
Getting SQLite metadata with Ruby

last modified July 6, 2020

Metadata is information about the data in a database. Metadata in SQLite contains information about the tables and columns in which we store data. The number of rows that an SQL statement affects is metadata. The number of rows and columns returned in a result set are metadata as well.

Metadata in SQLite can be obtained using the PRAGMA command. SQLite objects may have attributes, which are metadata. Finally, we can also obtain specific metatada from querying the SQLite system sqlite_master table.


require 'sqlite3'

    db = SQLite3::Database.open "test.db"
    pst = db.prepare "SELECT * FROM Cars LIMIT 6"    
    puts pst.columns
    puts pst.types
    puts pst.column_count
rescue SQLite3::Exception => e 
    puts "Exception occurred"
    puts e
    pst.close if pst
    db.close if db

In the above example, we get the column names, column types, and the number of columns of a prepared statement.

puts pst.columns
puts pst.types
puts pst.column_count

These three methods return the column names, column types, and the number of columns of a prepared statement.

$ ./cols_fields.rb

The output shows three column names: Id, Name, and Price. The types are INTEGER, TEXT, and INT.

The following example shows how to retrieve the number of changes produced by a particular SQL command.


require 'sqlite3'

    db = SQLite3::Database.new ":memory:"
    db.execute "CREATE TABLE Friends(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT)"
    db.execute "INSERT INTO Friends(Name) VALUES ('Tom')"
    db.execute "INSERT INTO Friends(Name) VALUES ('Rebecca')"
    db.execute "INSERT INTO Friends(Name) VALUES ('Jim')"
    db.execute "INSERT INTO Friends(Name) VALUES ('Robert')"
    db.execute "INSERT INTO Friends(Name) VALUES ('Julian')"
    db.execute "DELETE FROM Friends WHERE Id IN (3, 4, 5)"
    n = db.changes
    puts "There has been #{n} changes"
rescue SQLite3::Exception => e 
    puts "Exception occurred"
    puts e
    db.close if db

We create a Friends table in memory. In the last SQL command, we delete three rows. We use the changes method to get the number of changes done by the last SQL operation.

db.execute "DELETE FROM Friends WHERE Id IN (3, 4, 5)"

In this SQL statement, we delete three rows.

n = db.changes
puts "There has been #{n} changes"

We find out the number of changes done by the last SQL statement.

$ ./changes.rb
There has been 3 changes

Example output.

In the next example, we will find out some data about the Cars table.


require 'sqlite3'

    db = SQLite3::Database.open "test.db" 
    stm = db.prepare "PRAGMA table_info('Cars')" 
    rs = stm.execute 
    rs.each do |row|
        puts row.join "\s"
rescue SQLite3::Exception => e 
    puts "Exception occurred"
    puts e
    stm.close if stm
    db.close if db

In this example, we issue the PRAGMA table_info(tableName) command to get some metadata info about our Cars table.

stm = db.prepare "PRAGMA table_info('Cars')" 
rs = stm.execute 

The PRAGMA table_info(Cars) command returns one row for each column in the Cars table. Columns in the result set include the column order number, column name, data type, whether or not the column can be NULL, and the default value for the column.

rs.each do |row|
    puts row.join "\s"

We iterate over the result set and print the data.

$ ./table_info.rb
0 Id INTEGER 0  1
1 Name TEXT 0  0
2 Price INT 0  0

Output of the example.

Next we will print 5 rows from the Cars table with their column names.


require 'sqlite3'

    db = SQLite3::Database.open "test.db"

    rows = db.execute2 "SELECT * FROM Cars LIMIT 5"
    rows.each do |row|
        puts "%3s %-8s %s" % [row[0], row[1], row[2]]
rescue SQLite3::Exception => e 
    puts "Exception occurred"
    puts e
    db.close if db

We print five rows of the Cars table to the console. Now, we include the names of the columns too. The records are aligned with the column names.

rows = db.execute2 "SELECT * FROM Cars LIMIT 5"

The execute2 method executes the given SQL statement. The first row returned is the names of the columns.

rows.each do |row|
    puts "%3s %-8s %s" % [row[0], row[1], row[2]]

The data is retrieved, formatted, and printed to the terminal.

$ ./column_names.rb
 Id Name     Price
  1 Audi     52642
  2 Mercedes 57127
  3 Skoda    9000
  4 Volvo    29000
  5 Bentley  350000


In our last example related to the metadata, we will list all tables in the test.db database.


require 'sqlite3'

    db = SQLite3::Database.open "test.db"
    rows = db.execute <<SQL
        SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
            WHERE type='table'
            ORDER BY name;"
    rows.each do |row|
        puts row
rescue SQLite3::Exception => e 
    puts "Exception occurred"
    puts e
    db.close if db

The code example prints all available tables in the current database to the terminal.

    rows = db.execute <<SQL
        SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
            WHERE type='table'
            ORDER BY name;"

The table names are retrieved from the sqlite_master table.

$ ./list_tables.rb

These were the tables on our system.

In this part of the SQLite Ruby tutorial, we have worked with database metadata.