C# Math
last modified July 5, 2023
In this article we cover common mathematical functions found in System.Math.
The System.Math
provides constants and static methods for
trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.
C# Math.Abs
The Math.Abs
function returns the absolute value of a specified
number. The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign.
var vals = new int[] { -1, 2, 0, -3, -2, 9, 7 }; foreach (var e in vals) { Console.WriteLine(Math.Abs(e)); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); int sum = 0; foreach (var e in vals) { sum += e; } Console.WriteLine(sum); sum = 0; foreach (var e in vals) { sum += Math.Abs(e); } Console.WriteLine(sum);
We have an array of integers. First, we print the absolute value of all integers. Then we calculate the sum of all values and sum of all absolute values.
$ dotnet run 1 2 0 3 2 9 7 ----------------- 12 24
C# Math.Ceiling & Math.Floor
The Match.Ceiling
function computes the smallest integer that is
greater than or equal to x. The Math.Floor
function returns the
largest integer less than or equal to x.
decimal[] vals = { 6.07m, 6.64m, 0.12m, -0.12m, -6.13m, -6.65m }; Console.WriteLine("{0,7} {1,16} {2,14}", "Numer", "Ceiling", "Floor"); foreach (var e in vals) { Console.WriteLine("{0,7} {1,16} {2,14}", e, Math.Ceiling(e), Math.Floor(e)); }
In the example, we use the Math.Ceiling
and Math.Floor
functions on an array of decimal numbers.
$ dotnet run Numer Ceiling Floor 6.07 7 6 6.64 7 6 0.12 1 0 -0.12 0 -1 -6.13 -6 -7 -6.65 -6 -7
C# Math.Pow, Math.Sqrt, & Math.Cbrt
The Math.Pow
function returns a specified number raised to the
specified power. The Math.Sqrl
returns the square root of a
specified number. The Math.Cbrt
returns the cube root of a
specified number.
int x = 3; int y = 81; double res = Math.Pow(x, 5); Console.WriteLine(res); res = Math.Sqrt(y); Console.WriteLine(res); res = Math.Cbrt(y); Console.WriteLine(res);
In the example, we use the power, square root and cube root functions.
$ dotnet run 243 9 4.326748710922225
C# Math.BigMul
The Math.BigMul
is used to calculate large numbers.
long res = Math.BigMul(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); Console.WriteLine(res); long res2 = (long) int.MaxValue * int.MaxValue; Console.WriteLine(res2);
The example calculates the product of two large integers.
$ dotnet run 4611686014132420609 4611686014132420609
C# Math.DivRem
The Math.DivRem
calculates and returns both the quotient and the
int x = 10; int y = 3; int rem = 0; double quo = Math.DivRem(x, y, out rem); Console.WriteLine($"Quotient: {quo} Remainder: {rem}"); quo = x / y; rem = x % y; Console.WriteLine($"Quotient: {quo} Remainder: {rem}");
In the example, we use the Math.DivRem
and the %
operators to calculate quotient and remainder values.
$ dotnet run Quotient: 3 Remainder: 1 Quotient: 3 Remainder: 1
C# Math.PI
The number π is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
double radius = 5; double circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius; Console.WriteLine(circumference); double area = Math.PI * Math.Pow(radius, 2); Console.WriteLine(area);
With the help of the Math.PI
constant and Math.Pow
function, we compute the circumference and area of a circle.
$ dotnet run 31.41592653589793 78.53981633974483
Math class - language reference
In this article we have covered common mathematical functions found in System.Math.
List all C# tutorials.