
C# exception

last modified July 5, 2023

In this article we show how to work with exceptions in C#.

An exception represents an error that occurs during application execution.

During the execution of our application many things might go wrong. A disk might get full and we cannot save our file. An Internet connection might go down while our application tries to connect to a site. These errors might cause problems including an application crash. It is a responsibility of a programmer to handle errors that can be anticipated.

The try, catch and finally keywords are used to work with exceptions.

Exception is the base class for all exceptions. The errors are reported by exceptions being thrown. After an exception is thrown, it is handled by the application or by the default exception handler. The exception contains information about the error.

Different kinds of exceptions are thrown during the development of the application and after the development has finished. Developers receive exceptions with lots of technical details, while users get only short, basic informative messages.

C# catching exception

The catch keyword is used to catch an exception that is thrown.

int x = 100;
int y = 0;
int z;

    z = x / y;
catch (ArithmeticException e)
    Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred");

In the above program, we intentionally divide a number by zero. This leads to an error. Note that this is a scholarly example to demonstrate how exceptions work. In reality, division by error is a program error which is resolved by ensuring that the denominator is not zero.

    z = x / y;

Statements that are error prone are placed in the try block.

catch (ArithmeticException e)
    Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred");

Exception types follow the catch keyword. In our case we have an ArithmeticException. This exception is thrown for errors in an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation. Statements that follow the catch keyword are executed when an error occurs. When an exception occurs, an exception object is created. From this object we get the Message property and print it to the console.

$ dotnet run
An exception occurred
Attempted to divide by zero.

C# uncaught exception

Any uncaught exception in the current context propagates to a higher context and looks for an appropriate catch block to handle it. If it can't find any suitable catch blocks, the default mechanism of the .NET runtime will terminate the execution of the entire program.

int x = 100;
int y = 0;

int z = x / y;


In this program, we divide by zero. There is no no custom exception handling.

$ dotnet run
Unhandled exception. System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.

The C# compiler gives the above error message.

C# IOException

The IOException is thrown when an I/O error occurs. In the following example we read the contents of a file.

var fs = new FileStream("langs.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

    var sr = new StreamReader(fs);
    string? line;

    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

catch (IOException e)
    Console.WriteLine("IO Error");
    Console.WriteLine("Inside finally block");

    if (fs != null)

The statements following the finally keyword are always executed. It is often used for clean-up tasks, such as closing files or clearing buffers.

catch (IOException e)
    Console.WriteLine("IO Error");

In this case, we catch for a specific IOException exception.

    Console.WriteLine("Inside finally block");

    if (fs != null)

These lines guarantee that the file handler is closed.

$ cat langs.txt

These are the contents of the langs.txt file.

$ dotnet run
Inside finally block

C# multiple exceptions

We often need to deal with multiple exceptions.

int x;
int y;
double z;

    Console.Write("Enter first number: ");
    x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

    Console.Write("Enter second number: ");
    y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

    z = x / y;
    Console.WriteLine("Result: {0:N} / {1:N} = {2:N}", x, y, z);
catch (DivideByZeroException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Cannot divide by zero");

catch (FormatException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Wrong format of number.");

In this example, we catch for various exceptions. Note that more specific exceptions should precede the generic ones. We read two numbers from the console and check for zero division error and for wrong format of number.

$ dotnet run
Enter first number: we
Wrong format of number.
Input string was not in a correct format.

C# custom exception

Custom exceptions are user defined exception classes that derive from the System.Exception class.

int x = 340004;
const int LIMIT = 333;

    if (x > LIMIT)
        throw new BigValueException("Exceeded the maximum value");
catch (BigValueException e)

class BigValueException : Exception
    public BigValueException(string msg) : base(msg) { }

We assume that we have a situation in which we cannot deal with big numbers.

class BigValueException : Exception

We have a BigValueException class. This class derives from the built-in Exception class.

const int LIMIT = 333;

Numbers bigger than this constant are considered to be "big" by our program.

public BigValueException(string msg) : base(msg) {}

Inside the constructor, we call the parent's constructor. We pass the message to the parent.

if (x > LIMIT)
    throw new BigValueException("Exceeded the maximum value");

If the value is bigger than the limit, we throw our custom exception. We give the exception a message "Exceeded the maximum value".

catch (BigValueException e)

We catch the exception and print its message to the console.

$ dotnet run
Exceeded the maximum value


Exceptions and Exception Handling

In this article we worked with exceptions in C#.


My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.

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