C# Path
last modified July 5, 2023
C# Path tutorial shows how to work with file and directory path information in C#. The operations are performed in a cross-platform manner. C# tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial on C# language.
The Path
is located in the System.IO
With the Path
class, we can easily figure out the root path, the
directory name of the file, its extension or create a random file name.
C# Path.GetPathRoot
The Path.GetPathRoot
method returns the root directory information
from the path contained in the specified character span.
var path = "/home/janbodnar/tmp/"; var root = Path.GetPathRoot(path); Console.WriteLine(root);
The example prints the root path of the specified path.
$ dotnet run /
C# Path.GetDirectoryName
The Path.GetDirectoryName
returns the directory information for the
specified path represented by a character span.
var path = "/home/janbodnar/words.txt"; var dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); Console.WriteLine(dirName);
The example prints the directory name of the specified path.
$ dotnet run /home/janbodnar
C# Path.GetFullPath
The Path.GetFullPath
returns the absolute path for the specified
path string.
var path = "."; var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path); Console.WriteLine(fullPath);
The example prints the full path of the current working directory.
$ dotnet run /home/janbodnar/Documents/prog/c#/path/FullPath
C# Path.GetRandomFileName
The Path.GetRandomFileName
returns a random directory or file name.
var randFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); Console.WriteLine(randFileName); Console.WriteLine(Path.GetTempPath());
The example prints an example of a randomly generated file name.
$ dotnet run j1wtvfxj.zrh
C# Path filename and extension
The Path.GetExtension
returns the extension (including the period)
of the specified path string. The Path.GetFileName
returns the
file name and extension of a file path represented by a read-only character span.
The Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
returns the file name without
the extension of a file path represented by a read-only character span.
var path = "/home/janbodnar/words.txt"; var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(path); Console.WriteLine(fileExt); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); Console.WriteLine(fileName); var fileNameWithoutExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); Console.WriteLine(fileNameWithoutExt);
The example prints the extension, the file name, and the file name without the extension of the specified path.
$ dotnet run .txt words.txt words
C# Path.Combine
The Path.Combine
combines strings into a path.
var fullPath1 = Path.Combine("/home", "janbodnar", "words.txt"); Console.WriteLine(fullPath1); var fullPath2 = Path.Combine("/home/janbodnar/", "/home/janbodnar/words2.txt"); Console.WriteLine(fullPath2);
The example concatenates individual strings into a single string that represents a file path.
$ dotnet run /home/janbodnar/words.txt /home/janbodnar/words2.txt
Path class - language reference
In this article we have worked with path strings in C#.
List all C# tutorials.