C# deconstruct
last modified July 18, 2023
C# deconstruct tutorial shows how to perform deconstructing operation: unpacking variables from types in C#.
Deconstructing is unpacking types into single pieces; for instance, a tuple into its items or a class into its properties.
C# deconstruct tuple
In the next example we deconstruct tuples into items.
var user = ("John", "Doe", "gardener"); var (firstName, lastName, occupation) = user; Console.WriteLine(firstName); Console.WriteLine(lastName); Console.WriteLine(occupation); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); var (fn, ln, oc) = getUser(); Console.WriteLine(fn); Console.WriteLine(ln); Console.WriteLine(oc); (string, string, string) getUser() { var fname = "John"; var lname = "Doe"; var occupation = "gardener"; return (fname, lname, occupation); }
A user tuple has three items; these items are unpacked into separate variables.
var (firstName, lastName, occupation) = user;
Here, we perform the deconstructing operation;
$ dotnet-script tuple_dec.csx John Doe gardener ----------------- John Doe gardener
Discards can be used for items that are not needed.
var user = ("John", "Doe", "gardener"); var (fname, lname, _) = user; Console.WriteLine($"{fname} {lname}")
In this program, we use a discard for the third value.
C# deconstruct dictionary
A dictionary consists of key/value pairs. These pairs can be unpacked into two separate variables.
var domains = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"sk", "Slovakia"}, {"ru", "Russia"}, {"de", "Germany"}, {"no", "Norway"} }; foreach ((string k, string v) in domains) { Console.WriteLine($"{k}: {v}"); }
In a foreach loop, we unpack each pair into k
and v
$ dotnet-script dict_dec.csx sk: Slovakia ru: Russia de: Germany no: Norway
C# deconstruct class
To deconstruct classes, we have to implement the Deconstruct
var u = new User("John", "Doe", "gardener"); var (fname, lname, occupation) = u; Console.WriteLine($"{fname} {lname} is a(n) {occupation}"); var (fn, ln) = u; Console.WriteLine($"{fn} {ln}"); class User { string FirstName { get; set; } string LastName { get; set; } string Occupation { get; set; } public User(string fname, string lname, string occupation) { FirstName = fname; LastName = lname; Occupation = occupation; } public void Deconstruct(out string fname, out string lname) { fname = FirstName; lname = LastName; } public void Deconstruct(out string fname, out string lname, out string occupation) { fname = FirstName; lname = LastName; occupation = Occupation; } }
We can have multiple Deconstruct
var u = new User("John", "Doe", "gardener"); var (fname, lname, occupation) = u;
Here, we deconstruct the User
type into three variables.
var (fn, ln) = u; Console.WriteLine($"{fn} {ln}");
Here, we deconstruct the user into two variables.
public void Deconstruct(out string fname, out string lname) { fname = FirstName; lname = LastName; }
The variables that are deconstructed have the out
$ dotnet-script class_dec.csx John Doe is a(n) gardener John Doe
C# deconstruct record
Record types with positional parameters are automatically deconstructed; the
compiler creates the Deconstruct
method for us.
var user = new User("John", "Doe", "gardener"); var (firstName, lastName, occupation) = user; Console.WriteLine($"{firstName} {lastName} is a(n) {occupation}"); record User(string FirstName, string LastName, string Occupation);
In the example, we unpack the User
C# deconstruct extension method
In the next example, we create a Deconstruct
extension method.
var dt = new DateTime(2021, 9, 16); (int year, int month, int day) = dt; Console.WriteLine(year); Console.WriteLine(month); Console.WriteLine(day); public static class MyExtension { public static void Deconstruct(this DateTime dateTime, out int year, out int month, out int day) { year = dateTime.Year; month = dateTime.Month; day = dateTime.Day; } }
The program defines a Deconstruct
method for the
type; it unpacks the type into its year, month, and day
$ dotnet run 2021 9 16
Deconstructing tuples and other types
In this article we have worked with deconstructing operations in C#.
List all C# tutorials.