SQLite Python tutorial
The e-book has 192 pages. It has 106 code examples. It covers database programming with Python and SQLite in great detail. It is an ideal material for those who already know some basics of database systems and the Python language. Carefully chosen examples always focus on one important aspect. (Unless it is a more complex example.) Buying this e-book you will save a lot of hours searching on the Internet, asking on forums and figuring things on your own. What took the author months and weeks to find out, you will get in days and hours. The e-book is written in plain English.
The code examples were tested on Linux and Windows. Python 3.8.1 on Windows 10 and Python 3.8.6 on Linux. After purchasing the e-book, you will be redirected to a page, where you can download a ZIP file. With the PDF file, you will also obtain all code examples.
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The e-book price is 16 €.
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About this tutorial
This is SQLite Python e-book. This e-book is a tutorial, which teaches database programming with SQLite database and Python language. It is an in-depth e-book, which covers many areas in great detail.
This e-book covers the following:
- Terms and concepts
- Execution of SQL statements
- Data types
- Reading data
- Foreign keys
- Date & time
- Custom functions
- Collation
- Binary data
- Metadata
- Authorization
- Transactions
- SQLAlchemy
- PyQt5 QtSql module
The first chapter presents a quick overview of important terms and concepts related to our field. In the second chapter, we cover all the methods used for executing SQL statements. We show how to properly execute SQL statements to avoid SQL injections.
The Data types chapter examines the dynamic type system of the SQLite database. We describe the data types of the SQLite database and the conversion between them and the types of the Python language. The next chapter shows various ways of reading data from the database.
The fifth chapter covers foreign keys in the SQLite database. We cover the ISO-8601 format, Unix time, UTC time, conversions or Julian date among others.
In the Custom functions chapter, we have examples for normal and aggregate custom functions. The Collation chapter deals with ordering and sorting of characters. We mention the SQLite's limitations in this area and show how to create our custom collations.
In the Binary data chapter, we work with images. We show how to insert and read an image. The Metadata chapter has multiple examples for dealing with metadata in SQLite.
The Authorization chapter focuses on the authorization process available in SQLite. The Transactions chapter provides several code examples with transaction support.
The SQLAlchemy chapter gives a brief but sufficient introduction to the SQLAlchemy Object-relational mapper. The last chapter is dedicated to QtSql module of the PyQt5 toolkit.
The following two screenshots are from the last chapter, which deals with the QtSql module of the PyQt5 toolkit.