Ruby object-oriented programming II
last modified October 18, 2023
In this part of the Ruby tutorial, we continue talking about object-oriented programming in Ruby.
We start with attribute accessors. We cover class constants, class methods and operator overloading. We define polymorphism and show how it is used in Ruby. We also mention modules and exceptions.
Ruby attribute accessors
All Ruby variables are private. It is possible to access them only via methods.
These methods are often called setters and getters. Creating a setter and a
getter method is a very common task. Therefore Ruby has convenient methods to
create both types of methods. They are attr_reader
and attr_accessor
The attr_reader
creates getter methods. The attr_writer
method creates setter methods and instance variables for this setters.
The attr_accessor
method creates both getter, setter methods
and their instance variables.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Car attr_reader :name, :price attr_writer :name, :price def to_s "#{@name}: #{@price}" end end c1 = c2 = = "Porsche" c1.price = 23500 = "Volkswagen" c2.price = 9500 puts "The #{} costs #{c1.price}" puts c1 puts c2
We have a Car class. In the definition of the class, we use
the attr_reader
and attr_writer
create two getter and setter methods for the Car class.
attr_reader :name, :price
Here we create two instance methods named name and price.
Note that the attr_reader
takes symbols of methods
as parameters.
attr_writer :name, :price
The attr_writer
creates two setter methods named
name and price and two instance variables, @name
. = "Porsche" c1.price = 23500
In this context, two setter methods are called to fill instance variables with some data.
puts "The #{} costs #{c1.price}"
Here two getter methods are called to get data from
the instance variables of the c1
$ ./arw.rb The Porsche costs 23500 Porsche: 23500 Volkswagen: 9500
As we already stated above, the attr_accessor
creates getter, setter methods and their instance variables.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Book attr_accessor :title, :pages end b1 = b1.title = "Hidden motives" b1.pages = 255 p "The book #{b1.title} has #{b1.pages} pages"
We have a Book
class in which the attr_accessor
creates two pairs of methods and two instance variables.
class Book attr_accessor :title, :pages end
The attr_accessor
method that sets up title and
pages methods and @title
and @pages
instance variables.
b1 = b1.title = "Hidden motives" b1.pages = 255
An object of a Book
class is created. Two setter methods
fill the instance variables of the object.
p "The book #{b1.title} has #{b1.pages} pages"
In this code line we use two getter methods to read the values of the instance variables.
$ ./accessor.rb "The book Hidden motives has 255 pages"
Ruby class constants
Ruby enables you to create class constants. These constants do not belong to a concrete object. They belong to the class. By convention, constants are written in uppercase letters.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class MMath PI = 3.141592 end puts MMath::PI
We have a MMath
class with a PI
PI = 3.141592
We create a PI
constant. Remember that constants in Ruby
are not enforced.
puts MMath::PI
We access the PI
constant using the ::
$ ./class_constant.rb 3.141592
Running the example we see this output.
Ruby to_s method
Each object has a to_s
method. It returns a
string representation of the object. Note that when
the puts
method takes an object as a parameter,
the to_s
of the object is being called.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Being def to_s "This is Being class" end end b = puts b.to_s puts b
We have a Being class in which we override the default implementation
of the to_s
def to_s "This is Being class" end
Each class created inherits from the base Object
The to_s
method belongs to this class.
We overwrite the to_s
method and create a new implementation.
We provide a human-readable description of our object.
b = puts b.to_s puts b
We create a Being class and call the to_s
twice. The first time explicitly, the second time implicitly.
$ ./tostring.rb This is Being class This is Being class
This is what we get when we run the example.
Ruby operator overloading
Operator overloading is a situation where different operators have different implementations depending on their arguments.
In Ruby there is only a slight distinction between an operator and a method.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Circle attr_accessor :radius def initialize r @radius = r end def +(other) @radius + other.radius end def to_s "Circle with radius: #{@radius}" end end c1 = 5 c2 = 6 c3 = c1 + c2 puts c3
In the example, we have a Circle
class. We overload
the +
operator in the class. We use it to add two circle objects.
def +(other) @radius + other.radius end
We define a method with a +
name. The method adds
the radiuses of two circle objects.
c1 = 5 c2 = 6 c3 = c1 + c2
We create two circle objects. In the third line, we add these two objects to create a new one.
$ ./operator_overloading.rb Circle with radius: 11
Adding these two circle objects creates a third with a radius of 11.
Ruby class methods
Ruby methods can be divided into class methods and instance methods. Class methods are called on a class. They cannot be called on an instance of a class.
Class methods cannot access instance variables.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Circle def initialize x @r = x end def "This is a Circle class" end def area @r * @r * 3.141592 end end p c = 3 p c.area
The above code example presents a Circle
class. Apart
from a constructor method, it has one class and one instance method.
def "This is a Circle class" end
Methods that start with a self
keyword are class methods.
def area "Circle, radius: #{@r}" end
Instance methods do not start with the self keyword.
We call a class method. Note that we call the method on a class name.
c = 3 p c.area
To call an instance method, we must first create an object.
Instance methods are always called on an object. In our case, the
variable holds the object and we call the area method on the
circle object. We utilize a dot operator.
$ ./class_methods.rb "This is a Circle class" 28.274328
There are three ways to create a class method in Ruby.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Wood def "This is a Wood class" end end class Brick class << self def info "This is a Brick class" end end end class Rock end def "This is a Rock class" end p p p
The example has three classes. Each of them has one class method.
def "This is a Wood class" end
Class methods may start with a self
class << self def info "This is a Brick class" end end
Another way is to put a method definition after the
class << self
def "This is a Rock class" end
$ ./classmethods2.rb "This is a Wood class" "This is a Brick class" "This is a Rock class"
We see the output of calling all three class methods on a
, Brick
, and Rock
Three ways to create an instance method in Ruby
Ruby has three basic ways to create instance methods. Instance methods belong to an instance of an object. They are called on an object using a dot operator.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Wood def info "This is a wood object" end end wood = p class Brick attr_accessor :info end brick = = "This is a brick object" p class Rock end rock = def "This is a rock object" end p
In the example we create three instance objects from a Wood,
a Brick
and a Rock
class. Each object
has one instance method defined.
class Wood def info "This is a wood object" end end wood = p
This is probably the most common way to define and call an instance method. The
info method is defined inside the Wood
class. Later, the object is
created and we call the info method on the object instance.
class Brick attr_accessor :info end brick = = "This is a brick object" p
Another way is to create a method using the attribute accessors. This is a
convenient way which saves some typing for the programmer. The
creates two methods, the getter and the setter method
It also creates an instance variable which stores the data. The brick object is
created and the data is stored in the @info
variable using the info
setter method. Finally, the message is read by the info getter method.
class Rock end rock = def "This is a rock object" end p
In the third way we create an empty Rock
class. The
object is instantiated. Later, a method is dynamically
created and placed into the object.
$ ./three_ways.rb "This is a wood object" "This is a brick object" "This is a rock object"
Ruby polymorphism
Polymorphism is the process of using an operator or function in different ways for different data input. In practical terms, polymorphism means that if class B inherits from class A, it doesn't have to inherit everything about class A; it can do some of the things that class A does differently.
In general, polymorphism is the ability to appear in different forms. Technically, it is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes. Polymorphism is concerned with the application of specific implementations to an interface or a more generic base class.
Note that there is some difference in the definition of the polymorphism in statically typed languages like C++, Java or C# and dynamically typed languages like Python or Ruby. In statically typed languages it is important when the compilers determine the method definition, at compile time or at run time. In dynamically typed languages we concentrate on the fact that methods with the same name do different things.
#!/usr/bin/ruby class Animal def make_noise "Some noise" end def sleep puts "#{} is sleeping." end end class Dog < Animal def make_noise 'Woof!' end end class Cat < Animal def make_noise 'Meow!' end end [,,].each do |animal| puts animal.make_noise animal.sleep end
We have a simple inheritance hierarchy. There is an Animal
base class
and two descendants, a Cat
and a Dog
. Each of these three
classes has its own implementation of the make_noise
method. The implementation
of the method of the descendants replaces the definition of a method in
the Animal
class Dog < Animal def make_noise 'Woof!' end end
The implementation of the make_noise method
in the
class replaces the implementation of the
of the Animal
[,,].each do |animal| puts animal.make_noise animal.sleep end
We create an instance of each class. We call
and sleep
methods on the objects.
$ ./polymorhism.rb Some noise Animal is sleeping. Woof! Dog is sleeping. Meow! Cat is sleeping.
Ruby modules
A Ruby Module
is a collection of methods, classes, and constants.
Modules are similar to classes with a few differences. Modules cannot
have instances and cannot subclasses.
Modules are used to group related classes, methods and constants can be put into separate modules. This also prevents name clashes, because modules encapsulate the objects they contain. In this regard, Ruby modules are similar to C# namespaces and Java packages.
Modules also support the use of mixins in Ruby. A mixin is a Ruby facility to create multiple inheritance. If a class inherits functionality from more than one class, we speak of multiple inheritance.
#!/usr/bin/ruby puts Math::PI puts Math.sin 2
Ruby has a built-in Math
module. It has multiple
methods and a constant. We access the PI constant by using the :: operator.
Methods are accessed by a dot operator as in classes.
#!/usr/bin/ruby include Math puts PI puts sin 2
If we include a module in our script, we can refer to the
Math objects directly, omitting the Math name. Modules are added
to a script using the include
$ ./modules2.rb 3.141592653589793 0.9092974268256817
In the following example, we show how modules can be used to organize code.
#!/usr/bin/ruby module Forest class Rock ; end class Tree ; end class Animal ; end end module Town class Pool ; end class Cinema ; end class Square ; end class Animal ; end end p p p p p
Ruby code can be grouped semantically. Rocks and trees belong to a forest. Pools, cinemas, squares belong to a town. By using modules our code has some order. Animals can be in a forest and in a town too. In a single script, we cannot define two animal classes. They would clash. Putting them in different modules we solve the issue.
p p p
We are creating objects that belong to a forest and to a town. To access an object in a module, we use the :: operator.
p p
Two different animal objects are created. The Ruby interpreter can tell between them. It identifies them by their module name.
$ ./modules3.rb #<Forest::Tree:0x97f35ec> #<Forest::Rock:0x97f35b0> #<Town::Cinema:0x97f3588> #<Forest::Animal:0x97f3560> #<Town::Animal:0x97f3538>
The final code example of this section will demonstrate multiple inheritance using Ruby modules. In this context the modules are called mixins.
#!/usr/bin/ruby module Device def switch_on ; puts "on" end def switch_off ; puts "off" end end module Volume def volume_up ; puts "volume up" end def vodule_down ; puts "volume down" end end module Pluggable def plug_in ; puts "plug in" end def plug_out ; puts "plug out" end end class CellPhone include Device, Volume, Pluggable def ring puts "ringing" end end cph = cph.switch_on cph.volume_up cph.ring
We have three modules and one class. The modules represent some functionality. A device can be swiched on and off. Many objects can share this functionality, including televisions, mobile phones, computers or refrigerators. Rather than creating this ability to be swiched on/off for each object class, we separate it in one module, which can be included in each object if necessary. This way the code is better organized and more compact.
module Volume def volume_up ; puts "volume up" end def vodule_down ; puts "volume down" end end
A Volume module organizes methods that are responsible for controlling the volume level. If a device needs these methods, it simply includes the module to its class.
class CellPhone include Device, Volume, Pluggable def ring puts "ringing" end end
A cell phone adds all three modules with the include
The methods of the modules are mixed in the CellPhone
class. And
are available for the instances of the class. The CellPhone
has also its own ring method that is specific to it.
cph = cph.switch_on cph.volume_up cph.ring
A CellPhone
object is created and we call three methods
upon the object.
$ ./mixins.rb on volume up ringing
Running the example gives this output.
Ruby exceptions
Exceptions are objects that signal deviations from the normal flow of program execution. Exceptions are raised, thrown or initiated.
During the execution of our application, many things might go wrong. A disk might get full and we cannot save our file. An Internet connection might go down and our application tries to connect to a site. All these might result in a crash of our application. To prevent this from happening, we should anticipate and respond to errors in expected program operation. For this, we can use the exception handling.
Exceptions are objects. They are descendants of a built-in Exception
class. Exception objects carry information about the exception. Its type
(the exception's class name), an optional descriptive string, and optional
traceback information. Programs may subclass Exception
, or more often
, to obtain custom Exception objects that provide additional
information about operational anomalies.
#!/usr/bin/ruby x = 35 y = 0 begin z = x / y puts z rescue => e puts e p e end
In the above program, we intentionally divide a number by zero. This leads to an error.
begin z = x / y puts z
Statements that can fail are placed after the begin
rescue => e puts e p e end
In the code following the rescue
keyword, we deal with an exception.
In this case, we print the error message to the console. The e is an exception object
that is created when the error occurs.
$ ./zero_division.rb divided by 0 #<ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0>
In the output of the example, we see the message of the exception. The
last line shows the exception object called ZeroDivisionError
A programmer may raise exceptions himself using the raise
#!/usr/bin/ruby age = 17 begin if age < 18 raise "Person is a minor" end puts "Entry allowed" rescue => e puts e p e exit 1 end
The entrance to a club is not allowed for people younger than 18 years. We simulate this situation in our Ruby script.
begin if age < 18 raise "Person is a minor" end puts "Entry allowed"
If the person is a minor, an exception is raised. If the raise
keyword does not have a specific exception as a parameter, a RuntimeError
exception is raised setting its message to the given string. The code does
not reach the puts "Entry allowed"
line. The execution of the code
is interrupted and it continues at the rescue block.
rescue => e puts e p e exit 1 end
In the rescue block, we print the error message and the string representation
of the RuntimeError
object. We also call the exit
to inform the environment that the execution of the script ended in error.
$ ./raise_exception.rb Person is a minor #<RuntimeError: Person is a minor> $ echo $? 1
The person, a minor, was not allowed to enter the club.
The bash $?
variable is set to the exit error of the script.
Ruby's ensure
clause creates a block of code that always
executes, whether there is an exception or not.
Garnet Topaz Opal Amethyst Ruby Jasper Pyrite Malachite Quartz
#!/usr/bin/ruby begin f ="stones.txt", "r") while line = f.gets do puts line end rescue => e puts e p e ensure f.close if f end
In the code example, we try to open and read the stones file. I/O operations are error prone. We could easily have an exception.
ensure f.close if f end
In the ensure block we close the file handler. We check if the handler exists because it might not have been created. Allocated resources are often placed in the ensure block.
We can create our own custom exceptions if we want. Custom exceptions in Ruby
should inherit from theStandardError
#!/usr/bin/ruby class BigValueError < StandardError ; end LIMIT = 333 x = 3_432_453 begin if x > LIMIT raise BigValueError, "Exceeded the maximum value" end puts "Script continues" rescue => e puts e p e exit 1 end
Let's say we have a situation in which we cannot deal with big numbers.
class BigValueError < StandardError ; end
We have a BigValueError
class. This class derives from the built-in
LIMIT = 333
Numbers which exceed this constant are considered to be "big" by our program.
if x > LIMIT raise BigValueError, "Exceeded the maximum value" end
If the value is bigger than the limit, we throw our custom exception. We give the exception a message "Exceeded the maximum value".
$ ./custom_exception.rb Exceeded the maximum value #<BigValueError: Exceeded the maximum value>
In this chapter we finished talking about object-oriented programming in Ruby language.