Cheerio tutorial
last modified last modified October 18, 2023
In this article we show how to do web scraping in JavaScript with Cheerio module. Cheerio implements the core of jQuery designed for the server.
Cheerio is a fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
It parses markup and provides an API for traversing/manipulating the resulting data structure. I
Cheerio selectors
In Cherrion, we use selectors to select tags of an HTML document. The selector syntax was borrowed from jQuery.
The following is a partial list of available selectors:
- $("*") — selects all elements
- $("#first") — selects the element with
" - $(".intro") — selects all elements with
- $("div") — selects all
elements - $("h2, div, p") — selects all
<h2>, <div>, <p>
elements - $("li:first") — selects the first
element - $("li:last") — selects the last
element - $("li:even") — selects all even
elements - $("li:odd") — selects all odd
elements - $(":empty") — selects all elements that are empty
- $(":focus") — selects the element that currently has focus
Installing Cheerio and Node fetch
We install cheerio and node-fetch modules. Node Fetch is a package to create requests in JavaScript.
$ nodejs -v v18.2.0
We use Node version 18.2.0.
$ npm i cheerio $ npm i node-fetch
We install cheerio
and node-fetch
Cheerio title
In the first example, we get the title of the document.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let title = $('title'); console.log(title.text());
The example retrieves the title of an HTML document.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio';
We include cheerio
and node-fetch
const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text();
We create a GET request to the web page. We get the response object and from the response object, we get its body.
let $ = cheerio.load(body);
First, we load the HTML document. To mimic jQuery, we use the
let title = $('title');
The selector returns the title
With the text
method, we get the text of the title
$ node main.js My html page
The example prints the title of the document.
Cheerio get parent element
The parent element is retrieved with parent
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let title = $('title'); let parentEl = title.parent(); console.log(parentEl.get(0).tagName);
We get the parent of the title
$ node main.js head
Cheerio first & last element
The first element of a cheerio object can be found with first
the last element with last
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let head = $('head'); let fel = head.children().first(); let lel = head.children().last(); console.log(fel.get(0).tagName); console.log(lel.get(0).tagName);
The example prints the first and last element of the main
let head = $('head');
We select the head
let fel = head.children().first(); let lel = head.children().last();
We get the first and the last element from the main
console.log(fel.get(0).tagName); console.log(lel.get(0).tagName);
We find out the tag names.
$ node main.js meta title
Cheerio add element
The append
method adds a new element at the end
of the specified tag.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let bodyEl = $('body'); bodyEl.append('<p>An old falcon</p>'); let content = $('body').html(); let items = content.split('\n'); items.forEach((e) => { console.log(e.trim()); });
In the example, we add a paragraph to the body tag and print it to the console.
bodyEl.append('<p>An old falcon</p>');
We append a new paragraph.
let content = $('body').html();
We get the HTML of the body
let items = content.split('\n'); items.forEach((e) => { console.log(e.trim()); });
We print the contents and strip some whitespace.
Cheerio insert after element
With after
, we can insert an element after a tag.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = '' const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); $('div').after('<footer>This is a footer</footer>') console.log($.html());
In the example, we insert a footer
element after the
Cheerio loop over elements
With each
, we can loop over elements.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = '' const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); $('tr').each((_, e) => { let row = $(e).text().replace(/(\s+)/g, ' '); console.log(`${row}`); });
The example loops over tr
tags and prints the text of the elements.
$ node main.js Id Name Population 1 China 1382050000 2 India 1313210000 3 USA 324666000 4 Indonesia 260581000 5 Brazil 207221000 6 Pakistan 196626000 ...
Cherio get nth element
With the nth-child
pseudo-class, we can select the nth element
of a certain tag.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = '' const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let el9 = $('tr:nth-child(9)'); let res = el9.text().trim(); console.log(res.replace(/(\s+)/g, ' '));
In the example, we select the ninth element of the list of most populated countries in the world.
$ node main.js 9 Russia 146838000
Cheerio get element attributes
Attributes can be retrieved with attr
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let lnEl = $('link'); let attrs = lnEl.attr(); console.log(attrs.rel); console.log(attrs.href);
In the example, we get the rel
and href
attributes of
the link
$ node main.js stylesheet format.css
Cheerio filter elements
We can use filter
to apply a filter on the elements.
import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { load } from 'cheerio'; const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); const body = await response.text(); let $ = load(body); let all = $('*'); let res = all.filter((i, e) => { return $(e).children().length === 2; }); let items = res.get(); items.forEach(e => { console.log(; });
In the example, we find out all elements of the document that contain two children.
let all = $('*');
The *
selector selects all elements.
let res = all.filter((i, e) => { return $(e).children().length === 2; });
On the retrieved elements, we apply a filter. An element is included in the filtered list only if it contains exactly two children.
let items = res.get(); items.forEach(e => { console.log(; });
We go through the filtered list and print the names of the elements.
$ node main.js html body
In this article we have done web scraping in JavaScript with the Cheerio library.