
C# IComparer

last modified January 22, 2024

In this article we show how to compare values in C# with IComparer interface.

Unlike simple types such as numbers and latin strings, more complex types do not have an intrinsic ordering. We have to define the ordering ourselves. In C#, we can use for this task the Comparison delegate, the IComparer, and IComparable interfaces, or LINQ.

C# IComparer interface

The IComparer interface defines a comparison method that a value type or class implements to order or sort its instances.

This interface is used with the List.Sort and List.BinarySearch methods. It provides a way to customize the sort order of a collection. SortedDictionary and SortedList are among the classes that implement this interface.

Compare(T, T)

The Compare method compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.

The interface is used by types that we do not have control over; in other words by code that we have not written. If the code is developed by ourselves, we can use the IComparable interface instead.

With IComparer we have more flexibility; we can define multiple comparers or update existing ones without touching the type itself. Also, it has a more clean design, since we separate the sorting implementation from the type.

C# IComparer example

In the following example, we sort a list of employees.

var employees = new List<(string, int)> 
    ("John Doe", 1230),
    ("Adam Novak", 670),
    ("Robin Brown", 2300),
    ("Rowan Cruise", 990),
    ("Joe Draker", 1190),
    ("Janet Doe", 980),
    ("Lucy Smith", 980),
    ("Thomas Moore", 1400)

employees.Sort(new SalaryComparer());
employees.ForEach(employee => Console.WriteLine(employee));

class SalaryComparer : IComparer<(string, int)> 
    public int Compare((string, int) emp1, (string, int) emp2) 
        return emp1.Item2.CompareTo(emp2.Item2);

In the example, we provide an implementation of the Compare in the SalaryComparer. We create objects with value types.

public int Compare((string, int) emp1, (string, int) emp2) 
    return emp1.Item2.CompareTo(emp2.Item2);

The implementation of the Compare method sorts the employees by their salary.

employees.Sort(new SalaryComparer());

We sort the list. The method takes the implemented Compare method into account when sorting.

$ dotnet run
(Adam Novak, 670)
(Janet Doe, 980)
(Lucy Smith, 980)
(Rowan Cruise, 990)
(Joe Draker, 1190)
(John Doe, 1230)
(Thomas Moore, 1400)
(Robin Brown, 2300)

C# IComparer example II

In the following example, we sort an array of users.

User[] users =
    new ("Robin", "bookseller"),
    new ("John", "gardener"),
    new ("John", "writer"),
    new ("Janet", "teacher"),
    new ("Andrew", "driver"),
    new ("Lucy", "accountant")

Array.Sort(users, new OccupationComparer());

foreach (var user in users)

record User(string Name, string Occupation);

class OccupationComparer : IComparer<User>
    public int Compare(User? u1, User? u2)
        if (u1 == null && u2 == null) return 0;
        if (u1 == null) return -1;
        if (u2 == null) return 1;
        return u1.Occupation.CompareTo(u2.Occupation);

The example sorts an array of users in ascending order. To create objects, we use records.

public int Compare(User? u1, User? u2)
    if (u1 == null && u2 == null) return 0;
    if (u1 == null) return -1;
    if (u2 == null) return 1;
    return u1.Occupation.CompareTo(u2.Occupation);

The method sorts by the occupation. By definition, non-null objects are greater than nulls.

Array.Sort(users, new OccupationComparer());

We pass the comparer to the Array.Sort method.

$ dotnet run
User { Name = Lucy, Occupation = accountant }
User { Name = Robin, Occupation = bookseller }
User { Name = Andrew, Occupation = driver }
User { Name = John, Occupation = gardener }
User { Name = Janet, Occupation = teacher }
User { Name = John, Occupation = writer }

C# StringComparer

StringComparer is a built-in comparer for comparing strings. It represents a string comparison operation that uses specific case and culture-based or ordinal comparison rules.

List<string> words =
    "sky", "blue", "Church", "cup", "Adam", "also", "Bratislava", "bear", "snow",
    "carpet", "water", "volcano", "smell", "forest", "Earth"

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", words));


Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", words));

A list of words is compared with StringComparer using Ordinal and OrdinalIgnoreCase rules.

$ dotnet run
Adam, Bratislava, Church, Earth, also, bear, blue, carpet, cup, forest, sky, ...
Adam, also, bear, blue, Bratislava, carpet, Church, cup, Earth, forest, sky, ...

C# LINQ Order with IComparer

The LINQ's Order and OrderDescending have overloaded variants which take the IComparer as a parameter.

List<string> words = [
    "world", "War", "abbot", "Caesar", "castle", "sky", "den",
    "forest", "ocean", "water", "falcon", "owl", "rain", "Earth"

var sorted = words.Order(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();


var sorted2 = words.OrderDescending(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList();

In the program, we sort a list of words with Order and OrderDescending. We pass the StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase to the methods.

$ dotnet run

C# IComparer multiple fields

In the following example, we compare by two fields.

List<User> users =
    new ("Robin", "bookseller"),
    new ("Simon", "teacher"),
    new ("Arnold", "teacher"),
    new ("John", "gardener"),
    new ("Adam", "gardener"),
    new ("Peter", "gardener"),
    new ("John", "writer"),
    new ("Janet", "teacher"),
    new ("Andrew", "driver"),
    new ("Lucy", "accountant"),
    new ("Michael", "teacher")

users.Sort(new OccupationNameReverseComparer());

foreach (var user in users)

record User(string Name, string Occupation);

class OccupationNameReverseComparer : IComparer<User>
    public int Compare(User? u1, User? u2)
        if (u1 == null && u2 == null) return 0;
        if (u1 == null) return -1;
        if (u2 == null) return 1;

        int res = u1.Occupation.CompareTo(u2.Occupation);

        if (res == 0)
            res = u2.Name.CompareTo(u1.Name);

        return res;

We have users with the same occupation. In such a case, we then compare their names.

public int Compare(User? u1, User? u2)
    if (u1 == null && u2 == null) return 0;
    if (u1 == null) return -1;
    if (u2 == null) return 1;

    int res = u1.Occupation.CompareTo(u2.Occupation);

    if (res == 0)
        res = u2.Name.CompareTo(u1.Name);

    return res;

First, we compare users by their Occupation fields. If they are equal, we compare their Name fields. The way we compare the names result in descending sorting order.

$ dotnet run 
User { Name = Lucy, Occupation = accountant }
User { Name = Robin, Occupation = bookseller }
User { Name = Andrew, Occupation = driver }
User { Name = Peter, Occupation = gardener }
User { Name = John, Occupation = gardener }
User { Name = Adam, Occupation = gardener }
User { Name = Simon, Occupation = teacher }
User { Name = Michael, Occupation = teacher }
User { Name = Janet, Occupation = teacher }
User { Name = Arnold, Occupation = teacher }
User { Name = John, Occupation = writer }


IComparer interface

In this article we have used IComparer interface to sort data in C#.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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