1, u2) => u1.LastName.CompareTo(u2.LastName));
In the lambda expression, we compare the LastName
property of the
two elements.
$ dotnet run User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Salary = 2300 } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1230 } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1230 } User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Salary = 980 } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Salary = 1190 } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Salary = 670 } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Salary = 2050 }
Next we sort users by their salaries.
List<User> users = [ new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("Lucy", "Novak", 670), new ("Ben", "Walter", 2050), new ("Robin", "Brown", 2300), new ("Joe", "Draker", 1190), new ("Janet", "Doe", 980), ]; Console.WriteLine("sort ascending by salary"); var enum1 = from user in users orderby user.Salary select user; foreach (var e in enum1) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("sort descending by salary"); var enum2 = from user in users orderby user.Salary descending select user; foreach (var e in enum2) { Console.WriteLine(e); } record User(string FirstName, string LastName, int Salary);
The example sorts a list of user objects by users' salaries. It uses the LINQ query syntax.
$ dotnet run sort ascending by salary User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Salary = 670 } User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Salary = 980 } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Salary = 1190 } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1230 } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Salary = 2050 } User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Salary = 2300 } -------------------------- sort descending by salary User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Salary = 2300 } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Salary = 2050 } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1230 } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Salary = 1190 } User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Salary = 980 } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Salary = 670 }
C# List sort DateTime
In the following example, we sort a list of users by their birthdays.
List<User> users = [ new ("John", "Doe", new DateTime(1983, 9, 4)), new ("Lucy", "Novak", new DateTime(1978, 11, 18)), new ("Ben", "Walter", new DateTime(1998, 12, 1)), new ("Robin", "Brown", new DateTime(2001, 2, 14)), new ("Joe", "Draker", new DateTime(1980, 1, 10)), new ("Janet", "Doe", new DateTime(1967, 8, 23)), ]; Console.WriteLine("sort ascending by birthday"); users.Sort((u1, u2) => DateTime.Compare(u1.Birthday, u2.Birthday)); users.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("sort descending by birthday"); var enum1 = users.OrderByDescending(e => e.Birthday); foreach (var u in enum1) { Console.WriteLine(u); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("sort ascending by birthday"); var enum2 = from user in users orderby user.Birthday select user; foreach (var u in enum2) { Console.WriteLine(u); } record User(string FirstName, string LastName, DateTime Birthday);
In the example, we sort the list of user objects by their birthdays using
the Sort
method, and using LINQ query syntax and method syntax.
$ dotnet run sort ascending by birthday User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 8/23/1967 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Birthday = 11/18/1978 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Birthday = 1/10/1980 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 9/4/1983 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Birthday = 12/1/1998 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Birthday = 2/14/2001 12:00:00 AM } -------------------------- sort descending by birthday User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Birthday = 2/14/2001 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Birthday = 12/1/1998 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 9/4/1983 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Birthday = 1/10/1980 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Birthday = 11/18/1978 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 8/23/1967 12:00:00 AM } -------------------------- sort ascending by birthday User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 8/23/1967 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Birthday = 11/18/1978 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Birthday = 1/10/1980 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Birthday = 9/4/1983 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Birthday = 12/1/1998 12:00:00 AM } User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Birthday = 2/14/2001 12:00:00 AM }
C# List sort objects by multiple fields
The following example sorts user objects by multiple fields.
List<User> users = [ new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("Lucy", "Novak", 670), new ("Ben", "Walter", 2050), new ("Robin", "Brown", 2300), new ("Amy", "Doe", 1250), new ("Joe", "Draker", 1190), new ("Janet", "Doe", 980), new ("Albert", "Novak", 1930), ]; users.Sort((u1, u2) => { int result = u1.LastName.CompareTo(u2.LastName); return result == 0 ? u1.Salary.CompareTo(u2.Salary) : result; }); Console.WriteLine("sort ascending by last name and salary"); foreach (var user in users) { Console.WriteLine(user); } record User(string FirstName, string LastName, int Salary);
In the example, we sort users first by last names and then by salaries.
users.Sort((u1, u2) => { int result = u1.LastName.CompareTo(u2.LastName); return result == 0 ? u1.Salary.CompareTo(u2.Salary) : result; });
First, the users are compared by their LastName
property. If
the comparison returns 0, that is their last names are equal, we compare their
$ dotnet run sort ascending by last name and salary User { FirstName = Robin, LastName = Brown, Salary = 2300 } User { FirstName = Janet, LastName = Doe, Salary = 980 } User { FirstName = John, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1230 } User { FirstName = Amy, LastName = Doe, Salary = 1250 } User { FirstName = Joe, LastName = Draker, Salary = 1190 } User { FirstName = Lucy, LastName = Novak, Salary = 670 } User { FirstName = Albert, LastName = Novak, Salary = 1930 } User { FirstName = Ben, LastName = Walter, Salary = 2050 }
The next example sorts by multiple fields with LINQ methods.
List<User> users = [ new ("John", "Doe", 1230), new ("Lucy", "Novak", 670), new ("Ben", "Walter", 2050), new ("Robin", "Brown", 2300), new ("Amy", "Doe", 1250), new ("Joe", "Draker", 1190), new ("Janet", "Doe", 980), new ("Albert", "Novak", 1930), ]; Console.WriteLine("sort ascending by last name and salary"); var enum1 = users.OrderBy(u => u.LastName).ThenBy(u => u.Salary); foreach (var user in enum1) { Console.WriteLine(user); } record User(string FirstName, string LastName, int Salary);
The users are sorted with OrderBy
and ThenBy
C# List sort by rating
Image that we have a rating system which cannot be sorted alphabetically. For instance, rating can have values such as C, C+, C-. One solution is to use enumerations.
List<Product> products = [ new() { Name = "Product A", ProdRat = Rating.A }, new() { Name = "Product B", ProdRat = Rating.AMinus }, new() { Name = "Product C", ProdRat = Rating.B }, new() { Name = "Product D", ProdRat = Rating.APlus }, new() { Name = "Product E", ProdRat = Rating.D }, new() { Name = "Product F", ProdRat = Rating.C }, new() { Name = "Product G", ProdRat = Rating.CMinus }, new() { Name = "Product G", ProdRat = Rating.CPlus }, ]; Console.WriteLine("sorted by rating ascending"); products.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.ProdRat.CompareTo(p2.ProdRat)); foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product); } Console.WriteLine("---------------------"); Console.WriteLine("sorted by rating descending"); products.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.ProdRat.CompareTo(p1.ProdRat)); foreach (var product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product); } enum Rating { D, DPlus, CMinus, C, CPlus, B, BPlus, BMinus, AMinus, A, APlus } class Product { private readonly Dictionary<Rating, string> ratings = new() { {Rating.APlus, "A+"}, {Rating.A, "A"}, {Rating.AMinus, "A-"}, {Rating.BPlus, "B+"}, {Rating.B, "B"}, {Rating.BMinus, "B-"}, {Rating.CPlus, "C+"}, {Rating.C, "C"}, {Rating.CMinus, "C-"}, {Rating.DPlus, "D+"}, {Rating.D, "D"} }; public string? Name { get; init; } public Rating ProdRat { get; init; } public override string ToString() { return $"{Name} has rating {ratings[ProdRat]}"; } }
In the example, we sort products by their ratings.
products.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.ProdRat.CompareTo(p2.ProdRat));
In the lambda expression, we compare the product ranking enumerations with
enum Rating { D, DPlus, CMinus, C, CPlus, B, BPlus, BMinus, AMinus, A, APlus }
We have an enumeration of ratings. Internally, the values are given integer numbers where Rating.D has the lowest value and Rating.APlus the highest.
private readonly Dictionary<Rating, string> ratings = new() { {Rating.APlus, "A+"}, {Rating.A, "A"}, {Rating.AMinus, "A-"}, {Rating.BPlus, "B+"}, {Rating.B, "B"}, {Rating.BMinus, "B-"}, {Rating.CPlus, "C+"}, {Rating.C, "C"}, {Rating.CMinus, "C-"}, {Rating.DPlus, "D+"}, {Rating.D, "D"} };
In this dictionary, we assign string representations to our ranking enums.
$ dotnet run sorted by rating ascending Product E has rating D Product G has rating C- Product F has rating C Product G has rating C+ Product C has rating B Product B has rating A- Product A has rating A Product D has rating A+ --------------------- sorted by rating descending Product D has rating A+ Product A has rating A Product B has rating A- Product C has rating B Product G has rating C+ Product F has rating C Product G has rating C- Product E has rating D
The products are sorted by their ratings in ascending and descending orders.
C# List sort cards
In the next example, we sort cards. The Card
object implements
the IComparable
iterface. The interface is used in cases where
natural ordering of objects is possible.
In Poker and similar card games, the card value is determined by its rank.
And if needed, by its suit. There is only one possible way of sorting cards in
Poker; therefore, we can use the IComparable
List<Card> cards = [ new (Rank.King, Suit.Diamonds), new (Rank.Five, Suit.Hearts), new (Rank.Ace, Suit.Clubs), new (Rank.Nine, Suit.Spades), new (Rank.Jack, Suit.Spades), new (Rank.Jack, Suit.Diamonds) ]; cards.Sort(); foreach (var card in cards) { Console.WriteLine(card); } enum Rank { Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace } enum Suit { Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades } class Card(Rank rank, Suit suit) : IComparable<Card> { private Rank Rank { get; set; } = rank; private Suit Suit { get; set; } = suit; public int CompareTo(Card? other) { if (other == null) return 1; var index = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (index == 0) index = Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); return index; } public override string ToString() { return $"{Rank} of {Suit}"; } }
In the example, we sort cards.
List<Card> cards = [ new (Rank.King, Suit.Diamonds), new (Rank.Five, Suit.Hearts), new (Rank.Ace, Suit.Clubs), new (Rank.Nine, Suit.Spades), new (Rank.Jack, Suit.Spades), new (Rank.Jack, Suit.Diamonds) ];
We have a list of six cards that we want to sort.
class Card : IComparable<Card>
The Card
implements the IComparable
This forces us to implement its CompareTo
public int CompareTo(Card? other) { if (other == null) return 1; var index = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (index == 0) index = Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); return index; }
In the CompareTo
method, we first compare the rank of the card.
If the rank is the same, we compare the suit.
Without any parameters, the Sort
method calls the built-in
to sort the data.
$ dotnet run Five of Hearts Nine of Spades Jack of Diamonds Jack of Spades King of Diamonds Ace of Clubs
We have two cards of the same rank -- Jacks. The Jack of Spades has a higher rank that the Jack of Diamonds.
In this article we sorted list elements in C# language.
List all C# tutorials.